Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What are six things around you right now that are as nearly perfect as they can get?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) July 14th, 2018

Ok, how about three, then?

Three things that couldn’t be improved upon, from beautiful weather to a song you’re listening to, from something yummy in the oven to a kitten in your lap. What’s perfect in your surroundings right now?

Double it to six if you can.

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13 Answers

rebbel's avatar

1. Just pulled my tired feet from a relaxing foot bath.
2. I’m watching videos of my favorite subject, landscape photography, on Youtube.
3. My girlfriend is out, to a birthday party, thousands of miles away from me, and knowing that she’ll have a great time fills me with joy.

chyna's avatar

1. My dog if snoring softly at my feet.
2. I just went to the library, so I have plenty of books to read.
3. There’s a breeze blowing so I can hear my wind chimes.

janbb's avatar

1. I just came back from a lovely pool party on a very hot day.
2. I am immersed in a great novel and have the evening to read it.
3. My noisy neighbors have been quieter this summer and so far today.
4. I have been sleeping well for a few weeks which is amazing!
5. Had a lovely talk with my son today.
6. Mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer is calling my name.

Jeruba's avatar

@janbb, what’s the novel?

janbb's avatar

Thought I’d hook you! :-)

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. About a Vietnam vet who moves his family to Alaska.

kritiper's avatar

My 1991 Nissan pick-up.
My Ruger New Model single six .22 revolver.
My Marlin model 60 .22 rifle.
3 antique oil lamps.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

My basil garden. I cut the first harvest today and made pesto. I start with seeds, which are teeny tiny, smaller than poppy seeds. Amazing to me that I have bushy plants from those seeds.

My bicycle. Bikes were pretty much perfected in the late 1800s. About the only big change has been derailleurs for wide ranging gears. But I’m riding a fixed gear, so it’s just about identical to a really nice 1890s bike.

Eyeglasses. I wear contact lenses, too. But for ease and indoor comfort glasses are better. I’ve needed glasses since age 10 and not a day goes by that I don’t think about how glad I am to have them.

Sandals. I wear a pair of Tevas a lot in the summer. They’re comfortable for walking miles in . I’m on my third nearly identical pair in about 10 years.

ucme's avatar

Buddy lying asleep on the sofa next to me…(my pup not a mate)
A hot steaming cup of black coffee on the table
My daughter just wished me night night
The wife has retired to bed…(promised to keep “it” warm for me)
Carstairs buffing my brogues (in preparation for tomorrow’s annual village idiot pelting)
The leather aroma wafting through the open window (our neighbour’s cattle washing their hair)

flutherother's avatar

1. I took part in an anti-Trump protest march this afternoon.
2. It is very quiet and peaceful here.
3. I’m meeting my son for lunch tomorrow.
4. My flat was re carpeted last month and is in good shape.
5. I’m about to hit the sack.
6. I have an interesting book to read before I fall asleep.
7. Goodnight all!

MooCows's avatar

My A/C is working fine.
I have 2 new kitties
One of our sons is finally getting married
I have my dad’s schnauzer dog that cuddles with me
I love to sleep and can’t wait to crawl in
I have a roof over my head..some food in the pantry..and a handful of true friends

Yellowdog's avatar

(1) In the apartment with my GF—she keeps it perfect, and cool in this hot weather
(2) Pizza in the oven, Strawberry Ice Cream in the fridge.
(3) Renewed interest in moving to Cape Breton Island, Canada
(4) I have a decent car
(5) For now, I have enough money to get by
(6) I’m not sleeping normal with my sleep disorder but for once I am getting enough sleep and with a Cpap. I feel rested enough for once.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Six is tough. I have one, but I can’t seem to post the link/

Jeruba's avatar

This is a good exercise for me today. I may not be able to name six, but I think I can do three plus three.

1. It is a beautiful day in Northern California, clear blue and yellow and about 70 degrees.
2. Right now it’s quiet. There’s a dog barking intermittently on a nearby street, but not this second.
3. I have a working refrigerator and stove, electricity, and running water.
. . .
. . .
1. I have several lifetimes’ supplies of reading matter.
2. My brains still mostly work.
3. I’m ambulatory. I can get around under my own power. Not a day passes without my remembering to be grateful for this and not take it for granted.

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