Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

As of today, do you think the likelihood is greater or smaller that we will see uniformed Russian troops on our soil in our lifetimes?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) July 16th, 2018

Today being July 16, the day of the meeting of Trump and Putin in Helsinki.

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95 Answers

janbb's avatar

It’s certainly greater.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Maybe more likely but still extremely, extremely unlikely. Why expend the effort when they have about 26% of the electorate on their side already?

Russia’s GDP is about 1/10 that of the United States. They can stir up lots of trouble but actually occupying land overseas is incredibly expensive and difficult. The US just lost two wars to people in sandals with AKs and IEDs. Those are nothing like the US.

janbb's avatar

I agree; it’s clear already they don’t need to invade us to harm us greatly.

Jeruba's avatar

Who says invade? How about offering “help” to ensure, say, the integrity of our elections?

flutherother's avatar

Russian troops have already moved into and have annexed Crimea and they have gone into eastern Ukraine where Russia calls them “volunteers”. Trump seems to have given this the green light which can’t be very reassuring to the Baltic States or the countries of Eastern Europe.

I don’t think we’ll see Russian soldiers in the continental USA anytime soon but with the president apparently in Putin’s pocket it is hardly necessary, for now.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t see it, ever. Unless you mean Alaska.

Putin is more set up to take swaths of Eastern Europe. He didn’t make all those tanks for trans-pacific warfare…

His strategy seems to be to destabilize the west, and then continue military expansion in Asia, and Europe. Trump has done excellent work hurting our relationships with our allies. It would be difficult to quickly organize a swift enough response to any real Russian threat. Even with current NATOMA forces, Russia would steam roll most of Eastern/Northern Europe quickly. Then, there would be a huge diplomatic rush to react. Trump would pretty much be the main guy in charge. All countries would be begging him for cooperation. Who knows how he would respond…

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Funny, not that long ago, right-wingers were shrieking about Jade Helm, a federal exercise, convinced that Obama was building concentration camps and plannng mass exucutions in border states.

Guess who was instrumental in spreading the hysteria?

[Texas Governor] Abbott Fell For Russia-Inspired Jade Helm Furor, Ex-CIA Director Says

It was an early Russian success that showed how susceptible American conservatives were to manipulation.

A couple of years before that, I met a self-described “big 2nd amendment guy” who told me he wanted to move to Tennessee, but his buddy down there said stay away, because Russian troops were confiscating guns at road blocks. He said Obama could put them there because the Smokies National Park was federal land.

Anyway – back to the question – I can certainly see Trump inviting them for training exercises if Putin told him it would be a good idea, but even his zealots in and out of the military might not follow him that far.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Who is to say that they’re not already here, staying at Trump hotels across America.

Jeruba's avatar

@elbanditoroso, not undercover. Uniformed.

gorillapaws's avatar

Unchanged. It could happen in the case of a severe national disaster and they were helping with the humanitarian effort just like we would help them in a similarly severe event, but the chance of an invasion is close to zero and today didn’t change those odds. This focus on Russia scare-mongering is counter-productive. The effort from the Dems should be on supporting popular policies, fighting corruption, and purging the establishment that has failed the party and continues to work hard to prevent progress in the party.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am just trying to imagine it. Would Trump throw his arms open wide and say “Welcome!” or would our laws allow us to fight back, even if it isn’t what dipshit wants?

stanleybmanly's avatar

the context is uncertain. Sailors from a ship in port, or troops here to enforce order. I see little chance of Russia finding the resources to police our streets from an economic output equivalent to that of Texas.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think the odds much higher that uniformed Chinese troops might be routinely found on Russian streets in our lifetime.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It would not surprise me if there are tons of Russians, living as Americans, with their uniforms in their closets. Waiting for a GO signal from Putin to put them on. They already have guns.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Putin just needs to disable the US from being an obstacle he must overcome to take some of Eastern Europe. Whether he can get away with simply destroying our democracy, or if he’d need to get more aggressive, would depend on the situation. If Russia poisoned some of our reservoirs, and turned out the lights for a couple weeks, the country would descend into chaos quickly. By the time we got our shit together again, Putin could do major damage… About a year ago, one of Russia’s top generals was reported to have suggested that they use a powerful nuke to hit the super volcano under Yellowstone. It tells me, they aren’t interested in American soil…

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would be near impossible to take America on the ground. Russia would not be capable of going door to door, without sustaining heavy loses, and huge hits to morale. Russia would have to gas us, or level the country…

kritiper's avatar

Not on US soil!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

About less than the odds that O.J. Simpson finds the real killer’s.

