Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do the animal shelters do when they have an overflow of unclaimed animals?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 10th, 2018

There is only X amount of room for all the dogs and cats. What do they do if they run out of room?

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16 Answers

joab's avatar

They turn on the cremation burners.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Ever hear of a “no kill shelter?”
Those are few and far between, please adopt your pets.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Here they will be euthanized unless at a no kill, who will foster out or hold adoption events.

I couldn’t volunteer at the local human society because I had to agree to stay those days (on the forms) and I couldn’t do that.

ragingloli's avatar

They have a feast. In Korea at least.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli And China I believe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wokin the dog?

snowberry's avatar

There are various no kill shelters that pull their population from the kill shelters. Texas Humane Heroes doesn’t even accept drop offs for example And they’ve got a lot of animals.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@snowberry You have to pay to drop off here, so recently someone decided to kill about five dogs and leave at the gates of the local humane society. A bullet is cheaper than $25 per animal drop off fee. Or they dump them out in the country, like out by my house, so we have to deal with these poor animals, who just end up in a shelter or dead. It’s very sad.

But people won’t stop wanting designer dogs or breeding dogs for money, unfortunately.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They have a “flash sale” with reduced fees and charges.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Call Korean restaurants.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sweet and sour.

kritiper's avatar

Send them somewhere else or decrease the time to lethal injection!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have seen many promotions done when shelters get overpopulated.

Lots of rescued animals go into show business, so it wouldn’t hurt to have contact information for trainers.

Puppy brunch, public invite.

Toys and pets playtime, kids and their parents in a playroom full of pets.

Free pets for seniors day, half price for everyone else.

Pet Christmas stockings included free with adopted animal at Christmas.

I have seen various public activities where animals up for adoption were available to see.

I think if I were organizing, I would look for a parking lot where I could set up a pet parade, with little floats pulled by golf carts and tricycles, dogs on leash dressed like clowns,

Unofficial_Member's avatar

I believe their logical measure would be to stop adding more extra liabilities in to their stock instead of decreasing their current stock. When they couldn’t take in anymore they’ll simply call another organization that can still afford to keep extra stock to handle the situation.

snowberry's avatar

I wish, but unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. If they can’t move the extra animals, they are put down. And of course, some breeds in certain areas are put down more than others. Pit bulls, for example.

ScienceChick's avatar

They also use a system of foster families. I’ve fostered animals and helped out families that were moving or going overseas for work. Instead of having to re-home their pet permanently, there are folks who will foster. There are two cat shelters I know of in the area that use a foster system so they can look after more cats than they have space for. It works.

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