If there is no shady business between Putin and Trump why is Trump so far up Putin's *ss?
Trump declares Democratic governments of the EU foes, insults allies, ruins trade partnerships and goes against his own government and own party, which has ruled that Russia interfered in elections, but has little bad to say about a dictator who poisons his enemies (yeah, sure, there is no proof) and keeps taking rights away from the populace.
I do not understand. Enlighten me.
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73 Answers
The man doesn’t even know where his own properties are in Ireland, and that the area his properties are in are NOT part of the UK and thus, not behoved to any Brexit deal. Clueless. Absolutely clueless. And, by the way, the world is watching. If the US doesn’t fix this it will do more to fuck the standing of the US in the world. We’ll just view the lot of you as feckless twits.
He looks up to dictators as role models. He wants to be one.
Doesn’t anyone read history anymore? Russia supported the US multiple times, including against Britain in the Am Rev and again during the Civil War (supported the Yanks.) Basically up to the end of the 90’s. We’ve been friends much longer than enemies. Good article below.
“Sir John Sawers, the former head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), is also a former UK ambassador to the United Nations and has watched Russian diplomacy unfold over recent years. He prefers to focus on the more recent period.
In a recent BBC interview he said that the West had not paid sufficient attention to building the right strategic relationship with Russia over the last eight years.”
Meetings Trump has with Putin are not in relation to building strategic relationships between nations but on Trump and his own personal empire (his existing one, not the one he is hoping to build).
Try to justify it all you want but name a single president who would have just continued on with a meeting with someone who has just been called out by their own DOJ based on information provided by his own intelligence agency and then choose to side with that person over their own intelligence personnel because “he said he didn’t do it”.
Yeah, I agree. with @KNOWITALL doesn’t anyone pay attention to history? As in the past 10 years? John Sawers hasn’t served in almost 10 years. I didn’t think information took so long to traverse the Atlantic… but I guess I was wrong…...
And then came Stalin and a decades long regime of authoritarianism and oppression, and Russia is still in that mind set. Add to that the ongoing repression of their own people, poisonings, the invasion of Crimea, and the interference in the elections of other countries.
But hey, let us just ignore recent history and the present, and focus on the distant past, because it serves our narrative.
A neonazi politician in Germany did the same thing not too long ago, calling the period of the Third Reich a “fly’s dropping”, considering it insignificant compared to the entirety of German history.
Trump totally admires ruthless dictators, what more can one say?
He stomps all over his allies,and just loves Putin and ole Kim whats his name.
@ScienceChick There’s a LOT of history, I don’t have time to write a book about why good relations with Russia is the best idea for the US and probably many other countries. It’s a good article, too bad you obviously missed the point.
Yes, @KNOWITALL a really good book about why we all should just be friends and get along would be a best seller…... You should TOTALLY write a book about that. USA, Russia, Iran and Syria!!! is BFF! Power up!
@KNOWITALL, Let’s look at more recent history. Have you heard of NATO? Their purpose is to contain Russia. Recall that the Soviet Union contained Eastern European nations that are now in NATO. They split Germany into two parts. Russia recently took possession of Crimea. Yet Trump refers to European allies as “foes” and to Russia as a “competitor”.
I’m going to guess that @KNOWITALL is a non-apologetic christian conservative, which means she will do everything to reach out and apologise and excuse any infringement on the basic human rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the USA. Am I right? Fuck your justifications. The rights are written. Full Stop.
POLITICAL – NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.
MILITARY – NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military power to undertake crisis-management operations. These are carried out under the collective defence clause of NATO’s founding treaty – Article 5 of the Washington Treaty or under a United Nations mandate, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organisations..
@ScienceChick Such a child…lol
@KNOWITALL your cut and paste skills are amazing. Well done. True kindergarden skills.
@ScienceChick Kindergarten’s how we Americans spell it. See you’re already learning all kinds of non-science things here!
(Nevermind @ScienceChick. She’s just trolling. She’s trolling on JLeslie on another question. Just ignore her.)
Oh… I’m not trolling. I’m just getting started.
@KNOWITALL , In practical terms, by far the biggest problem that NATO needs to deal with is Russian expansion. Putin has made it quite clear that he is not happy with the loss of sovereignty that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union. What country other than Russia shares common boundaries with Europe?
@Dutchess_III The vampire invasion was much more interesting haha! Let @JLeslie school her, she’s a mom and has more patience. :)
@LostInParadise Russia is an issue, of course, but the European Union and the fact that the current US President is not a big fan and doesn’t intend to foot the bill, are very important, practical matters now as well. I just don’t personally feel like Russia should be our main focal point at this time.
