Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why does the right not seem to care about all of Trump's outright lies?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) July 27th, 2018

They just go on about what a super great job he is doing.
The right went nuts on how out of control the debt was becoming under Obama, Trump is taking the debt to levels never seen before, and what do we hear from the right, just a shrug and an oh well he knows what he is doing.

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60 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The Bible right love him as well?
He has a beautiful wife, and news keeps coming to light about all these affairs he has had with models, porn stars, and playboy bunnies.There’s a good set of morals for you.

And right went crazy when Clinton lied about a blow job.

Also why does he have to claim he is a stable genius, why would he have to add “stable”?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The displaced children, the right defend that was put in place under a different administration,fine then why didn’t we hear about it more under them than now under Trump?

The great depression started by a Trade war, instigated by the united states, remember history?
The economy was flying during the twenties, then the states put a protectionist tariff on sugar and wool, and it went out of control from there, with other countries doing retaliatory tariffs of their own,any of this sound familiar ?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Because he is causing pain to the non-right wingers.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^And that is why they over look his blatant out right lies?^^

josie's avatar

Every politician lies
Every politician has a constituency.
Every constituency forgives the lies of their representative politician
What’s new?

MrGrimm888's avatar

They can overlook all the lies, if they think they have a prayer at recapturing the Brady Bunch 50’s they’re so nostalgic about.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Your right it’s not new @josie , just they seem to absolutely freak when the other side lies,and just shrug and say oh well when their side lies.
That part pisses me off, shouldn’t they be just as upset when their side lies as well?

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Black unemployment is down. Hispanic unemployment is down, Female unemployment is down. Check the labor statistics. We have an unheard of 4.1 percent GPD growth, The Trade Wars you predicted, are not happening.

These are actual labor and economic statistics. Most of the nation is celebrating. Some of the delusional among us are even attributing this astronomical growth to Obama, Well, that’s fine, its a free country. But Obama is the cause of the debt.

Get a grip on yourself. I know your world is falling apart right now as the Left wants to silence or shut down proponents of all other views, but the official statistics of this quarter are out. and are pretty hard to deny,

Everyone benefits from better trade deals and economic recovery. No need to fear, Just accept that we are recovering under Trump, as repugnant and hysterical as the thought may be to you.

flutherother's avatar

They forgive his lies because they believe his heart is in the right place not realising that he doesn’t have a heart either.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The trade war isn’t happening yet because those tariffs haven’t quite yet come into affect and you know it just wait until they do, it’s already hurt the farmers, a large nail factory in the deep of Trump land that had to lay off most of it’s work force because of tariffs.

How can you say those trade wars are not happening?
That’s like saying Trump doesn’t sleep around and pays them off to keep quite.

johnpowell's avatar

Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.

I am pretty sure Trump could start using the ovens at Papa Johns to roast brown babies and the base would fucking love it.

All this dark shit has been in you forever.. Now you are just comfortable saying it.

Seriously.. I had always wondered how the Hitler thing happened. I got the economic reasoning. But not the social. Now I understand it and it is pretty fucking scary.

I want to be really clear here. I think the majority of Trump voters would be fine with trains sending blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, and anything not-white straight into a papa johns oven. You are horrible people.

stanleybmanly's avatar

All ethical considerations are overlooked simply because Trump is ethically indefensible. His supporters don’t bother disputing the fact that their boy is in fact the most openly vile and dishonest politician in living memory. All that matters is the agenda. So the bet is that he can fulfill that agenda before the legal consequences of his ethical disabilities catch up with him. The wulf constantly berates the left on its supposed hypocrisy, but nothing quite compares to the moral majority embracing the devil himself on the grounds that “he’s better than Hillary”.

Yellowdog's avatar

@johnpowell I think it is obvious that your own side is the one that resembles the rise of the third riech.

First of all, the adamant stance that all opposing views must be shut down, silenced, and their lives destroyed. That riots must be incited against them in public. That Facebook (even at their demise) must silence conservative voices. No communication possible. Anyone loyal to a conservative cause MUST cease and must be destroyed.

