Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

Does everything need to have a political message?

Asked by Demosthenes (15393points) August 1st, 2018 from iPhone

I was reading an article about how didacticism has taken over various art forms, especially comedy. It’s no longer enough that something be funny, beautiful, or entertaining, it also has to be sufficiently “woke”. It has to have some kind of political lesson (read: commentary on Trump) in it.

Maybe this affects people of my generation more, but is anyone else sick of political messages in entertainment? I don’t need every show or movie to be “woke” and have timely responses to current events. Even if I agree with the political message, I don’t want it there. And if you don’t agree, then you’re just going to be put off the show/movie/routine entirely.

Do you use entertainment to get away from politics or do you expect political messages in your comedy routines and movies?

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7 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

It does not imo. If you want me to care about your opinion on ANYTHING, give me a copy of your IQ test, until then you’re just another random with a mouth. Money doesn’t mean you’re educated.

kritiper's avatar

It’s relevant, fresh. Something we can relate to.

flutherother's avatar

Here is a famous poem from China for you…

Question and Answer in the Mountains

You ask why I live among the green mountains
I smile but don’t answer – my heart is serene
The peach blossom follows the moving water
There is another Heaven and Earth beyond the world of men.

Li Bai (701 to 762)

Demosthenes's avatar

@flutherother Beautiful poem. :) The world of men is exhausting sometimes.

Stache's avatar

Like @kritiper said, it’s relevant. Politics in comedy is nothing new.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not in my world.

kritiper's avatar

@Demosthenes “The world of men is exhausting sometimes.” Hey! That sentiment goes both ways, ya know…
NOW, if “men” was MAN, in both instances, then OK.

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