How would the US be footing the bill for a European Union?
And I would like to ignore Russia too, but the president is making that very difficult.
ABC News is now reporting that Trump is walking back his statements about US intelligence being wrong about the Russians involvement in the election. How does he even have any followers is beyond me.
@Dutchess_III Making other countrres pay their part in actions. Sorry that sentence kind of ran together.
“President Trump does not appear to understand that the 2% of GDP spending by the allies is a guideline, not a mandate,” said James Stavridis, retired U.S. Navy admiral who commanded all NATO forces and is now dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
Right @chyna? I don’t understand it either.
I guess I need to study up on this stuff. I’m not quite understanding. But then again, we’re dealing with an idiot who doesn’t understand either…and he’s the leader of the free world. Scary.
Everyone can have their opinion & that’s fair enough but it’s really far simpler than all that, truth is he fancies him.
Okay guys, we can stop, it was a mistake…
This just in:
“The president recently returned from a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, during which he did not denounce Russian interference. However, he has claimed he misspoke and meant to say he does not see a way Russia would not have been responsible for hacking electoral systems.
“I thought it would be obvious but I would like to clarify just in case it wasn’t: In a key sentence… I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t’,” Mr Trump said ahead of a meeting with his Cabinet and Congressional Republicans.
He clarified: “The sentence should have been ‘I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t or why it wouldn’t be Russia’”.”
Hrmmm, let me guess which side of the electorate is going to believe this….?
@KNOWITALL So we are suppose to ignore Russian interference in our Election? Ignore their interference in ally countries as well? Ever hear the saying the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend. Just because we have occasionally helped each other doesn’t mean your goals are the same. Putin actually admitted to interference and said that he believed Americans should be informed. He openly admitted to spying on us only he’s trying to spin it now like he was trying to do us a favor. Now, could it be maybe he simply wanted easier relations or did he plan in in hopes that we would have such a weak President that was easily manipulated and so it would be easier to have relationship the USA? Or did he do it with the intention of undermining our democracy and throw our country in chaos and break our relations with Nato, making it easier to worm his way in the West? Looking at Putins history, I would go with the last one.
Doesn’t anyone read history anymore? Russia supported the US multiple time
Trump has taken Putin’s side against US law enforcement, against the US Dept of Justice, against the integrity of US elections. They are working against the interests of the US. His campaign was riddled with people under Russian influence, and he brought some intot the White House. His first National Security Advisor was on the Russian State TV payroll.
It’s really dishonest to pretend the problem is merely international relations. Blatantly dishonest.
Wait..he didn’t MEAN to @Call_Me_Jay. It was a askident.
@Pandora Trump may want to ignore it, but our justice department won’t.
Trump is ignorant to an extent previously unheard of in a world leader. This in itself is bad enough, but the disaster is multiplied several fold because he operates on the assumption that the opposite is true. He believes himself to be in fact a “stable genius”. My guess is that not even Putin was cognizant of just how empty the Donald’s head actually is. The show from yesterday is just a hint of what we might be in for. It’s merely a preview of the horrific possible outcomes from allowing an idiot to head up the country while we pretend that it is irrelevant.
@Pandora I think he did it intentionally, of course, so what do you think needs to happen?
He needs to be impeached!
I would like to see happen would be for everyone to wise up to what a narcissistic self-serving Thug he really is and for the Republican party to stop using him to further their games knowing what kind of scumbag he is. They should renounce him and support somebody with a hell of a lot more integrity
@KNOWITALL Tougher sanctions on Russia and for Trump and Pence and Ryan and Turtle man to all be impeached (Trump and Jr and Manafort charged with Treason) until we can throw together a quick Presidential election. 1 year limit. and Pres.Obama called back from retirement to fix our relations with our Allies. and name a new Justice. It’s time DC had a good wash and rinse. Only then can we make sure that future politician won’t dare to side with our enemies and sell us out to keep their jobs and or secrets. They will find alternative ways to make money that don’t involve politics.
<<<< Who’s a pretty boy then? :D
Trump is back on US soil & has admitted that he misspoke & now offered his support of US intelligence agencies. He obviously doesn’t understand the difference between the words “would” & “wouldn’t”.
Trump was promised something before visiting in Helsinki by Putin.
Maybe a short trip to a Junior Miss bathing suit contest, in the dressing room again
Did anyone listen to the live coverage and hear a reporter ask Putin if he wanted Trump to win the election? I’m sure I heard this asked and Putin replied that he did want Trump to win. This exchange doesn’t appear in the White House transcript.