Secondly, the idea that if you repeat a lie enough times, people will believe it. Where is the evidence that Trump supporters are racist? About 30% of the Trump supporters I know are African American. That may not be the national average, but neither is the population. Black and Hispanic unemployment are at an all time low right now, less than half of what they were in 2014. My General Practician doctor is Muslim and he says there is plenty of Muslim support of Trump. They know the horrors of Jihad and terrorism—something YOU @johnpowell will probably never experience.

Thirdly, the constant demonizing of the opposition party. Your own post, calling them Nazis, is a prime example of this. Hitler rose to power because he was able to convince his base that Jews were communists or held a worldwide banking conspiracy You are attempting to spread the lie that conservatives, the bulwark of this nation, are wanting to roast babies and people of color.

You are not deceiving anyone, except maybe young people with too little life experience to know the difference, or have not lived through much history so they trust their social media and late-night entertainment as news.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But defend him all you want,say employment is up more than one could ever hope for,those minimum wage jobs can’t live off of are every where.
Deny or believe Trumps trade war isn’t hurting anything or anyone.
The FACT is Trump LIES all the time, on stuff he really doesn’t have to, and that should bother his believers , but it doesn’t as long as those dirt wage jobs are in abundance.
(Hitler rose to power because he was able to convince his base that Jews were communists)
Really?? sorta like all Mexicans are rapists and murders?
But that doesn’t matter, why don’t his lies, LIES that anyone with a computer or an education above grade 3 can debunk in under 30 seconds, bother his base???
Maybe instead of DEFLECT-DEFLECT-DEFLECT, call him on it Mr President we think your the greatest but you really don’t need to lie about everything so much.

Yellowdog's avatar

Fourth (continued from above) the use of entertainment media for propaganda, and promoting propaganda as news and free press.

Fifth – through sophomoric and juvenilish entertainment—influencing young people—children, teens, even college students who have grown up with the propaganda—He who rocks the cradle rules the world, as one famous Nazi said.

@SQUEEKY2 Trump is quoting sources from the department of labor. Manufacturing jobs ARE back, and they are NOT minimum wage jobs. We had a pretty good report showing our economic recovery yesterday. Trump DID say he would get to 4% GPD growth even though over 100 economists said he was lying. Obama said those manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back and “what magic wand does he have?”

Well, those jobs ARE back. They are sustainable. We are ABOVE 4% now. So how is this a lie?

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The fact that you, and millions more like you, cannot tell the difference between a n opposing political party and Adolph Hitler the third reich, and concentration camps, is a scary thought. You have been brainwashed.

You will never have to face a terror regime or concentration camp because you, in Canada, are protected by the United States, a Constitutional Republic. Even if Canada becomes center socialist, you will still have United States protection.

A border wall is not annihilation in interment camps or anything remotely comparable to the holocaust or resembling the holocaust. Donald Trump did NOT say that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers, yet you have been programmed to repeat that lie. Donald Trump is a constitutional republican and represents the needs of regular working folks—he is a Populist. He was elected by regular working folks across the states, and his campaign promises are being fulfilled. And they actually WORK.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And you say I am the one that is brain washed,OMG well have at it.
I do have to admit I admire your stone cold loyalty and dedication to the right.
By the way do you have any name of the manufacturers that have returned to the states with these well paying jobs?
Any of them moving into Harley-Davidson’s old plant because they moved operations over seas, probably can get the place cheap.

flutherother's avatar

The US is a constitutional republic and I think all of us want it to stay that way, although I’m not sure about Trump. If Trump really wants America to be what America was he should respect dissenting voices. The way he treats the press is chilling. The way he treats government departments and government officials is chilling and the way he spoke about a protester being carried from a Trump rally on a stretcher was chilling. Yes, we have seen what can happen to a decent and tolerant society when these sort of views are allowed to take root and become normalised and we don’t want it to happen here.

