Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In your home country who would be the worst, or best citizen, to lead it?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) August 10th, 2018

Worse , or better , than who you have at the moment? I would pick Weird Al Yankovic as worst , and David Suzuki as best for Canada.

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12 Answers

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Some may argue that it is backwards. That “Weird Al” Yankovic is best and David Suzuki is worst. Depending on your point of view. David Suzuki would gut the mining and fossil fuels commodities sector and “Weird Al” Yankovic would be an honest entertaining leader would draw a crowd to participate in elections and politics in general.

Each argument is both for and against for both sides. It all depends on your point of view.

Zaku's avatar

I wonder why Weird Al would be worst?

My first thought for the USA would be that it’d be hard to be worse than Trump, but I think his VP Pence may turn out to be worse. But actual worst… hmm, Alex Jones?

Best? Well the USA is so divided, and the party politicians are mostly not trusted, mostly with good reason. I’d be happy with Bernie Sanders or any actual representative of people over corporations and big money and party corruption… but would the country? I don’t know who could be a great unifier that could actually “lead the country” – I’d want someone revolutionarily honest who would call out the corruption and put the people before big money and corporations and their big parties… and I don’t know if “the right” would follow someone like that, of if they’d just yell “commie”.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Zaku “Weird Al” Yankovic might be the craziest person in Canada; Or the sanest. All depends on your point of view.

Yellowdog's avatar

Santa Claus, as we have developed him, is pretty much a product of New York, from the Dutch Colonial era to Night Before Christmas to Dear Virginia to Miracle on 34th street

He’s kind of an antithesis to Donald Trump as he is even more wealthy, about the same age physically, and manages to give everything away. So I vote Santa Claus as King of the States and even Canada if they want him. We can all get behind Santa Claus as a product of New York

ScienceChick's avatar

I think @Yellowdog would be the worst person to run any country I know of. And the best? I’d like to see that young man, Trevor Noah run a country. That kid seems to really have his head screwed on straight, as my father would say.

ragingloli's avatar

Best: Gysi.
Worst: Some Nazi.

janbb's avatar

Best: Elizabeth Warren

Worst: Need I spell it out?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Obama best.
trump, worst.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Are you looking for a name?

basstrom188's avatar

Worst: Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Nigel Farage. As for the best I don’t think there are any.

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