Does a whole state have to secede? Or, can a single city do it?
Asked by
JLeslie (
August 4th, 2018
from iPhone
This is a Q about the USA. Every so often the topic of a state seceding from the union comes up, I’m just wondering if a single city or county can do it? Would it need the state’s permission? How would that work?
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21 Answers
I’m guessing they would chop it up among the county lines… like they did Ireland, they took the 6 northern counties. (still kills me inside.) If they do it, they can expect a generations worth of death and fighting.
Why not? It is equally illegal for either a city or a state to secede.
In a way I guess West Virginia seceded from Virginia? I don’t know why it did that, but it was still in the union.
I thought there was a way for a state to ask to secede, it’s just that the fed would never approve it. Or, something like that.
None of the above. For any state to leave, it has to have the assent of the other states of the US.
read this: link
Texas is the only state that legally can secede. It would become an independent nation. Several ‘alternate history’ works have Texas as an independent country,
Some in California wants to secede, It won’t happen, but if it did it would probably be just a few counties. Or just Orange County. It would still have some provincial ties to the U.S. I suspect, but would be self governing and would decline very fast, like San Francisco—especially because there would be no Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That would be outlawed. It would be decimated quickly by the elements whose causes were supported by those who wanted secession
@Yellowdog: please provide some actual documentation for your claim that Texas can “legally” secede.
@JLeslie Virginia and West Virginia split at the Civil War. Virginia was in the Confederacy. West Virginia. was for the Union.
Ironic as it may seem, the Ulster Scot, or Scots Irish, and areas dominated by this North Ireland culture—were usually sympathetic to, and fought for, the Union, not the Confederacy. Those backward West Virginians, the Kentucky and Tennessee Hillbillies, were stalwart Unionists. The posh, cultured people of Virginia were Confederates.
In the South, the West Virginia types were greatly influential of the cause of winning the South.
BTW I’d be all for parts of California seceding if it would save the rest of the country and everyone was happy.
Texas secession – an often repeated but entirely false myth.
link among others
What IS your opinion on Northern Ireland? Some believe it belongs to Ireland (that’s my position)—and there are those who think Northern Ireland or at least Ulster should be entirely independent, historically this was because Ireland was Catholic (Don’t remember if those six counties were Church of England or Church of Scotland) I am not from that part of the world but have an interest in it and through folk music.
Whether Catholic or Anglican hardly seems is relevant if people choose one or another or anything else. That’s why I hold the position that this region should be a part Ireland, since it is geographically.
What’s your position, as you are more familiar with this part of the world?
@Yellowdog Don’t have time for a history lesson. Maybe you can find a good book at your local library. Frank Zappa once said, ‘There is more hate per mile in Europe than anywhere else I’ve been.’ He wasn’t wrong, but we’ve learned to live with each other and somehow aren’t in constant war with each other anymore. The Irish troubles were due to English colonialism. Countries over here have always been great and fighting each other and using religion as their sharpest weapon. Edit: In fact, by using religion as a weapon in war and propaganda, it becomes a sharper weapon the more it is used.
A book, @ScienceChick? He was asking for your opinion. He can’t get that from a book or Google.
@Yellowdog Here is something to get you started. It’s pretty interesting.
@Dutchess_III My opinion is based on the history of the situation. He didn’t display he understood the basics of the situation, so I suggested a book. In the end, I kept it really simple for him.
Opinions are personal. He may learn the history and develop a different opinion. He wanted to know yours. I think he is assuming, perhaps erroneously, that you have some sort of inner understanding or experience with the situation that others don’t have.
And maybe, @Dutchess_III, that was her polite way of saying that she simply didn’t want to engage and/or argue with him; as she said: ”Don’t have time for a history lesson.”
Does that help you understand her post?
@Dutchess_III I get the distinct impression @Yellowdog is neither moved by opinions or facts. My time is my own, and I’ll write or not. Thank you.
History has shown what happens when states attempt to secede. No reason to imagine that a city would escape the precedent.
BTW, there is always somebody who says the Income Tax is illegal so you really don’t have to pay it,and that Texas is singularly allowed to secede from Union. Hmm…
Does THIS help you understand?
I know the Irish Revolutionaries opinion and I know there are people in Ulster who want an independent state/nation. I have dealt with the folk music from the region and I have many books and folk songs. @Dutchess_III was right that I was asking @ScienceChick for her specific opinion. I try to understand all sides of an issue. Its good to get them, especially from perspectives different from what I might have read.
Thanks, Dutchess. Most opinions I respect, even if I disagree. I have no personal investment in North Ireland so I can gain insight and opinions without needing to make a point or statement or even forming a personal opinion. When someone expresses interest, insight or knowledge of a topic like this, I am interested. I already have books and sources. I really no longer care about your opinion @ScienceChick that I asked for. Fluther is a power-keg of hate, anger, and neurocities. The fewer facts, opinions, insight, given, the better.
I didn’t know you @Yellowdog and you @Dutchess_III felt so entitled to my most inner felt thoughts and opinions. Go thought-rape someone else. I’m here to give mostly scientific answers, if I can. If i share anything else, it’s up to me, not you.
No state or city can leave the country.
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