Yellowdog's avatar

Okay you got me on that one. But then again, you are up there in Canada where all the white folks are. . Where people go to flee Trump and the people of colour in the U.S.

I wonder why those people who wanted to flee the country when Trump was elected went to Canada and not Mexico. Well, actually I know.

The nice thing about America is, if things get too bad, we have somewhere else to go.

Canada is a White Flight country. That’s why Bob and Doug McKenzie referred to it as The Great White North.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I will agree with you on US news channels any that lean one way, make me sick, I horribly dislike FOX with their over leaning right, with the same breath I dislike MSNBC with their over leaning left.
I like news channels that go out of the way to bring both sides of a story, and let the viewer see for themselves.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wow! we are very multicultural in Canada.
And we accept it.
Ok you got me on that one????
Please tell us all the other manufacturers that are returning to the US in droves, with great paying jobs, we want NAMES, not just your or Trumps word for it.
You act like Canada is the US’s attic well if it gets to bad down here we can always live in Canada,.
NO you can’t Canada is a separate Nation you have to apply to live here, but you won’t like it we have universal health care,NOT FREE, but affordable for everyone and you won’t face financial ruin if you or a loved one gets hurt or ill and needs medical help,you wouldn’t like that it’s really close to communism , it’s much better to have way over priced health insurance with tons of deductibles and clauses.

Yellowdog's avatar

Hey, I may BE coming there but don’t worry in spite of what I say on Fluther I’m not that political. Most people in real life don’t know my political views, just my niece and my GF (not the same person btw).

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well then like in your country, do it legally and have at it.
But why would you with Super Trump at the wheel isn’t the us the best place on earth?

Yellowdog's avatar

Because its hot as (vulgarity deleted) and I never thought I could make the move to another country I have a relative who tried New Zealand and has better prospects in Canada. I guess I now see it can be done.

Ive liked colder climates all my life and I have a few working years left to offer, so I will visit my cousin a few summers and see how it goes. And how far North I can stand before culture shock becomes a factor. Maybe as far as Newfoundland.

I know I’ll have t give up a few things if I move but its worth it. Should have done it 25 years ago

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Our summers here in BC get stinking hot, we are at 110f today.

Yellowdog's avatar

Nice try.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What do you mean nice try, it got to 110f here today where we live it gets very hot in the summer.
Our snow load for the winter is only around 8inches as well, but a half hour north of us they get around 3 feet.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Differences in altitude?

Topographical features make a difference. In Charleston, it’s crazy hot, and humid, but in Columbia, it’s miserable. That city is kind of in a bowl, or valley. So the heat just sits there. At least here in Chucktown we’re on the coast, so we get some wind.

I totally understand @Yellowdog . Every summer here, I think about moving. The problem with the heat, is you just can’t get away from it. Every breath is chokingly miserable. I almost had a heat stroke a couple weeks ago. I was just moving some boxes into my new place. About 20 minutes into it, I had to stop. I almost went to the ER, but I didn’t want the bill. So I just drank lots of water, and sat in the cold shower.

I almost monkeyed in my canoe a couple summers ago. It was this time of year. I foolishly followed the tide far into some marshy tributaries of the Stono river. When I realized that I was in trouble, I had to paddle about a mile and a half, against the tide (that takes about 4 times the effort) to a nearby island. It’s one of the hardest things I have ever done. It took about 35 minutes. The last 15, I could see the shady Wolf Island, I just had to get there. I fell out of my canoe, when I got there, and just layer in some shady water. It took me about an hour to be able to move. I barely made it back before sunset.

I did pass out from the heat at a Clemson football game years ago. Just woke up with EMS, and cops around me.

Politics aside, I agree that the heat is ridiculous…. I hope you find a nice place, and enjoy your new home. Maybe you could try Alaska. I heard that they pay residents a stipend, because of all their oil…

There are many great places in Northern Europe too. Maybe Ireland? That’s a beautiful place.

