What are the times that you swore at someone online or in person ?
I’ve only done twice. I called my grade 5 teacher a bitch , for not letting us to sign out a ball after recess started, and I told my best friend in university to F-off online when she told me to see a psychologist . The latter had a bad outcome.
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8 Answers
I’ve sworn at people online more times than I could count. Many, many “fuck you“s to online jerks.
In person, it’s less common. I do tend to swear around friends, but actually angrily telling someone off with curses, I can’t think of a recent time that I’ve done that. Mostly I just say things while driving that no one will ever hear.
Almost always when in the car or while watching the news on TV.
The world is pitted with the innumerable f-bombs I have dropped.
I rarely swear and never use vulgar language. Had I actually swore and you were the target of that narrative, you would probably remember it.
One day, when my daughter was 15, I got incredibly frustrated and annoyed with her. I explained to her that I felt stressed, needed some space, some time by myself. We were at home, she was in her room and I was in mine, with the door shut. She kept calling out to me to do something or other, nothing important. At one point I was so annoyed with her, I opened the door and called her a selfish bitch! I had never sworn at her before and she was totally shocked. Mum never speaks to me like this! I felt terrible, swearing at my much loved daughter, but in reality I think it was at that point it suddenly dawned on her that mum had needs too, needs just like me! So, in the end it had a positive effect.
I swear constantly. But only to people who know, love, understand and forgive me.
I don’t think that I ever have. There have been occasions where a curse word has been used in general, but not at a person. Even then, it has probably been about five times.
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