@notnotnotnot .
I think I understand what you are getting at. But it’s not that way.
I used to be vehemently opposed to any type of military confrontation with Russia. I still am. Unless Russia swings first, we should hold the high ground.
Trump. “Not Putin’s bitch.” “What actions, words were you looking for here?”
Trump has been extremely aggressive, with our allies.
He has offered public respect, and admiration for two of the world’s worst people. Putin, and Kim. And has displayed himself as the vastly inferior leader, in both relationships. Andreally all diplomatic relationships….
His supporters claim they back Trump against our allies. But like Trump, they are afraid of Putin, and will not challenge a foe of similar capabilities to our own.
The conservatives, and the GOP, spent years actually slandering Obama, and making up crazy deathcamp/take yur guns BS.
There’s actually a REAL threat to America! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where the Hell are all these conservatives calling for national security, and the appearance of power in the face of our enemies?
Time to prove that you love your country, more than Trump.
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
This is getting to the point where people excuse a family member’s behavior, because of denial. But that family member is dangerous, and manipulative. And will take down many people trying to save him…......
I think Putin has something on Trump. The problem is, Trump is too stupid to fake that he’s Putin’s bitch.
What should Trump/NO, what should a POTUS done? He should have called off the summit, and first tried to handle this behind closed doors.
Trump has shown “bravery” in the face of countries less militarily advanced as us, and showed subservience, to any country remotely possibly of hurting us (NK, Russia.)