Social Question

What kind of food did you eat growing up?
Please give us a time frame or a decade. This question came about because of a discussion on FB about some of the really weird shit they concocted in the 50s and 60s that they called food!
All through the 60’s and through most of the 70’s Mom was the only one who cooked,unless we had steak. Dad would grill that on the grill. We each got a whole Tbone and we took it to the bone, and started chewing on the bone marrow! We had tea, rather than milk to drink when we had steak.
Thinking back on it, it doesn’t seem like she had much variety, but with the exception of one dish, it was all good. We had milk with every meal.
Breakfast: Pancakes with Mom’s homemade syrup, or oatmeal. The oatmeal was with butter, brown sugar, and half and half cream. It was really good.
I don’t really recall lunch…maybe we just weren’t home at lunch time during the summer.
Dinner was fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy, canned corn.
Fried pork chops along with fried potatoes.
Corn bread and beans.
Roast with carrots, potatoes and onions.
There was this one dish she made because dad liked it. It was chipped beef in cheese sauce over toast. OMG that shit was nasty! I opted for skipping dinner all together rather than eat that. But the cheese sauce was wonderful over a baked potato.
Sometimes we’d have pancakes and eggs for dinner. Don’t they seem to taste different in the evening than they do in the morning?
Occasionally fresh fruit would show up in the fruit bowl, but we never ate it.
I want to say that that can’t be ALL she ever cooked, but I can’t remember anything else. There was never any meatloaf or tuna casserole or anything like that.
What foods were you fed growing up?