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Anonttl's avatar

Am I a carrier for muscular dystrophy?

Asked by Anonttl (7points) August 4th, 2018

Am I a carrier for muscular dystrophy? I have two older brothers my second oldest has Muscular Dystrophy is there a chance I can be a carrier?? (I also have a younger brother if that’s important too) and I’m a female.

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2 Answers

Adagio's avatar

This is an important question but it is not a question for a website such as this, it is a question for a medical specialist, expert in their field, you need sound advice you can trust.

ScienceChick's avatar

There are tests for some forms of Muscular Dystrophy. There is more than one type, so you would have to know which form your brother has. Here is a website that helps explain genetic testing options and counselling. I’m a big proponent of knowing and genetic screening, but like my moniker eludes.. I am a Science Chick. Anyway… here is the website, just as a place to start. (I selected the tab for mothers and carriers) Also, I’m wondering how old you are and why you are worried about this now and if you’ve talked to your family about it.

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