General Question

janbb's avatar

Is it still only considered proper to wear black to a funeral?

Asked by janbb (63369points) August 19th, 2008

I have to go to a cousin’s funeral tomorrow and I don’t have any black summer clothes. Would wearing a dark print dress (in browns and maroons) be innappropriate? I do have black capri pants but I feel a dress or skirt is the right thing to wear.

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18 Answers

Les's avatar

It is not inappropriate to wear dark colors other than black. My grandmother recently passed away, and I wore a dark green sweater with a dark skirt. And I would stay away from the capris, like you said. Go with the dress or skirt, and maybe bring a cardigan along with you.

Snoopy's avatar

In general I would say that any dark, sedate dress clothing would be fine.

But you need to consider your family, traditions, region of the country you will be in etc.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Sorry about your cousin. Wear what makes you feel good, but I would shy away from “standing out”.

tedibear's avatar

I’m sorry to hear about your cousin. I would wear something fairly sedate. Quiet, neutral colors – gray, black, brown, navy, tan – should all be okay. Dress pants are fine, but I would avoid capris or crop pants.

sarapnsc's avatar

I sincerely offer my condolensences for your loss.

Although black is still the color most closely associated with mourning, it is permissible to wear other dark colors. The focus should be on the proceedings, not your outfit, so opt for simple, conservative clothing.

The dress you mentioned above, should be just fine, it is a dark print.

Wearing slacks is appropriate too, but I would only suggest that if the weather was extremely cold.

Subdued colors at funerals is just a tradition, of a way of paying respect.

mzgator's avatar

First of all please accept my sincere condolences for your loss of your cousin . I will keep you in my prayers as you go through this sad time.

As the others have said, dark colors and a skirt or dress are appropriate for a funeral.

janbb's avatar

Thanks all for the sympathy and the advice. Since everyone is weighing in with the same general notions, I feel o.k. in my choice.

baseballnut's avatar

Sorry to hear about your cousin. This has been the year for funerals in my life for some reason and I’ve noticed that dress varies greatly by the age of the deceased. I atteneded a funeral for a friend’s college age son and nearly everyone was in jeans. I recently attended the funeral of a coworkers father and because it was so hot, nobody wore black including the family. I think there’s more flexibility than before as long as you feel comfortable.

loser's avatar

My condolences…

greylady's avatar

In this part of the country (north), black is usually worn by the immediate family, and dark clothing is worn by more distant relatives and others who attend. You are correct to choose the dress (or a skirt outfit) rather than the capris; I think you will be fine in the colors you describe.
-My condolences also, on the death of your cousin.

gooch's avatar

Sorry for your loss. Dress in any appropriate dark clothing. Dresses are a better choice for women attending funerals in my area.

boffin's avatar

When one of my buds Mom passed, everyone wore RED. Her favorite color. I thought it was odd, but left the service with a smile and a very fond memory. I thought it was a nice touch….

Snoopy's avatar

@boffin I think that is very nice and appropriate.

but if I had been in that situation, you can be for darned sure I would have called like 5 people attending the funeral to be sure they understood the attire situation correctly too

Seesul's avatar

For my dad’s funeral, I started to put on a black dress, but then I thought about it and my dad absolutely loved the color red and everyone knew it. He bought all of his girls red clothing, flowers, etc. and everyone knew that. I wore a red dress in his honor and everyone thought it was nice. I wouldn’t do that for any other funeral, just for my dad. I’ve been to a lot lately (unfortunately) and black doesn’t seem to be the standard, especially in the very hot summers here. People just dress nicely. I sure don’t want people wearing black to mine.

scamp's avatar

I’m so sorry for your loss. Your choice of clothes is fine.
@Seesul what a touching story.

janbb's avatar

Funeral was today – very sad. I wore the brown and maroon dress and it felt appropirate enough.

Thanks again for the advice and the sympathy.

baseballnut's avatar

Hang in there!

greylady's avatar

Thanks for letting us know how it all turned out, and I am glad you felt appropriate in your choice.

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