Aster's avatar

They dont seem to care because they’ll take the bitter with the super sweet. The economy is booming under Trump. This isn’t to say his exaggerations , affairs and bragging aren’t annoying-even maddening.. But the economy and getting things done instead of sitting back, speaking sweetly and even singing in the mike didn’t help anything. Obama’s charm and gift of soothing words is what many people want more than how the economy is doing under Trump. There are dozens of women on Facebook today speaking about how they “love Obama“and they loved turning on their televisions each morning to his comforting words. Now with Twitter I think those days of head in the sand techniques are over forever. These women were comforted, they claim, under Obama and Michelle and the remembered “feelings of safety” they recall are now absent. A few even asked, ” if the economy is so great then why are there still homeless people? Why can’t I find work?”

Blondesjon's avatar

Because social media has brought on the return of pre-historic tribalism. We all sit in our little electronic villages, scared, angry, and throwing memes at each other. There is no side but your village’s side and everyone else is just an enemy to never be trusted.

Thanks a lot, Tom and Mark.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Please watch this and come back and tell us what you think.

Then tell us he doesn’t lie, and keeps all his promises.

Yellowdog's avatar

I went a little less than halfway through the video.

First off, if you cannot produce a video without offensive characatures, you probably don’t have any truth to reveal, either.

Many of the ‘broken promises’ mentioned have been obstructed by democrats. Other things, like getting the white house into shape, have been a necessary change of staff due to knowm leaks or working against the current administration. There is nothing wrong with staff making leadership and administrative decisions within their authority, but to deliberately work against administration you are supposed to be working FOR, merely to block or usurp administration because of your demonstrated, documented loyalty to the prior administration or the other candidate, indicates someone who needs to be replaced

Other things in the diatrade included outright lies, such as the tax cuts. The reason we have reached 4.1 GDP instead of he forecasted 1.5 to 1.75 (the video didn’t mention the astounding economic recovery interestingly enough) , is because of tax cuts and consumer confidence. Nancy Pelosi called it crumbs. But real people in the real world are greatly benefiting from the tax cuts and the bonuses we get because of deregulation,

The economic numbers and overall better standard of living we currently enjoy, and which is getting better week by week, invalidates the claims of this monologue and is very self-evident—in the way we live our lives now, and the official stats.

The other remarks, such as repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act—many proposals have been laid out, all of them obstructed by ALL the democrats, therefore it sits in limbo as people suffer under the Obama plan, with high rates and high deductibles. Some are paying twice the rates for no accessible coverage.

One more tip: do away with the offensive charactures and we might take you seriously. Got something to say? You’re not an insulting Saturday Night Live skit. We are adults. Grow up.

flutherother's avatar

It’s a great video and a great pity that Trump ignores such criticism and such uncomfortable truths. A good president would be prepared to stand up in public and defend his record but you will never see Trump do this. He makes speeches to his supporters and he tweets from a safe distance but he never engages with his opponents other than to shout them down.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’ve seem a lot of Democrat obstruction on many of the issues this video says Trump didn’t make good on.

And, a lot of tax cuts that have moved us from a downward obamaesque spiral and into a higher standard of living for a lot of Americans.

The success is getting difficult to deny, but people will say the means were bad I guess.

kritiper's avatar

They’re delirious after putting up with Obama for 8 years.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh for SHIT’s sake @Yellowdog obstructed by the democrats???
I guess it’s all because Trump hasn’t seen the servers blaming the democrats when the Rep/cons have control of both houses is more than a little weak.
Obama had to put up with a fuck of a lot more obstruction the Trump ever has.
The Rep/cons became the party of NO when Obama was in, it was the Rep/cons that couldn’t agree to a replacement program for Obama care, so they decided to gut it instead that will throw millions of citizens off affordable health care.
Trump hasn’t drained the swamp, and what little he has,he has been filling it back up from a septic tank instead.
And amazing how you could only watch half and come out blaming the democrats for it all, go back and watch it all, unless you are worried it might make you think less of your wonderful leader, that was when he was in for just a year and since I have seen one the sort of did come true, The REPUBLICANS have the majority so to blame the democrats is beyond thinking.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But @Yellowdog I guess you have answered my question,so in a round about way thank you Trump followers put up with Trump’s out right lies, by simply ignoring them and or blaming the democrats.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Trump followers are back to deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection deflection and when in doubt lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I see that now, and it’s no use talking about it, they ignore and deflect, seems to be the Rep/con way and talk about how wonderful the economy is, well just wait till ole Orange hairs tariffs come into full affect we will see how wonderful it is then.

