Social Question

rojo's avatar

Can you help provide a definitive list of imaginary white fears?

Asked by rojo (24187points) July 19th, 2018

As asked and as exploited by politicians of all ilk.

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30 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No, there cannot be a definitive list for irrational fears that arise out of racist constructs.

New ones pop up everyday.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Native Americans
Moslems and Arabs in general
Anyone who doesn’t speak English with an ‘American’ accent

Smart people (intellectuals)

Cricket (and other non-American games in which white Americans don’t excel)

Climate change and global warming


Government help programs (and government in general)

White fear covers a lot of ground.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I read “white fears” and connected it to “white lies.” I didn’t see the racism aspect until I read @zenvelo‘s comment.

All the immigrants are gonna take all our jobs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who the hell is MS-13??

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

MS-13 is a gang. Like the gangs here in Chicago, they are an awful problem within their communities without much impact outside of them.

Trump portrays them as the face of the Latino and immigrant communities and a dire threat to national security. Conservatives eat it up because it agrees with their racism and fear.

Pro Publica – June 25, 2018 – I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong – “The gang is not invading the country. They’re not posing as fake families. They’re not growing. To stop them, the government needs to understand them.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks. Somehow that whole terror thing has a 1980s feel to it…...

Demosthenes's avatar

Some white people seem to fear becoming a minority. Unlike some of these other fears, this one is not unfounded, and in fact, most population projections indicate that white people will be a minority in the United States by mid-century. What’s so terrifying about it is less apparent, but a National Geographic article I read pointed out something interesting, that part of what defines “whiteness” is not being a minority, so once white people do become a minority, it will require a complete redefining of what it means to be white.

Edit: I see this says “imaginary”. This one’s not imaginary, but perhaps the “fear” is.

@elbanditoroso So you agree that climate change is imaginary then? :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m a minority in my own household already!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Some white people seem to fear becoming a minority

Reply to that, “Why is that bad? Do you think minorities are treated badly?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good questions @Call_Me_Jay. Why should whites fear it?

KNOWITALL's avatar

If I were going to list ACTUAL real fears (for humans, not just one race, which seems racist) it would be more along the lines of death, major accident, loss of a job or loved one, etc…

Dutchess_III's avatar

But those are not imaginary. We are all going to die, we are all going to lose loved ones. Hopefully none get in a major accident.

I think what he’s looking at is the fact that white people are so privileged that we don’t even know it. The imaginary things we’re afraid of shows that. There is the fear that immigrants or blacks or other minorities will take their jobs (all jobs belong to white people.) The fear that minorities are going to attain leadership positions and start denying white people their rights (like we’ve done to them for hundreds of years.) In short, I think white people fear payback.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Aren’t you white? Do you fear any of those things? I certainly don’t.

rebbel's avatar

I think I agree with @Dutchess_III
“Every man’s censure is first moduled in his own nature.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t. But plenty of people do @KNOWITALL. Mainly the paranoid conservative.

imrainmaker's avatar

White people fear that if guns are taken away from them they’ll be finished.

Jeruba's avatar

I hope we’re not assuming that all white people have these fears. I don’t think there’s any generalization that applies to all white people (including whiteness).

The idea of a definitive list of imaginary things is intriguing, though. What tells the imagination where to stop? Once you reach the end, is further imagining prohibited? What would we get if we asked for a definitive list of imaginary beings or a definitive list of imaginary places? Some people (such as FSF authors) are occupied with inventing new ones every day, and that’s not even counting the insane ones.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not assuming all white people have these fears. Don’t know abut anyone else.

Put it this way, if you’re white and you loved Michelle and Barack, you do not have these fears.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@KNOWITALL Do you fear any of those things? I certainly don’t.

Can you hunt down some of your anecdotes on Mexicans committing crime? You shared a few of those recently to prove what a menace they are to America.

Thanks in advance.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I kinda missed the point of your link @tinyfaery.

ucme's avatar

Exsqueeze me…all I hear is white noise.

stanleybmanly's avatar

the unkown, unfamiliar, irregular, anything out of place or different.

zenvelo's avatar

The Guardian has a story on how the media ignores the result of White Fear.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay And that’s not fear, that’s a legitimate concern based on statistics and facts.

I have friends of many different ethnicities that are here legally and very proud of it.

If they agree with me that illegal immigrants should be vetted- which they DO btw, do they get to be considered ‘white’ now? Wow. This thread is really bizarre.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Get to be considered white now?”....What does that even mean?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III You know, called “racists” and disparaged like the rest of us who think immigrants need vetting, regardless of color or country.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No one is saying they don’t need vetting. But they are humans, not animals, and should be treated humanely.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Of course, I never said otherwise.

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