General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Could Trump tell Putin that Russia can have Alaska back?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) July 16th, 2018

In their one-on-one meeting today?

(Constitution aside, are there limits on what Trump can tell Putin in a private meeting?)

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8 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

He can say anything and his history has proven that he indeed will do just that.
Regardless it would probably take an act of congress to give up territory and I have a solid guess how that would go.

Yellowdog's avatar

He can tell Putin that he can have Antarctica, but that doesn’t mean it will happen.

rebbel's avatar

Antarctica belongs to no nation, so it would be hard to gift it.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

He would have to say it if Putin told him to. But it would require a treaty approved by Congress.

It looks more and more like Putin has some serious, serious compromising material on Trump.They stood side be side today and Trump said he trusts Putin over US intelligence agencies, over the USDOJ, and over the FBI.

Trump has switched sides.

ScienceChick's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay How dare you say Trump has switched sides. He’s is absolutely still on the same side he has always been on. He is and always will be firmly a patriot….....
of his own name and business holdings and whomever is financing him.

Poseidon's avatar

Of course Trump could but you have forgotten one thing.

The Alaskans don’t want to become Russians and I think they would cause a great deal of trouble if Trump ever tried to return Alaska to the Russkies.

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