How come when we talk about universal health care for the u.s..(rest in details)?
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August 5th, 2018
Mostly conservatives will grab their heads and scream all the liberals want is free, free, free, and who will pay for this it’s not sustainable.
But when it comes to tax cuts that will benefit mostly the wealthy, or any conflict the states charge into you never hear these same people scream who will pay for this and it isn’t sustainable.
How come they are not worried about these costs?
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25 Answers
@SQUEEKY2 – a couple of points
- Republicans were against the ACA and things like that because the democrats are for it. The actual facts of the matter don’t make a difference.
- Republicans are racially motivated. Helping people by providing medical care is a bad thing, because it helps probably democratic voters. Giving rich people more money is a good thing because it doesn’t help blacks and hispanics; rather, it helps whites.
= Republicans are hypocrites. Just watch the answers and responses that will follow my posting.
—Because rep/cons hate brown people, and will not support brown people’s medicine because it helps them die.
—Furthermore, rich people get all the tax cuts so they have and deserve all the money. Since they get all the money they are the only ones who can afford health care. And the money goes right back into their pockets because they own all the pharmaceutical companies. Its a win-win situation for us white people
—Us rich White people are actually liberals demographically speaking so its win-win for liberals, too.
Yeah, but where are the Servers, the servers you need to see the servers, wait look over there isn’t that one of those emails?
I think the reason is that in America the very wealthy not only have economic power but they have political power too. And of course they are selfish and will protect their own interests. There is nothing wrong with that. What I find strange is that the average Americans who are not so well off will not stand up for their interests. And so Trump finds it easy to give $1.5 trillion to the wealthiest Americans while those with the lowest incomes will actually be even worse off in the longer term. It is blatantly unfair and yet few object.
But what the English don’t recognize is that I cannot even hold an office in the church, teach at a university, or hold certain government positions, because I am not high class enough.
“Mostly conservatives will grab their heads and scream all the liberals want is free, free, free, and who will pay for this it’s not sustainable.”
You know what…they’re right. The way the left have proposed it is paid for is certainly not sustainable and it leaves the core problem unresolved. It is however a bitter pill for many on the right to swallow when it is pointed out that solving the problem means wrestling control from insurance and pharma giants and then strictly regulating costs. That’s gov’t intervention in business and it has been a long and unwavering unpopular opinion among conservatives. It’s not as much now though, times are changing since the obscene healthcare costs affect everyone regardless of political opinion. Nobody wants to be raked over the coals when they are sick and often unable to fight back. I feel strongly that this is something that can be solved if both sides are willing to come to the table and work it out.
It’s been sustainable for other countries, why not ours? And we would be paying for it out of our taxes, so it would not be a free “hand out.” It would be incentive for the government to bring all this shit under control and stop allowing hospitals and doctors and drug companies to charge whatever the hell they want to, no matter how outrageous.
I went to the doctor for an entrapped ulnar nerve. They made a brace for me out of a square of neophrane, glue and velcro strips. Maybe $5.00 worth of plastic and Velcro, and about 15 minutes of labor. THEY CHARGED ME $600!!! That would be illegal in virtually any other business.
That’s just it @Dutchess_III the states is one of the only 2 industrial nations on earth not to have universal health care for it’s population, you would be shocked to know if you really dug how much of your tax dollars go to that health care system now, and yet millions of your citizens can’t access that system,and Trump wants to kick more off what they do have now.
Nice system.
But that wasn’t really the question, why scream we can’t afford a universal healthcare system, but not say a peep about outlandish tax cuts for the wealthy,or any conflict your armed forces engage in?
(But what the English don’t recognize is that I cannot even hold an office in the church, teach at a university, or hold certain government positions, because I am not high class enough.)
And still you are dedicated and very loyal to the wealthy right,that don’t have to even give you the time of day.
Why is that @Yellowdog ?
Because in the U.S. I CAN teach in a university, I CAN hold a government office, and I can even be a Bishop.
Then are you pursuing any of those positions then?^
I’ve taught at a university and got ordained but in a protestant denomination. I CAN be an Anglican or Lutheran priest with my credentials and could be a Methodist Bishop if I switched denominations.
