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Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you consider a 2 lane, vs a 4 lane?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 5th, 2018

I assume a 2 lane is one lane in each direction. I assume a “four lane” means 2 lanes in each direction. Six lane is 3 lanes in each direction.
However, I just got laughed at by some kid when I pointed out a certain street (in the town I grew up in,just 30 miles up the road) was now a 4 lane. It was two lanes when I lived there. She laughed and said, “It’s not 4 lanes, LMFAO!”

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10 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I suggest your young friend watch “Two Lane Blacktop”: and then she can tell you how many lanes there are.

kritiper's avatar

If it’s 2 lanes one way and 2 lanes in the other, it’s a 4 lane. If it’s 2 one way and 2 the other and has a center turn lane, it’s 5.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! She said, “Well, they aren’t listed as such in an drivers hand book.” Um. Yeah. It is. And I pulled up a PDF of the Kansas driving handbook.

“On two-lane roads, with traffic moving in both directions, you may pass traffic on the left if the pass can be completed safely”

In making a right turn from a four-lane divided highway, enter the right lane ”

LadyMarissa's avatar

WHY do you allow a dumb kid to make you doubt yourself??? Here, you are correct in your lane count. Since the younger generation is changing everything, maybe they’ve changed that too!!!

Zaku's avatar

I’m with you, as is most of the world, and I think all of the official world. “Two-lane road” means one road going in each direction.

But I can see how it’s one of those things that people could easily think it means the other thing.

JLeslie's avatar

2 lane road is one lane each way just as you said, but I always clarify when talking to people, because I don’t think everyone knows it.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

You know that ‘is math necessary’ question someone asked a day or so ago. Here we have an example of application. Are there two lanes, or are there four. ;)

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@JLeslie Anyone with a driver license should know the definition of a two-lane road. I would wager that the preschool kids in my family could define it without batting an eye.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Its not illogical for someone to think a two lane means two lanes in the one direction, it’s just not correct. It’s not really a math equation, it’s just counting and definitions.

If someone was telling a story about what happened on a highway they might say, “I was driving in the second to left lane on a four lane highway, and the guy in the left lane cut me off to exit…”. The story is about the four lanes in one direction the story teller is driving in, the road is technically an eight lane, but people state it incorrectly.

The story teller should say it was four lanes in one direction, but they say instead four lane road, and might even think four lane road is correct terminology. I personally think in terms of how many lanes are in one direction, but I just know the proper definition.

When I’m driving I care about how many lanes in one direction. Is it one lane, and if I get stuck behind someone going very slowly I’m screwed? Is it 3 lanes so I can ride in the middle without passing, but don’t have to deal with lots of people entering and exiting? I think in terms of the lanes in one direction.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@LadyMarissa LOL! What on earth made you think that I doubted myself for even half a second? She was just dumb. She also thought the the speed limit signs meant you drive exactly that speed. She didn’t understand that they indicate the maximum speed you can go on a road.

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