Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If Obama had issued these protectionist tariffs, that Trump did do you think the right would be behind him or calling for his head?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) July 13th, 2018

Do you think the right would be about time he is looking out for American interests, or would they be screaming he is alienating our allies and going to start a trade war that will cost a lot of jobs?

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26 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He would get blamed either way. Catch 22. Some people complain anyway. It is like a spectator sport.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Rhetorical question.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Of course they would have been against them. But to be fair, most politicians on the right are against them now (though some are quieter about it than others). While a lot of the problems that congressional Republicans have with Trump are behavioral, the tariffs are a clear policy disagreement and the party leadership has pushed back against them several times (though to no avail).

seawulf575's avatar

The other side of this question: If Obama had issued these protectionist tariffs, would the left be against him?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Or if Obama accused Mexico of exporting murderers and rapists to America, declared Germany a Russian vassal, insulted the Prime Minister of Great Britain to her face, announced himself to be a “stable genius”, bribed hookers, surrounded himself with incompetents and criminals…...

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would like to think both sides would have been against him @seawulf575 ,these tariffs are going to cost a great many jobs, a lot of those in the states ,and deny it if you want but it is happening with the farmers in the states as of now.
The rest will happen a little later.
Anyways can you answer a simple question without deflecting is that at all possible??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@stanleybmanly they would have had him fitted for a nice jacket that ties behind the back, and let him stay in a room with nice soft walls.
And did you see he even insulted the Queen,I would have thought he might have enough class to at least do that, but NO, but I guess a “stable genius” doesn’t need or require diplomacy or class.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m not sure the tariffs are a bad thing. They may very well end up being so, but it is an effort to level the playing field between the USA and other countries. If Obama had offered up these tariffs, I’d feel the same way. But the problem is that would have actually been looking out for the national interests of the US which is not something Obama did. In fact if he had offered up these tariffs, it probably would have be one of the only things he did for the national interest.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Giving every citizen healthcare. Yeah. Obama just hated Americans… What a joke…

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 back up for a sec. Do you truly believe that Obama did very little in the interests of the United States?

MrGrimm888's avatar

As with most thongs Trump, it’s important to note how he’s pursuing his policies. Obama would never have openly insulted other world leaders. He wouldn’t have bragged about hurting people, and being great.

I really wonder how Trump would be viewed by the world, if his policies were the same, but he wasn’t an asshole…

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly yes, I truly believe that Obama did nothing for the interests of the US. Healthcare? If you call doubling and tripling costs and cutting availability of doctors help, then maybe. I don’t. What else? He created ISIS with his foreign policy. He let Russia go nuts. He let NK go nuts. He tried getting us into giving up our sovereignty to the UN. He did nothing towards border security. Just where did he actually help the country?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Nobody said Obamacare was perfect. Keep in mind that it needed lots of people to enroll. The GOP fought success for the ACA, by making harder to enroll, and spreading misinformation about the program.
This was years ago, so I don’t have any articles hanging around….