That’s excellent, but why are are you so against universal health care?
When the states is one of the last 2 industrialized nations on earth not to have it,being so religious you most care for the poor and down trodden, don’t they deserve health care as well ?
Or should they just die?
And don’t go on about it being free,that is just a freight wing cop out,big difference from free to being affordable for everyone.
Big nations have it and we don’t see it bankrupting them so why is the states so against it?
Or should I point out why is the right so against it?
“It’s been sustainable for other countries, why not ours”
A good part of this is that in those countries they negotiated lower prices from the providers and suppliers. They did not simply “pay it through taxes” Certainly taxes are part of the equation but it’s a smaller variable than you would think. We tax enough already to pay for it if the pricing was fair to begin with. A good part of the lower cost in other countries is because Americans are subsidizing them with our inflated costs. Really the solution for America is to simply demand and legislate lower costs. Profit margins for pharma are obscene.
Who’s gonna pay for this free health care?
If we make ALL taxpayers pay ALL their income, will that pay for most of it?
I used to take care of a disabled woman, it started with me just volunteering transportation. Her meds were over $12,000 a month. Don’t get me wrong, many people need and deserve free healthcare. Not all of her meds were covered, however, and two churches covered most remaining expenses. But I think her case is far from rare in this country. No matter what you think about health coverage, the problem is these prices.
@Yellowdog You are fucking ignoring one fact every industrialized nation on earth except 2 have universal health care for their population,they are not going bankrupt from having it.
AS @ARE_you_kidding_me said those other countries negotiated lower prices from providers and suppliers, while I think that part has an air of truth to it, then to say the us subsidizing ALL those countries by paying higher pricers is a FOX news story.
Then again I do think it’s up to the us and it’s government to negotiate lower prices and get the cost where the us can give it’s population universal health care.
I mean you are running almost dead last to provide this service for your population, CUBA even has universal health care.
BUT still that isn’t the question, why scream about the cost of universal health care ,and not say a peep when the wealthy get huge tax cuts that will benefit mostly them, and not say anything about costly conflicts the arm forces go rushing into.
The tax cuts are higher for the wealthy. So are the taxes. People can’t grasp that and it is just not rocket science.
Again @MollyMcGuire NOT,NOT the question why do you freak about the cost of universal health care but not say anything about those tax cuts ,or armed conflicts your armed forces charge into??
Trump gave something like well over a trillion dollars in tax cuts that will benefit mostly the wealthy, while on the campaign trail he said the wealthy should pay their fair share of taxes,then turns around and hands them that.NICE.
When Obama was in and spent more than a dime on anything the right would always groan and cry he is going to bankrupt this country.
NOW ,Trump is going to push the debt to record levels and all is well with the world?
Every income strata is recovering right now. Black unemployment and Hispanic unemployment are at all time lows. Businesses are hiring. Trump’s approval ratings are over 50% because everyone is noticing a difference in their paychecks.
What really appalling is those who are disappointed with the economic recovery, and want the economy to fail and masses to suffer just because they hate Trump and equate a failed national economy to a failed administration.
Its kinda hard to talk about how only the rich are prospering and how bad things are in America economically when the economy is on a long overdue upswing from where we had been under the previous eight years.
It’s like the sky is blue but this one guy is insisting that it’s purple…can’t see what is right in front of his eyes.
Do you know anything other than deflection???
And ole Orange hair’s approval aint no 50%.
Got to hand it to ya you sure are one dedicated right winger.
And Obama had an outstanding GDP growth in the last 17months of his administration,it was just as good as Trump’s now but all you do is praise the orange hair lier.
Let’s ignore the fact he is pushing your countries debt to historic levels,but wait the economy is humming so we ignore that,and if that doesn’t work let’s look for an email.
or go on about server,server,server.
And @Dutchess_III has a point,I am pretty sure you die hards would believe him if he said the sky was purple.
Also he just cost the tax payer 12 billion dollars, for bailing out the soybean farmers from his fucking trade war the trade war HE started, but look how well the economy is humming,oh wait is that one of those emails over there?
What really gets me is if a Democrat does get in at 2020 you right wingers will shift back to OMG the debt ,the debt,the debt.
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