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KNOWITALL's avatar

If you were going to sit down and try to write a book, what would it be about?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30031points) August 3rd, 2018

Normally you’d need a great story from personal experience, a great story told to you by someone close, a great imagination, or expertise on a subject.

Disregarding your capabilities to actually write a book, what would yours be about?
Why do you think the world needs to know about that?

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19 Answers

imrainmaker's avatar

If I decide to write about myself it would be an interesting story to read if not great!! I’ll share with you guys if I’m able to do so..)

ragingloli's avatar

Some kind of shitty Isekai LN.
Genius Scientist and his AI assistant get transported to a medieval world and uses his scientific knowledge and raw processing power to transform their society in order to defeat the Demon Lord (because of course there is a demon lord, there is always a demon lord), to obtain the Demon Lord’s vast magic power in order to return to his home dimension.
Naturally he builds up a massive Harem on his journey, because this always happens in that genre.

kritiper's avatar

Animals, real life experience. The world doesn’t need to know anything, but I could use the cash…

elbanditoroso's avatar

Fiction, probably near-term science fiction as opposed to fantasy. I did some that when I was in highschool and was published in our literary magazine.

I have written several (non-fiction) chapters for books in my profession. That’s pretty easy to do. Fiction would be tougher.

flutherother's avatar

Having made contact with the giant AI that rules half the galaxy humanity realises that ships have already been launched to destroy us and we have only a few years left. This is the story of those years.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Raging and fluther…I’d read both of those haha!

KNOWITALL's avatar

We all have a story, some more painful than others. What would you think of a book of real life horror stories told by the people who lived them. From all over the world. Do you think that could interest you? The goal is to read stories, full of pain and emtion, to rebuild compassion for each other.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not me, @KNOWITALL – I can’t see enjoying stories about other peoples’ horrors. BUT – I do know some people who just eat that up. So there is probably a market for it out there.

ucme's avatar

Penelope Pitstop: From Drag Racer to Drag Queen
Tells her story after retiring from Wacky Races…a gal’s gotta earn a livin!

Blondesjon's avatar

Absolutely everything that I personally identify with.

it’s how writing works

rebbel's avatar

My subject would be chance.
Possibly involving two identical individuals.

I also had an idea for a fictional book, some twenty years ago, which involved terminal illnesses, suicide, destabilizing world economy, and financial gain, but reality has run with it.

johnpowell's avatar

My life has been obnoxiously boring. I would probably just write about how I gave cocaine to a U of O basketball player to teach me how to dunk.

Shit teacher. Still can’t dunk.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

My imagination keeps on dancing in my mind. I’ll (and have been) write about fantasy story. Adventure, magic, romance, horror, and such. I won’t limit myself to just a novel, I also like to dabble in screen writing (and I like to imagine how good it will be when someday it’s aired on TV). It won’t be unusual for me to smile and giggle on my own while writing on paper, and I don’t care how others look at me. The good part about fantasy fiction story is that you’re the god of the world that you created, weaving a fate in to all the characters you created.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m working on one right now. It is a social fantasy fiction story. It involves some anthropology and some physical science which isn’t possible but readers will have to accept because it makes the story really cool.

I was working on some fiction shorts involving early Americans. Most of my work got lost with my crap laptop. I’ll get back to those later, when I need a break from my current writing.

I have a book I wrote based on an old fairytale. It is really good, and I feel optimistic about its chances, but I have to work up some nerve to approach the market I see for it.
I have two other books I have written as two parts of a trilogy, but they are entirely in longhand, and I am not enthused about spending the needed additional time with them to get them typed. I spent so much time with them already, developing characters, working through the plot, doing numerous rewrites. I can actually visualize the characters, who has a nervous laugh, who tends to toss their head when amused, which character would be most likely to chew on a pencil. I feel over exposed to it.
Fiction is my deal. It inspires me, gets me involved, and takes me places I like much better than where I am.

I did think of a social political fiction several years ago, but it involves a lot of aspects I am not qualified to work with, and the research would be massive for me. At the time it would have stood a great chance of doing well, but it was a different society then. Now it would be easily passed over.
I had a good idea for a murder mystery, but I can’t write it. I get too personally involved with whatever I’m writing to do such a dark story.

Okay, here’s a hint. What I’m working on right now includes a scenario of what might explain the human DNA bottleneck. It is crazy, but fun enough to make people want to believe it, if only for the sake of the story. And, there is treasure.

I have always been fascinated by stories about little people. I may do something with that one day. Does anyone remember the show, Land Of The Giants? It got me to fantasizing a lot about finding little tiny people, and keeping them a secret.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty I totally remember that! There was a Twlight Zone about it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I might actually have that Twilight Zone episode recorded.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty_Melt That and the ‘glasses breaking’ episodes are probably among my top 10. heehee

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ugh! I can’t get the glasses one! When it comes on I’m either out of discs, or my reception is bad.

joab's avatar

Anything, as long as it’s plausible.That is, what ever you write, make sure it could actually happen.

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