JLeslie's avatar

During the end of the Cold War I was very young, so I’m sure my opinion then doesn’t mean much, but I never believed Russia would try to drop a bomb in us. I wasn’t afraid of Russia trying to start something with us.

Fast forward to this week in July 2018, and now I think I don’t know what will happen with the US and Russia. I think Putin might try to wriggle his way in. Helping in a natural disaster might be one way. Or, under some other guise of helping, and that might involve Russians in uniform. Did you mean Russia actually habing sine power here? Or, simply Russians in uniform here?

Trump seems to want money for our country, and I think that’s his weak point. If another country offered to help us financially, and acted as if they want to be friends and helpful, I think Trump will give them carte blanch.

I still think it’s improbable, but not impossible.

Do we ever have any soldiers from other countries in our country? I don’t even know the answer to that.

Inspired_2write's avatar

They will be here but we won’t see them. They blend well in our society.

ScienceChick's avatar

No, They won’t be Russian. They will be your own US troops, used against you. Simple. It will be the Police force….and who ever else they will convince in uniform that they need to just follow orders.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. That won’t happen. ^^^

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Do we ever have any soldiers from other countries in our country?

Foreign navy ships visit here. Foreign military pilots train regularly in Nevada with the US Air Force and Navy. Special forces host small groups for training exercises.

But I’m not aware of any exercises in the US with large foreign contingents. There are definitely no foreign military bases like the US maintains overseas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s hilarious that all the conservatives were gearing up for some sort of war that the government was going to wage against its civilians because Obama, and now we have the most conservative jerk in the White House and it’s still going to happen??

janbb's avatar

I actually think that Putin’s purpose is not to take over the USA but to so weaken it and its Western European allies that he can do what he wants in Eastern Europe and continue to annex territory. He wants to so chaos and he has succeeded wildly. America is finished as a world power, Europe has no strong ally and he will do what he wants. No need for Russian soldiers here.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Thanks. I never thought about that regarding foreign military bases in America, except to say when I was in Germany many years ago (it was about a year before the wall came down) my father noted how many of our bases were there in Germany, and how there were American military planes overhead “all the time.” The word was the Germans didn’t like our military. Understandable. Basically, America’s presence was a reminder the Germans lost, and to those Germans who had even disagreed with Hitler, it was still a reminder that other powers were in the country to at least some extent.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Does Putin want to bring back communism? I’m not clear what type of government he wants ultimately.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t think so but I haven’t really studied it. I think he’s just all about power and wealth for a few, not bringing back Communism. It does look to me from here like China and Russia will be the two world powers somewhere down the road.

ScienceChick's avatar

@Dutchess_III Sure… that will never happen… because that never ever happens now. ¨read sarcasm.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, make up your mind @ScienceChick. Will it be caused by the conservatives, the liberals or FEMA? And if it does happen, there isn’t a damn thing any of us can do about it.

ScienceChick's avatar

@Dutchess_III sounds like you’re just resigned to it happening. I guess you forgot who has been assassinated and who the water cannons have been turned on and by whom. How the gerrymandering has happened and how the voter registration problems has occurred. You dismiss all these things and more at your own peril. I’ve seen revolutions. I’ve seen civil wars. If the US doesn’t fucking sort out it’s democratic system, it’s going to happen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If it happens there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb So, do you think Trump sees Russia and China as becoming the new leading countries and he is trying to join them to be allied with the powerful? I guess what mean is do you think Trump maybe believes that is a good route for America, and not just for his own selfish reasons of money and power?

ScienceChick's avatar

@JLeslie do you think that is a good alliance to join? Powerful. Peaceful. Strong on trade. You think that will continue down the road of following the US constitution?

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie No, I don’t or he wouldn’t be aggravating relations with our largest debt holder, China. I think he is a weak, weak man who doesn’t have any strategy besides saving his skin and enriching his pocket. I think that Putin and other, smart dictators play him.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScienceChick No. I’m just wondering about Trump. I don’t trust Putin. I definitely don’t want Russian troops in the US. I have wonderful Russian friends, but even they left dodge to come to the USA.

ScienceChick's avatar

I have wonderful US friends, and many of them long to move to where I live. But it won’t be a Russian army in the US… that’s just fecking nuts. It will be your own police force and army used against the rights you are assured by your constitution, but you can kiss those rights goodbye, if you don’t vote to defend them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump doesn’t give a rat’s ass what is best for America.

Demosthenes's avatar

I feel like we’re in the 1950s again.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScienceChick Where do you live?

Plenty of Americans are worried about the changes in our country, and the increased animosity. It started before Trump, but it’s heightened now.

