Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are your favorite come back lines?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24987points) July 19th, 2018

Mine are:

1) Boss told me that he expects employees to work 110%.
My come back what as long as he pays me 110%.
He stopped saying that.

2) Same boss said that any shorts in the till will come off of our wages.
My come back was then I will keep the change if we are over.
Boss stopped saying that and got rid of the stupid rule.

3)My soccer coach said that their is no “I” in team.
My come back was no but their is two “I’s” in winning.
My coach quit.
My team got a silver medal that year.

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8 Answers

kritiper's avatar

“Did you think that one up by yourself?”
“Is a frog’s ass watertight?”
“Who died and made you boss?”
“The jury’s still out on that one.”
“I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
“Why? Does it matter?”
“Fuck if I know!”
“What does the book say?”
“Who asked you?”
“Who rattled your cage/chain?”
“Does your head hurt?”

snowberry's avatar

“Oh, thanks for sharing. I’ll take it under advisement!”

Best ever answer to any unwelcome comment. It’s polite, and they were acknowledged, yet I didn’t have to give any ground. It’s awesome.

janbb's avatar

The oldie but goody, “I knwo you are but what am I?”

janbb's avatar

Edit: “know”

filmfann's avatar

My ex-boss was talking to a colleague of his.
“You can’t wait to piss on my grave, can you?”
My ex-boss replied “Not at all. When I got out of the army, I promised myself I would never stand in line again.”

Patty_Melt's avatar

When I was very small, my dad would call me a smart ass.
Every time I would come back with, “I would much rather be a smart ass, than a dumbass like you.”
I knew I was going to be backhanded, but I felt it had to be said.
I never added what a prick he was for talking like that to a child.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I see two. ^^ Anybody else?

LostInParadise's avatar

A comeback to the line, There is no “I” in team is, Yes, but there is a “me” in team.

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