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ragingloli's avatar

Should "essential oil" makers not make their oils homeopathic, to really crank up their effectiveness?

Asked by ragingloli (52311points) August 3rd, 2018

They could dilute their essential oils with normal cooking oil.
Surely oil must have better “memory” than plain old water, eh?

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10 Answers

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ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

At least essential oils have a use as air freshener and mood lifter. Some may be marginally effective as insect repellent. I’m guessing to be a true bullshit “homeopathic” dilution it has to be in water. However, if essential oils are cut with snake oil* then they become 10,000X more potent, sync up with the earths natural frequencies to heal your DNA and deliver you to a higher spiritual plane. Also it cures E.D., will make you lose weight and allow you to see auras.
*Only true for unrefined, organic snake oil from snakes that have been fed undomesticated mice.

snowberry's avatar

Would you mind providing a link?

Lacking one, I can only guess at what you are trying to say.

I don’t think you know what homeopathic means. Essential oils are not homeopathics and homeopathics are not essential oils. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to combine them. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. I don’t even know if it’s possible to “make an essential oil homeopathic”. That just sounds bizarre.

As far as using a carrier oil, I want to use one that is of high quality. The last thing I would want is for cheap cooking oil to go rancid, because it would ruin the essential oil. Personally I like to use coconut oil because it doesn’t go rancid quickly and it actually soaks into the skin.

snowberry's avatar

Actually, @ARE_you_kidding_me I was not being funny, and I wasn’t being rude, either. They are not the same. It’s pretty straightforward.

But no worries. Lots of people seem to think it’s the same thing. I hear it all the time.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@snowberry it was @ragingloli who was making a joke.

ucme's avatar

Haha not that anyone would notice :D

snowberry's avatar

(sigh) I know that, but I chose not to address it.

The only people who find this sort of thing funny is one uninformed person cracking a joke to another uninformed person (that’s why racist jokes are only funny to other racists for example). I did not intend to insult anyone, but there you are. I’m sorry.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

There is nothing insulting about pointing out the complete uselessness of homeopathic “medicine.” It’s more of an obligation by those who are informed.

snowberry's avatar

Like I said… the joke only works with like minded people. It’s kind of stupid, really. But if you think it’s funny, ha ha for you.

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