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janbb's avatar

Do flies think they're dogs?

Asked by janbb (63346points) July 18th, 2018

Otherwise when there’s only one in the whole house, why does it follow me from room to room?

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23 Answers

kritiper's avatar

They’re probably attracted to the smell of the dead flesh that constantly sheds off our bodies. And they do tend to go where the light is. When I have one in the house, I shut off all of the lights and go into the bathroom. Within 5 minutes, he’s in there!

canidmajor's avatar

It’s protecting the homestead, and waiting for it’s little friends to arrive to help.

And, Little Penguin, there is that smell of herring from your breath that they find attractive.

janbb's avatar

Dang! I brushed my teeth this morning but flippers can only do so much!

rebbel's avatar

There are as many flies in your house as there are rooms.
Whenever you enter another room, fly 1 (previous room) quits buzzing, and fly 2 (new room) starts, as soon as he sees you (and they see us much quicker as we do them).
Next room, again, same scenario.
True dis.

canidmajor's avatar

Tag team flies! Brilliant! :-D

zenvelo's avatar

They’re following you to see where you hid the bodies.

Suspicious little buggers….

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo Maybe they want to find out what new words I’ve learned?

marinelife's avatar

The better to stalk you, my dear.

This is like the philosophical question that I, as an arachnophobe, often pose: why, when they have a whole room to be in, do spiders always position themselves right over my head?

zenvelo's avatar

@marinelife If you are follwoing @janbb‘s question, the spider is above you because that is the best place to catch flies!

janbb's avatar

“I know on old lady…...”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well. Have you named him?

janbb's avatar

No, I squashed him!

Dutchess_III's avatar


janbb's avatar

Yeah, he wouldn’t sit when I told him to.

canidmajor's avatar

Housefly Avengers on their way!!!

ucme's avatar

You know what they say about flies round shite…right?

MrGrimm888's avatar

This time of year, many of us are either actively sweating, or have at some point in the day. Flies need electrolytes, just like us. So. They will land on us, and ingest the NACL from our sweat. It’s possible that the flies are after your sweat.

When I’m outside in the South Carolina heat, I will usually let a fly or two come get a drink. I’ve already used it, and will just wash it away when I shower, so why not…

kritiper's avatar

Mosquitos are attracted to us by the carbon dioxide we exhale. Maybe the flies come after us for the same reason…

canidmajor's avatar

Personally, I like the idea that flies embody all the positive loyalty traits of dogs.

Yellowdog's avatar

If you are blessed enough work with special needs people, and one of them poops in the back seat of your new car and the seats are fabric, you can wash it with soap and water at least 8 times. You can even try baking soda and vinegar, then more soap and water the next morning. And still, you can’t get to smell to go away.

Take the seat out and put it in a room in your house which you don’t use very often, and the flies will stay in there.

If you can get the flies to go in your car instead, you can ask everyone: What has four wheels and flies? When they give up, tell them your car has four wheels and flies.

janbb's avatar

^^ I see what you did there. :-)

MrGrimm888's avatar

Just like I like my steaks @Yellowdog . Well done sir :)

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