However, I did just see the singer 50 cent on The View, and I somewhat agree with him that the media, both social and Traditional media, slant things. I try to hold onto that, but I myself am more and more paranoid about what is going on.

ScienceChick's avatar

@JLeslie yeah… good luck forming your political and emotional views around The View and its guest. Not really having much sympathy for that type of self inflicted discomfort.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScienceChick Oh yeah, that’s where I gather all my political and my emotional views. ~ Lol.

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ScienceChick's avatar

I’m saying you all having taken a decent prospective of your history. You are short sighted and blinded by some sort of fancy modern shit that really isn’t a matter of what will end up in history.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScienceChick So many assumptions. Stereotypical fat, white, American eating bon bons in front of the TV. Unworldly, no passport, uneducated, everyone should speak American, blah blah. Have you ever been to America? Have you listened to people on this fluther? Most Americans here are very worried about the direction of the US now. You obviously know nothing about me. Let me enlighten you.

I’m 50. I have a BA in Marketing. My father has a PhD in Sociology. My mother majored in history, and minored in sociology. My maternal grandmother had a masters degree, my maternal grandfather didn’t quite finish his masters. He was an artist, and for several years owned an art supply store. My paternal side were poor immigrants and worked in a factory. My grandparents were liberals, I’ve been a Democrat always. Im married to a Mexican (from Mexico, not third generation American) I’ve traveled to Europe, Asia, and South America. I’m Jewish. I am proficient in conversational Spanish. I grew up in what is often heralded as the most diverse city in America. I teach Zumba. I wish I weighed 15 pounds less, but I don’t think I would be called fat. I own a business with my husband and I also am a business manager for a media company that primarily reports in Europe and Asia, and some parts of Africa.

Trump has made me nervous from the beginning, he’s scary to me overall, but not everything he does is wrong and not all of his supporters are horrible people.

My history knowledge is lacking, so I ask questions. I very much value @janbb’s opinion, and many other jellies, so I ask them their opinions. I’m Jewish, you want a stereotype? We ask questions when we don’t know something to gather information. You know, 12 different rabbis would mean 12 different opinions. I also sometimes change my mind once I gather more information.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You have bon bons and YOU AREN’T SHARING?? >:<!

JLeslie's avatar

I actually did eat a mini Crunch bar last night.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie haha, I knew you wouldn’t put up with her for long. I guess you better learn about Gilead, Felicity Jones and kneading bread…

JLeslie's avatar

^^Yeah, and the irony of a “science” chick not being interested in investigative questioning is really unbelievable. Science is all about critical thinking, forming hypothesis, and proving or disproving.

Enough off topic though. Back to Russian soldiers in America.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why? This topic is fascinating in itself. For example @ScienceChick seems to believe that our problem (and decline) has something to do with adherence to the Constitution. She implies that the world and we ourselves would be better off if we handed both Trump and Putin crowns.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a feeling she is very young and gullible, and doesn’t fully understand many things.

Don’t we have protections from Trump’s actions under our own laws?

stanleybmanly's avatar

So do you think she is in Russia or some former Soviet republic? There is a powerful argument that nothing short of a strong man autocrat could possibly hold Russia together.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’m Jewish, you want a stereotype? We ask questions…

..when answering questions!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Stanley She said everyone wants to come to her country and used a German spelling on a word. Doubt its Russia lol

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Even then.

I think @ScienceChick is in Western or Northern Europe. That’s my guess. Notice I use the word guess, it’s not an accusation. I didn’t notice the German spelling, I missed it. I also think most likely she is fairly young. Who knows though, you just can’t assume.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually, she translated it from the German, “garten,” to the English “garden.” But we in ‘murica still use the German spelling.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yep and from posts on other threads I see that the reference to our Constitution and the strength/peace thing are her shot at sarcasm.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I didn’t see where the garten is. Still, she could also be Dutch, or maybe Danish? I think lots of possibilities.

mazingerz88's avatar

No uniforms. And already here uniformly looking like those 80 percent of Republicans still supporting trump. The biggest number of Manchurian candidates ever assembled in one place. Even the Russians could not believe how easy it was.

ScienceChick's avatar

I think you have all misunderstood and read sarcasm where there was none intended. I don’t want the US to fall victim to tyranny and fascism. Quite the opposite. I’m not young, just angry and what I see happening. Ireland had a civil war in the 1920’s after bloody battles with the English for Independence. The country ended up divided in two and violence continued for decades. Could that happen in the US? Who knows. I hope not.

