Social Question

filmfann's avatar

With the onset of a easily acquired program for 3-D printing a handgun happening, how long before a 3-D printed gun is involved in a school shooting?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) July 31st, 2018

Since they will be made of plastic, they will also be easier to get them onto an airline passenger jet undetected.

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8 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

There are still metal parts. Barrel, springs, firing pin. But even it it was all plastic and “undetectable” it will not be as good as an illegal Saturday night special you can pick up for $50.

The 3D printed unit is bulky and unreliable. Why risk it when you can get the real thing?

And you still need bullets.

johnpowell's avatar

The files are out there and have been for a long time. The Pirate Bay has them. Some dating back five years.

My prediction is this. More people will be hurt pulling the trigger of 3D printed guns than by the bullets coming out of them. I certainly wouldn’t trust one.

rebbel's avatar

I can already hear the N3DPGA screaming: “It’s about time the janitors in the schools should be equipped with their own 3D printers.”

kritiper's avatar

Why would a shooting in a school be more important than just a shooting??

MollyMcGuire's avatar

This is illegal and I believe should stay that way.

Federal law passed in 1988, crafted with the NRA’s support, makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.

josie's avatar

Perhaps someday.
The problem is sociopathy.
You can’t 3D print a cure for it.

But just in case it gets down to this-
The Second Amendment says you can keep and bear (carry) arms. It does not say which ones, how they are made, or what they are made of.

Just sayin

MrGrimm888's avatar

From what I have read about them, a long time, if ever…

LuckyGuy's avatar

Also… There are more than a few checkpoints along the way.
1)The prints are known and any 3D printer will be looking for certain critical dimensions after their next software update.
2) Have you ever tried to scan and print money? (Don’t do it unless you already have – then it is too late.) There are security features that notify the copier that money is being copied. That info might or might not be sent somewhere automatically or during the next software update.
3) The machines have unique identifiers that tell the specific machine and other info even though the user does not see it. It is like the color copiers that imprint information in microscopic dots on the page that are only visible under UV light. (Try it!)
4) For a shooting to take place, one needs bullets and they are super easy to find.
The chemical signature of the propellant stands out like a republican at a women’s rights meeting.
So…. Relax.
Anyone downloading that file will be flagged just like child porn is flagged. in fact it will be easier to find those files than child porn since the dimensions are so well defined. If done correctly this whole episode will act like a “stupid filter” to help flag kids thinking about it.

Mental health and bullying are the issues to worry about.

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