How would you handle a friend who is a really nice guy, but doesn't tell the truth?
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August 9th, 2018
He can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Would you call him on it?
Would you over look it because he has always been there, and helped out when you needed it?
Would you limit your time around him?
Just would like to know how you would deal with the situation?
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14 Answers
And yes this question does have a political innuendo , but I also had a real friend with this problem and I just started distancing myself from him and we are no longer friends, but I know some of his friend now and they say the same thing, he just can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it.
Liars are not a part of my life and I wouldn’t allow them to be very close to me.
When you think about it, how can anyone know where they stand with a liar?
Why does he feel the need to lie? Is he too weak to be honest? Would people disapprove?
It’s a horrible habit, and you should definately let him know why you don’t want to be close to him. Perhaps he can work on changing before its too late.
Thanks @KNOWITALL I think it might be an insecurity thing, but he really was a nice guy and did help out whenever needed.
But I got tired of all the lies,and as I said just started distancing myself from him to a point we are no longer friends.
Interesting that he was reliable and dependable in all other ways. The contradiction is rather stunning. Were the lies all Trumpisms, designed to enhance his status? Any chance that he might have grown out of the habit?
My ex friend,NO he is still lying his head off.
Yeah his lies always made him out better in any story, sort of like Trump.
Sort of? Obviously the trait is by now a deeply ingrained habit. You have to wonder how many of Trump’s “friends” have dumped him? Though you’ve distanced yourself, do you still consider this man a friend? if he asked you for help, might he rely on you?
It would so, so depend on how intertwined our lives were. If his lying started negatively affecting my life, I would cut ties. But if I can keep him as a friend, at a distance, and it doesn’t matter if he lies a long, I’d do that. I’d also adjust my BS meter accordingly.
I would talk to him about it.
@stanleybmanly Yeah I wonder how many of Trump’s friends have dumped him over the years because of his lies, and NO this ex friend and I are no longer friends so he wouldn’t call on me and I wouldn’t go to help him.
I would still befriend him so long as he does not intentionally causing disadvantages to me. Him not telling the truth does not affect my life. I would like to know the reason why he can’t tell the truth and see if I can help him.
Hmm… how nice can a person actually be, who constantly lies to make himself look better?
I guess it would really depend on his style and how much damage and chaos he creates around him.
I can sort of imagine someone who is actually benevolent and careful not to cause actual harm to anyone, yet constantly makes untrue statements and always says positive things about himself that are untrue, but does that consistently and not really to deceive but just as a giant ongoing joke. That might be tolerable… though I might still tend to want to figure out what it was all about, and send him in the direction of healing & wisdom, which we all need anyway.
I think that is a problem. I would keep such a friend at a distance.
Sorry a mod didn’t like the way this question was worded, so I had to change it.
No need to apologize for the obsessive red pencil nitpicking of others.
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