Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What are six things around you right now that are wrong in some way?

Asked by Jeruba (56189points) July 14th, 2018

Six things near enough for you to perceive directly with your senses (and not via media such as TV or the internet): you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch them.

Anything from a noisy party in your neighborhood to a broken fingernail, from being downwind of an idling exhaust-emitting vehicle to noticing a picture hanging crooked on your wall. Just six things that have something wrong with them.

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7 Answers

rebbel's avatar

1. My living room, as a whole, is too untidy.
2. My stomach is making noises; I have to go and make me some noodles.
3. Sorry, I’m pretty content.

ucme's avatar

New potatoes, chef is on a final warning.

flutherother's avatar

1 The surface of my computer chair is cracking and coming away in tiny black flakes.
2 One of three bedroom lights isn’t hanging quite straight.
3 My rucksack is lying untidily on the floor.
4. My computer desk is maybe a little cluttered.
5. I am eating too many sweets.
6. A very slight twinge in my back that I hadn’t noticed till just now.

kritiper's avatar

This computer.
Smart phones.
Drivers looking at smart phones while driving.
People walking while looking at their smart phone.
The hot weather outside.
My house.

MooCows's avatar

We are not going to church as a family
I have a small patch of psoriasis on my cheek that won’t go away
I need to go see a dentist but that cost $
Our carpet smells
I have a problem standing up to people

Yellowdog's avatar

(1) My right hand is hurting extremely due to a gunshot wound and nerve damage 7 years ago
(2) It is too hot outside (humid with a heat index of 112) and I want to move to Nova Scotia, as I wanted to 35 years ago.
(3) I don’t have any socks on, and my socks and shoes are hard to keep up with—my new shoes are always get damaged and in bad condition rather quickly
(4) Political strife in the nation.
(5) My girlfriend is talking to me nonstop and I am not even listening—its a minor annoyance and I do not even care about anything she is saying.

(6) My diabetes is out of control high and I don’t even care.

Jeruba's avatar

Giving myself (and you) license to crab for a minute:
1. My shoulder hurts. Also my back and my feet. And my knees are bad.
2. There’s too much stuff in my house, and trying to declutter is an overwhelming task, especially with the impediments noted above.
3. I’m still homesick for the Northeast. That feels as palpable as any physical condition.
4. Spam phone calls and bot calls are really bugging me. There’s a spate of them at midday every day, and scatters of them throughout the day and evening. Makes me not want anyone to talk to me.
5. Some damn dog keeps barking.
6. I just got an unexpected bill for $600.

There. That’ll do for now.

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