If as many people who were eligible signed up, it would have been a good thing for the country. It’s an ignorant oversimplification, to simply call the beginnings of universal health care a bad idea…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 it was a hugely bad piece of legislation to start with. That is why (a) Obama and the Dems had to lie to make it sound appealing, (b) why Obama changed his tune on no new taxes for ACA when Justice Roberts stated that the penalty as a penalty was unconstitutional, but as a tax it was acceptable, (c) Obama had to violate the Constitution to change the law as it was written so that it wouldn’t look quite so bad and the impact on society (that the Repubs warned about) wouldn’t come to pass right away. This was in the form of postponing the employer mandates. The ACA specified when those had to be enacted. Obama unilaterally decided not to follow the law….to change it instead. If you have to lie about it, if you have to change it on the fly, if it damages healthcare and drives up cost, it isn’t a good bill.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Every bill is lied about, to a degree. Obama was forced to employ many law bending tactics, to get around the obstructionist congress. We’ll see how you feel about it, if the dems do well in the midterms. Because then Trump will have to navigate similar terrain.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And passing tariffs that go against legal contracts signed on by all countries involved isn’t breaking the law?
Going up against China when they hold so much US debt?
That got the US soy bean farmers out,that looking out for US interests?
You keep saying Obama started Isis , keep saying that with “Lock her up” that seems to be the Rep/con way.
He let Russia go nuts?? I guess the sanctions that Trump now wants to lift was nothing.
He let NK go nuts, and Trump sure is keeping them in check, Trump promised NK that the US will pull out of military exercises in the area , and NK will LOOK at denuclearization great deal,for NK.
You like to inform yourself, read up on Smoot and Hawley, then come back and say yeah Trump these tariffs are a great idea.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 ACA was lied about more than a degree. $2500 per person savings? Like your doctor keep your doctor? No new taxes? The list goes on. All were lies. And Obama was forced to use many law bending tactics to get around an obstructionist congress? He didn’t bend anything…he broke it. Several times. And it had nothing to do with obstructionist congress. He got ACA passed the way he wanted it with all Dems. The only problem was that it was a nightmare and he knew that if it rolled out the way the law specified it would be a tremendous slam on the country with millions more losing their health insurance in the first year. So he just rewrote the law. That isn’t bending, it’s breaking. The POTUS doesn’t get to rewrite laws.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The tariffs were actually in accordance with the law and not a violation of NAFTA. That’s why Canada hasn’t protested officially. Working with (or against) China isn’t a crime either. We in this country have been under unfair trade conditions for so long, the rest of the world believes it is wrong for us to try changing things. President Trump is attempting to level playing fields. Why is that wrong?
Obama did, indeed, create ISIS. ISIS (as ISIS) started out of the rebels in Syria. These rebels were mainly Al-Qaeda soldiers. Obama armed and trained them with our resources. Shortly after that, ISIS split off and started on their run of destruction. So Obama not only armed and trained a known terrorist group that had killed thousands on US soil, but gave them what they needed to become really nasty on the world front.
As for the Russians…remember Crimea? Yeah…Obama as a world leader sat back and let that happen. Much the way a bad mother says stop that repeatedly to a bad-acting child that is ignoring her. If he had been an actual leader and worried about us as a nation he would have worked much harder than that to stop Putin.
NK is pretty much the same story. Un going crazy, testing rockets, threatening war against us and Obama….did nothing. He let it happen. At least President Trump took action against NK and got Un to the table to talk. No guarantees he will hold to any agreements, but things seem to have settled down a little.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You have a very warped view of things.
I like how you say Trump “took action,” against NK. Nope. Unless you count stopping our joint military exercises with SK.

Trump couldn’t congratulate himself enough. But he did nothing. Latest intel is that NK is improving it’s missile and nuclear program. Many experts claimed that Trump misunderstood how deliberate the language in the negotiations needed to be, and the intended vagueness of the North Koreans’.
Trump also made multiple mistakes during the meeting that the NK regime will be able to point to as “wins,” for their image and propaganda.

Saying Obama did nothing (which isn’t true,) and bragging about Trump’s concessions to NK makes you look pretty uninformed and biased.

And I see you started raving about Obama “breaking the laws.” Again. I don’t agree with you there, and you can shout about until you’re blue in face, but it never happened, and Obama isn’t the POTUS anymore.

You would do your future arguments great service by not flat out lying. “Obama created ISIS.” What a load of crap.

Obama did arm Syrian rebels. He was smart enough to only give them small arms. No anti-tank, or anti-aircraft weapons. Of course some ended up in ISIS’s hands, they were taken from captured, or killed rebels. Many vehicles used by ISIS were left over from the Iraq war, and abandoned by scared Iraqi soldiers.

The elephant in the room of course is that there would have never been AL Queda, or ISIS, if not for former US policies and most obviously the Iraq wars, and the reactionary effects of 9/11. Brought on almost entirely from republican leadership.

And who trained,and armed Osama Bin Laden? The mastermind of 9/11?

The Republicans are great at setting the kitchen on fire, and getting mad at the firefighters for burnt stuff. The Republicans started multiple military conflicts that have ultimately led to destabilization of the middle east that has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and the ruining of hundreds of millions of lives. The chain reaction helped lead to a financial apocalypse, that Republicans would blame on Obama. And of course, the refugee crisis in Europe, is also a ramification of Republican actions.

It’s time to stop throwing your lies around.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey Obama did warn Putin over and over,like a Mother scolding a child, then he did slap sanctions against them as a foreign power what more could he do?
An armed conflict? yeah that would go over well.
And can I say those sanctions that your beloved Trump now wants to lift, guess that showed Russia who’s boss.
As for NK a brutal dictator that Trump admires, you say Obama did nothing, a big force of US military in that region showing ole Kim that if he really does try anything that the US is ready.
That same force that Trump now wants to withdraw from the area????
Plus they have had sanctions against them for years, what more do you want an armed invasion?
And talk about Crimea, Trump was massively unaware that Russia even invaded Crimea,remember when asked what he thought about Russia taking over Crimea ,He said now listen Russia will never do that, it stunned the reporter he came back and said uh they did do it about a year ago, Trump just shrugged and said nobody told him.
As for the tariffs, you want a level playing field what is the poor little usa so taken advantage of, I guess you got mad when Canada didn’t want heavily subsidized US dairy farmers dumping milk up here.
The US has a huge trading surplus with Canada, so just what is levelling the field?
PLUS did you or Trump NOT think that all the countries involved in Trumps easy to win trade war wouldn’t fire back with tariffs of their own?

