General Question

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Would you fight for your life, die, or do somthing else?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) August 19th, 2008

say the world was under attack by (shudders) the undead and you had options, what would you do fight, kill yourself, or do something else. i thought i would first be like goo’by Wrestle has left the building, but then i thought it over i would die standing then like a coward, well first find a location and stock up, then the hero thing, or i could just call upon my army the help.

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27 Answers

Harp's avatar

Join ‘em

syz's avatar

I’d like to think that I’d fight to the end, but who knows ‘til it happens?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Join ’ em,? don’t you want to live?

trumi's avatar

Pick up my 20 gauge, make my way over to the middle school by my house, camp out and wait for the fuckers.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

join me there is strength in numbers,and let’s camp out at my high school, i studied every inch of it and it suits as a well defensible fortress.

Harp's avatar

That’s life?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

wait what’s life?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

yo, yo, yo, it’s cusin E man !!!!

Harp's avatar

Look, I spent years in a high school, and I know that’s not life. I’ll have more fun with the undead.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

think about this you can shoot and run and hack and stab people and undead police they can’t do squat, if you were to have fun you’d first have to be bitten and that’s a sucker, to be eaten, and well you can’t think and your slow to move think of the fun you would have if you were alive and well with an M4.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

oh and sorry about “my” YO post that was my cousin, who i was babysitting, my bad.

Harp's avatar

Dude, that all sounds exactly like my high school. I’m going to my happy place now

wrestlemaniac's avatar

whoa okay where is you high school i want to go there..

Harp's avatar

Actually, I think it might be a good fit…

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i know it would (cocks shotgun)

iwamoto's avatar

i guess i’d just stock up and dig myself in, fuck the rest, because as we all know, as soon as you start caring, you’re gonna get yourself killed…

wrestlemaniac's avatar

well yeah every man for himself, but strength in numbers, if your buddy is in danger and it looks hopeless, then fuck it save yourself.

SuperMouse's avatar

I would fight those zombies with everything I have. I would use all of my martial arts training and I would take them all down – every last one of them – single handedly. Harp, Wrestle, Iwa, Trumi and Syz, you have nothing to fear, I’ll take them all out, you just stand back, watch me kick some zombie ass, then drag their formerly undead, now dead bodies away.

iwamoto's avatar

….he’s so gonna get killed

SuperMouse's avatar

@iwamoto, you are talking about the zombie right?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

no he’s talking about you, and don’t forget i’m part shade i can kill a zombie with just a wave of my hand.

trumi's avatar

That’s cool. I’m part flying spaghetti, so I’ll pretty much just whip the fuckers to death.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

okay…spaghetti breakes

SuperMouse's avatar

@westle, I’m a girl so he can’t be talking to me! BTW, what does it mean to be “part shade?”

wrestlemaniac's avatar

well here’s a link,, i possess some of their powers. such as calling up a force of shades to serve me.

scamp's avatar

I’d hide out in a comic book! Then I could do anything I wanted. Why stick with reality when fantasy is so much fun?
@ wrestle, your wiki page has been deleted.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

not really it still works, just click shade mythology.

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