But when it does head straight for the toilet I guess it will be all the Democrats fault then as well.

Yellowdog's avatar

I think YOU are the ones in denial.

The economy is THRIVING. We are in a major economic recovery.

Out of the blue, you see a need to badmouth Trump or Trump supporters. Why do YOU see a constant need to do this? You are the ones who started this thread, not the Trump supporters. Yet someone starts one, or several, daily. Then you say WE are the ones who are making these remarks and in denial.

You’ve been predicting economic atrocities for eighteen months now, and things just keep getting better and better. Don’t you realize that some are actually attributing the deregulation and tax cuts and economic growth to Obama?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No one has denied the economy is doing well, that wasn’t the question was it?
I don’t think the economy is doing as well as you think BUT it is doing well.
The question was =
Why does the right not seem to care about Trump’s out right lies??
And you instantly go into blaming the democrats for everything , or say how wonderful the economy is.
I have never seen a American President lie as much as Trump and about anything, why do his supporters put up with it?
Just the other day he took the motor cade to airforce one instead of the helicopter ,he said it was a weather issue due to heavy fog, uh there was no fog in Washington that day, he just didn’t want to face reporters .
He said he would drain the swamp of lobbyists and billionaires ,but just replaced them with others, wow another lie, but look how rosy the economy is.
He LIES, LIES,LIES and the sad thing he lies about things he really doesn’t have to,but his supporters keep defending him by deflecting.
Another LIE declaring Canada a National security threat, big lie there but keep screaming the economy is doing well.
Can’t one supporter actually admit that Trump is a bad lier and really wish he wouldn’t lie so much.
I can admit both sides lie, but ole orange hair is way out in front with outright lies.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


They missed that inflation is about to kick into overdrive !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That and wait until Trump’s tariffs come into full affect, but quick a deflection look at how rosy the economy is doing, wow that close.
We won’t look at the huge tax cut will benefit mostly the top 1%.
We won’t look at draining the swamp is just replacing lobbyists and billionaires ,with his choice.of the same.
We won’t admit these tariffs will do any damage,but that is because they haven’t been fully implemented yet.
But quick again look at how wonderful the economy is doing.

kritiper's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Man, you really hit the nail squarely on the head with that last one…

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 YOU have been lied to from many, many sources. When something is inconsistent with reality as it has been presented to you, you assume it is a lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^ What the hell does that have to do with Trump’s lies????
But let me guess the economy is doing great so NOTHING ELSE matters right?
Unless of course it’s something we can blame the democrats on, especially Obama or Hilary other than that it’s just deflect,wait look over there is that one of Hilary’s Emails?
When the tariff war really gets implemented and blows up you won’t mind me saying I FUCKING told you so, but by then you rep/cons will even spin that so you can blame the democrats.

Yellowdog's avatar

There is a lot going right with the U.S. and with the world right now.

We have several top FBI and DOJ leaders who were very prominent who are out of jobs for showing overwhelming bias against a sitting president, and who will hopefully be facing charges for their conspiracies and self-evident texts about making sure he doesn’t win and “insurance policies” in case he does. Right now, they are profiting from books and are media stars on major networks, along with the porn star and seedy, profit-grubbing, attention-seeking lawyers.

Support for Trump is now higher than the detractors—probably because of the extreme-leaning hate, violence, and irrational demands of the left—who claim they are tolerant and loving

We “survived” Reagan (who turned out to be one of the best presidents in U.S. history).