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s what I think squeeky. I think Trump thought he could just bully other countries, like he had bullied those he had advantages over in business. That seems to be his only strategy.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think that is it on the head @MrGrimm888 .
Not one Rep/con has come forward and said what the US is being taken advantage of on the note of trade, just they want a level playing field.
Especially when the US has a huge trading surplus with Canada, what are we evil Canucks doing?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 your story is amusing. Wasn’t it you and the rest of the liberals on here that were screaming about what President Trump was doing with NK? That he was going to start WWIII? You all claimed he was being too radical and action oriented and that he was going to start a war. Then, when he started negotiations, you complained that he was just buddy-buddy with old Kim Jong-Un. Now you say he did nothing. so which is it? Was he too tough or too easy or did nothing? That is the problem with arguing with liberals, their stories never stay the same. And now you will tell me you never said he was too tough and going to start a war. Got it.
As for Obama breaking the laws…he did. We have been over this again and again. I have given you lists of the crimes he committed. And yes…he did it with the ACA as well. I have already pointed out to you how, but in true liberal fashion, you are in full denial mode. No, he isn’t POTUS anymore, but that doesn’t change a thing. He violated the Constitution repeatedly while he was.
And he did create ISIS. here is a link that shows how and when they came into being. Please note that it wasn’t until they were part of the Syrian rebels as al-Qaeda that they broke off to become ISIS. It was those same rebels that Obama armed and trained. Again….denial doesn’t change a fact one whit. Trying to say they got arms from killed rebels is a joke. They WERE the rebels. The same ones Obama armed. And trained.
Your elephant is indeed interesting. and wrong. again. This is a nice article that shows where Al-Qaeda came from. It started in Afghanistan in the 1980’s as a resistance against the Soviets, not the US. They later decided the US was the evil empire and declared holy war on us, a few times. But we didn’t create them. Nice try, though. And the reactionary effects of 9/11 as a cause for them being created? Do you really listen to yourself? They perpetrated the 9/11 attacks! They already existed!!! Stop trying to rewrite history. It is too easy to make you look foolish and typically I don’t think you are foolish. But you sound desperate to defend Obama and that is sad.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 What else could he do? Why is it that all the Obama adherents fall back to poor helpless Obama? He could have worked with the UN. He could have worked with Putin in a peacekeeper role. He could have negotiated with Putin. What did Obama do about Kim Jong-Un? Nothing. Why? Because what could he do…right? Well, what did President Trump do? He threatened him and everyone panicked so he negotiated with him. At least he made an effort. Was Trump oblivious on Crimea? Possibly. Was he the POTUS? Nope. But interesting you bring that up. Because apparently at the time Putin was invading Crimea was when everyone says Trump was in bed with him. So which is it? Was he working with Putin or was he oblivious to what Putin was doing? Seems impossible to be both.
As for the subsidized milk, I am totally against subsidies. I find it a horrible way to do things. And if Canada doesn’t want the milk that is fine. That is how capitalism works. If I am selling a product, you are under no obligation to buy it. If you want some, you are under no obligation to buy more than you want. As for the tariffs, it is indeed in our best interests and statements like the one you made, “the poor little USA” says it all. The rest of the world views us as some sort of country made of money. We have the same problems as every other country. So why should we be on the losing end of trade deals? Why is that? Will other countries retaliate? Sure. But in the end, things will even out. That’s how trade works.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s great that you are against subsidies that doesn’t change the fact that the us dairy farmers are heavily subsidized, and they would have dumped that milk up here cheaper than our farmers could produce it, see the problem now?
Trump didn’t get any real deal from NK, he said the us will withdraw it’s presence there, and NK will LOOK at denuclearization wow great deal.
As for Putin and Trump working together could be and I highly doubt Putin would inform him on any invasion plans he had in the works.
Maybe Obama could have done more like really trying to get the UN involved in both Russia and NK, but would that have made much or any difference.
It would have made zero difference with NK, don’t know about Russia.

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