Jeff Mason: President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
Putin: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.
@LadyMarissa He also has problems with “should” and “shouldn’t” and “could” and “couldn’t”.
He has a lot of problems. Cofefe.
Trump is back on US soil & has admitted that he misspoke & now offered his support of US intelligence agencies.
It’s hilarious when he has to read a prepared statement that his sane aides write for him.
It’s like child reading an apology note because he can’t otherwise get the words out.
A reporter did ask that question. I found it on the Sky News coverage YouTube upload. You can hear it here at the 50:27 mark. It is strange how it never made it into the official White House transcript.
It is also odd that the Guardian newspaper’s video coverage of the same exchange is different. The same exchange can be found at the 1:33 mark but it is not the same. A different bit has been removed. Very odd.
@flutherother do you think the second “yes I did” is in answer to the second part of the question about directing minions to help?
That’s not the way it sounded to me when I heard it live on the BBC. Putin said he wanted Trump to win the election. Listen to the Sky news version. Putin says “I wanted him to win”.
@rojo I thought exactly the same when I heard and saw that.
He could (have) go(ne) two ways with those two “yes, I did’s”.
He could have thought “yes I wanted him to win, and yes, I directed some officials of mine to help him do that”.
Or “yes, I did, yes I did wanted him to win”.
And we can only guess which one it was.
@flutherother The reporter asked his two questions in one go, to which Putin said “Yes, I did” twice in a row.
Maybe that’s what he wanted, for the world to guess which “yes” was for which question.
@rebbel In the Sky upload Putin says “I wanted him to win”. It is very clear.
The whole sentence was “Yes I did, yes I did, because he talked about bringing the USA – Russia relations back to normal.”
That’s what I saw.
I don’t speak Russian, it’s what the translator said in English.
That is odd @rebbel because that is not what I hear. The question “Did you want President Trump to win the election ” was asked in English and the translator gives in English Putin’s reply as ” I wanted him to win because…” I don’t speak or understand Russian either so I have to go by the translation.
It’s too late for me over here but I’m going to have a look at this article tomorrow.
To the OP, there is shady thing going on imo. I’m even willing to assume there really is no tape. And the Russians don’t even need one to make trump cower even more. The mere suggestion that there may be a tape is enough to scare the daylights out of any draft dodging racist, vain and opportunistic real estate reality TV show host.
Infatuated with power. Sad.
So to change the subject just a tad, Trump’s draining the swamp a good thing just to bad he is filling back up from a septic tank.
Aaand the Orangutan just reversed his reversal.
^I’m starting to lose track of his reversals!
I like the meme that reads “If Trump can’t speak for himself, then he is not qualified to speak for a nation.”
I can really see and understand, that someone, under such pressure, and under tough circumstances accidentally says something a bit wrong, and/or mixes a word up with another word, even in a press conference that is seen as quite important, even a world leader that is expected to be strong and determined.
But to do it all the time?
“I thought it would be obvious but I would like to clarify just in case it wasn’t:
In a key sentence… I said the word ‘can’ instead of ‘can’t’,” Mr rebbel said.
In a key sentence I used the word “dog” when I meant “tarantula.”
This is how the Moscow Times reported the meeting…......
“Although he faced pressure from critics, allied countries and even his own staff to take a tough line, Trump spoke not a single disparaging word in public about Moscow on any of the issues that have brought relations between the two powers to the lowest ebb since the Cold War.
Instead, he denounced the “stupidity” of his own country’s policies, especially the decision to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.”
Aaand the Orangutan just reversed his reversal.
It’s jiu-jitsu!! He’s playing 3-dimensional chess while the rest of us are struggling with Tiddlywinks!
LOL kidding, he’s an idiot asshole.
@flutherother Trump spoke not a single disparaging word in public about Moscow
Trump has insulted pretty much everyone in America. Just off the top of my head – women, veterans, Gold Star families, the press (AKA “enemy of the people”), legal immigrants, the FBI, the Justice Department, African Americans, Mexican Americans, the NFL, NFL players, government workers, Puerto Ricans….
And he has never criticized Putin.
NY Times – The 487 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
Putin had a copy of the Time magazine with Trump & the kidnapped Mexican kid on the cover, he rolled it up, told Trump he was a bad lil bitch, spanked Trump’s ass & then peed on him. Now Trump is Putin’s bitch for life!!!
^^^ It looks like Trump is holding Putin’s hand!!!
Trump looks like how his wife looks when she stands beside him. Defeated.
Trump’s attitude towards Cuba would have been so different if Castro was still alive
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