Sorry I got hot under the collar last night, but watching this Orange Buffoon stumble around and watching the real consequences of how he is wielding his power just makes me see red.

and a personal apology to @JLeslie. What I wrote and how it came across as I re read it this morning was awful. I’m sorry.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScienceChick There was way more talk about the country actually dividing in “half” when Obama was president. People in some of our states talked about secession, and people in other states were happy to say bye bye if they wanted to be serious about it. I really have my doubts that people would fight hard this time to maintain the union if it ever came to that.

The biggest problem would be if you live in a state that is not going the way you want it to. The whole thing would financially wreck America and individuals most likely. What a mess it would be. I just hope Florida stays with the north. Lol. I like my palm trees.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Actually, I think we probably lucked out this time. Trump certainly has tyrannical ambitions, and would unabashedly don the most gaudy and tasteless crown available. But he is so hopelessly inept and pig headed that he himself cannot be an actual threat to our democracy or stand any chance of establishing an authoritarian order. But there are others of similar ambitions who recognize the clown show as the signal that the time may be right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@JLeslie she said GARDEN KinderGARDEN. Which is the English translation for it, but in the US we use the German GARTEN. KinderGARTEN.

ScienceChick's avatar

Well, we call it preschool… I guess I should have called it preschool.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Kindergarten is kind of like a preschool. It’s somewhere inbetween preschool and real school.

janbb's avatar

Not a big deal in any case.

ScienceChick's avatar

I’m aware of the concept, but apparently not aware how it is spelled. My English language spellcheck didn’t catch it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The spelling was fine, actually. That’s what “garten” means. It’s “garden” in German. I always thought it was a cool word. Like a garden of children. :D

JLeslie's avatar

^^Well, ok, she spelled it the King’s English way is that your point? Do we know what country she is from or lives in? Or, we still don’t know.

I like the word too. I grew up with my dad using the word kinder instead of children or kids. Maybe it’s the same in Yiddish, or maybe he was just using the German, I’m not sure. I use kinder also sometimes, but usually only verbally when I think the people around me will understand it.

ScienceChick's avatar

‘bairn’ is also a northern Europe expression for children. I don’t know what the fuss is about how I spelled the word. So much focus and attention is making me feel a bit self conscious.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sorry.
I know they use the word “bairn” in Ireland and Scottland. I don’t know were else it’s used.

ScienceChick's avatar

It’s a very old iteration. It’s the same in old Icelandic, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian…..Same word with slightly different vowel sounds. It shows up in the text of Beowulf, spelled like ‘bearn’.

canidmajor's avatar

Because, you know, this is all so pertinent to Russian troops on our soil.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s in “social” so don’t get your undies in a bundle @canidmajor. You must have no life if all you have to do is run around looking for people to insult.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, Dutch, you’re so predictable. I wish someone had taken my bet.

JLeslie's avatar

@ScienceChick Well, I guess since you made used the American stereotype of us being fat and ignorant, some American jellies became defensive. That was kind of a personal attack actually.

Have you told us where you’re from? If not, why not? Why is it a big deal? Don’t you know, most Americans are very interested in where people are from, interested in what it’s like in other countries. Most of us grew up with parents, grandparents, or great grandparents from other countries, and friends who emigrated here, or their parents did. In some parts of our country asking where someone is from is part of rapport building and small talk. It’s not trying to find a reason to dislike someone.

Most people I know who vacation in America have a very good experience, it’s just the bad stuff is what makes it to the television.

Regarding spelling, the way people spell in English can be a tell, that’s why people are scrutinizing it. No one cares if you use a different spelling than the American spelling, they are just playing detective.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I would probably spell it “kindergarden” and I’m American born and bred.

JLeslie's avatar

I just saw @ScienceChick apologized to me.

Apology accepted.

She might be an American. Who knows. Look how many typos I have all of the time. Lol.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. It’s obviously important to her, not to reveal her country of origin. Which is disappointing. I like to know how people think in different regions…

JLeslie's avatar

Me too. I like to know even within my own country, let alone other countries.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Agreed. It’s just interesting…

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay, well, spell check would like to correct you.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Oh, I know it’s a misspelling. Now.

josie's avatar

The Cold War heats up again
Time for yet another remake of “The Thing” or “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

flutherother's avatar

The appearance of Russian troops on their way to the Western Front “with snow on their boots” was one of the legends that arose during the First World War. One witness said he had seen 10,000 Russians marching along the Embankment towards London Bridge station, while a rail porter at Durham reported finding an automatic chocolate machine jammed by a rouble.

chyna's avatar

The movie Red Dawn covers this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s exactly what I was thinking @chyna, but I couldn’t remember the name of it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It covered it in Colorado and was a boost to survivalist memberships nationwide.

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