Tomorrow we will have a better world because of the elimination of terror, the end of the U.S. funding terror in the middle east, fair trade, and a thriving U.S. economy. People will brush the hate under the rug like it never happened, but I can assure you, I won’t forget.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

OMG! how many pairs of rose coloured glasses are you wearing??

Yellowdog's avatar

I don’t know what rose coloured glasses have to do with the hate spewn to divide this nation by the left. When there are FBI, CIA and DOJ have in their tweets, texts, sworn testimony on C-Span, and in some cases even in books, revealing that they leaked, lied, and contradicted each other in their testimonies but all agree, while supposed to be unbiased, demonstrated extreme bias against Trump.

The level of hysteria, dysfunction, and division in this country has done more damage than anything the Russians could have ever pulled off, and is the sole responsibility of the left. The majority of the country is sick of it, and will surely remember, There is nothing rose coloured about that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Law (potentially) breaking Presidents: IF they are Republican, they should be able to fire anyone who opposes them or is investigating them (maybe send them to a Gulag or summer camp in Siberia)!

Putin would sponsor them for his buddy Trump.

@Yellowdog Dysfunction, hysteria and division in the White House are good points.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Yellowdog… Why do I feel that your argument would flip 180 degrees if it were 2014? Or 1996?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am wasting my time, Trump would have to rape a baby,and the right would still blame it on the democrats.
You scream tweets.,Tweets coming from ole orange hair have been insulting ,hateful, and sometimes disgusting , and yet you can never see anything ole orange hair does as hateful or divisive?
You think he was totally in the right for firing those people because they were bias towards him, they were investigating him for potentially wrong doing, is that bias?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Check the GOP’s code of ethics . . . . .. .. . . . .oh they don’t one !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wow, Trump isn’t Governing a fucking thing, he is playing supreme ruler, his party said tariffs are a bad idea ,he said screw you I am putting them in anyway.
That was his own side!!
His base is so blind they can’t see through the shit stained rose glasses.
But Trump loves that.

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog The extraordinary turnover rate in government is due to Trump sacking anyone who opposes him. I don’t “hate Trump” I just don’t like dictators.

MrGrimm888's avatar

When inflation kicks in, I guess Trump will call it a sabotage conspiracy by the fed…
It doesn’t take an economist to understand that things go up, and down, and fluctuate.
And only a great fool would ignore Obama’s role in the continued recovery, or the fact that Trump is driving the country into unheard of debt… Every single analyst I have heard opine on the tariffs, say we won’t see the effects for some time. Obviously, some companies are already being hurt, but it could balance out, or turn apocalyptic.

To claim the economy is permanently repaired, and will sustaine constant growth is hopelessly optimistic…

I see this as another false claim of victory by Trump. Like with NK. As we can see by @Yellowdog ‘s posts, Trump’s supporters are gobbling up his bullshit sandwiches again, preferring that to reality…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But @MrGrimm888 he makes some really tasty bullshit sandwiches his base just can’t seem to get enough of them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I know. Trump even cuts the crust off for them… Yummy!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He is all heart^ that’s why his base loves him so dearly.
So what he has separated children from their parents some will never see each other again,that wasn’t his fault.
So what he screwed soy bean farmers out of billions again NOT his fault, who would have thought countries would invoke retaliatory tariffs how dare they.
Who cares if he insults all the states allies,and cozy ups to known dictators,he is just being diplomatic.
Who cares if his huge tax cut will benefit mostly the top 1%, the working class have a life of work ahead of them to repay it,and the wealthy are so hard done by anyways they are the ones that really need it.
And draining the so called swamp, what an excellent job getting rid of those billionaires and lobbyists ,to replace them with billionaires and lobbyists of his choosing great job well done.
Could you make my bullshit sandwich on whole wheat?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^His supporters won’t care. They’re all in. That’s something I know now. I don’t understand why otherwise intelligent people support Trump. I can only assume that they support one of Trump’s many bigoted agendas… It’s the only logical possibility…

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