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MrGrimm888's avatar

How would you rate the strength of your pinky finger, versus the average pinky? (Details. )

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) July 28th, 2018

1–10. 10 being a tie for strongest pinky on Earth….

Is your pinky weak, or strong?

What size would you describe your hands as?

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9 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

How exactly do you propose we go about determining the pinky strength of others?

rebbel's avatar

I know who’s got a teeny, tiny, weak, pinky finger…

MrGrimm888's avatar

Stanley. I was thinking that we can assume that there is an average pinky strength. Let’s say 5. An average person’s pinky, has a strength of 5.

stanleybmanly's avatar

So would a muscle bound individual have a corresponding powerful pinky?

zenvelo's avatar

I would say my pinky strength is average for my age.

The best rock climbers can hold almost their whole body weight with their pinkies!

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Patty_Melt's avatar

It depends on the function. In regards to typing, my pinkies are weak, can’t hit keys on a typewriter Hart enough to print.
But, to hook it onto a handle, or twine, I can lift pretty good weight with it.
Go figure.

ucme's avatar

I mean, will try masturbating with it but have a feeling that’s not going to end well.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Stanley. I’m much bigger, and stronger than most people. The other day, I realized that my pinkies, though important to overall hand function, were pretty weak compared to my other fingers. I have very large hands, but my fingers seem short for the size of my palm, although they are very dense. I could probably stab a few fingers through a thin piece of wood. Have a few MMA techniques that require my first three fingers, and sometimes my thumb. But I tuck my pinky when performing them.

I can pick up heavy stuff with just that finger, but it still seems so frail, compared to my other fingers, which have the same “design.”

Ah. Yes. Climbers. They would probably have the strongest pinkies! Makes sense.

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