Should smoking in your vehicle be banned because a few smokers continue to throw their lit butts out the window?
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August 11th, 2018
Several bad fires this season has been caused by retards throwing their butts out their car window.
We are seeing record heat levels this year.
But don’t take my word for it just google it and check for your self.
These idiots seem to care less about any damage they might cause, or fines they might face.
So is it time to just make smoking in your vehicle illegal?
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31 Answers
Naw. Ban the cars that the butts are thrown out of. Makes as much sense.
Then what is the solution @canidmajor ?
I can go on people want guns banned because a few use them to commit murder.
But most people use them responsibly and safely.
I saw a transport driver throw a but out on my last shift ,it’s not just the car drivers, smokers feel they can do whatever they want.
Gosh…how on earth can they tell if a fire has been caused by one little cigarette butt? I’m not doubting it, but how do they know.
Around here, when it’s really windy and hot and dry we get fire alerts that tell us to be careful with fires, including cigarettes due to the conditions. When I smoked, I took it seriously.
Well, @SQUEEKY2 , it really didn’t occur to me that you wanted a serious answer, because the question was so patently silly.
I get the feeling @Dutchess_III and I have never smoked that smokers feel their but just lands on the pavement and in a minute or less just burns out.
The problem the vehicle behind them blows it thirty feet off the road where it then starts a fire.
Just this week they had a major highway here shut down because of a discarded cigaret but.
It was so the aircraft could get in close and bomb it with retardant and it still got away from them.
It has been horrible. Well, all we can do is do what we do. If some one throws a butt out the window when there is a fire warning out, get their tag and call it in. Same if you see people texting and driving. Dash cams are becoming indispensable.
Why is it so patently silly @canidmajor ?
People cry for stronger firearm laws because a few can’t use them safely.
Why is that any different from smoking and throwing your but out the window?
@Dutchess_III My cross shift put one in our transport ,I love it so much I went and got one for both Mrs Squeeky and myself.
I don’t see the Q as being silly. Any chance they are “blaming” cigarettes for the fires when indeed it was something else??? Are they blaming smokers just so they can build a case to ban smoking in cars??? Here they tried to make it illegal to smoke in your car IF you had a child in the car. They planned to charge the offender with child neglect. That only lasted long enough for one of our more prominent families to get busted. It never made it to court & now NOBODY even brings it up!!!
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. How on earth would they _know_it’s caused by a cigarette butt?
In my family we just don’t smoke in the cars when the kids are in the car. Don’t need a law to tell us that.
Smokers themselves should be purged, you stink, leave this place :D
Leave the smokers alone. People should be allowed to smoke in their homes, regardless of the type and in their vehicles, on their own property, and on public walkways and streets on foot if moving. Eight kids standing on a corner smoking can cause a bit of a cloud but if they are walking it’s OK. My opinion.
Let’s ban candy bars since wrappers are thrown on the ground.
Let’s ban this and let’s ban that. How about let’s live in freedom and with liberty.
I recommend putting a $0.10 deposit on cigarette buts.
No. They should be fined for littering.
No. There are laws that prohibit the discharge of burning materials from autos. Here, at least…
Hey @MollyMcGuire I will agree to a point smoke away just don’t throw the butt out the fucking window, it was no doubt a cigaret but that caused the forest fire i saw this week.
If caught and proven should the offender be held for the cost of fighting the fire?
One huge helicopter called a sky crane was $5500 an hour a few years back, and some of these fires can have half a dozen choppers fighting it plus ground crew.
No doubt, huh? If the state can prove a case they can prosecute; it has been done before. Generally the penal code specifies sentences which can include restitution. In the summers some areas, like mine, experience heat lightning. There is no rain or thunder associated with it. The lightning can cause fires. They really are awful and destructive. Anyone who starts one on purpose should be in a ton of trouble. Anyone who causes one negligently should have quite a price to pay too. I agree. It’s been a long time but I do remember seeing signs on the highways saying that the car windows had to remain closed while anyone in the car was smoking. Seems like it was out west.
SQUEEKY2 :: Was the first to mention guns. I am shocked. I’m starting to think they don’t really care about forest fires.
You could pick up the stub and throw it back inside the window, with the line “You dropped something.”
Seriously, everytime a smoker exhales, he physically assaults everyone around him.
They should all be in jail. 10 years for each person they assault. They would never see sunlight again.
There are already laws against littering and in many places against throwing lit cigarettes out of windows. Those doing these things don’t care about the laws so telling them that smoking in their own car is illegal probably won’t get you too far. Besides..what would the punishment be? And don’t get me wrong…I’m against littering and I haven’t smoked in 30+ years. I just see such a ban as another in a long line of knee-jerk rules we have instituted.
What I am trying to get at!
What the FUCK is it going to take to get SMOKERS to stop throwing lit buts out their damn vehicles in tinder dry conditions?
I know a lot of new vehicles don’t even have ash trays, you can always get a cheap one from a dollar store, but even if that is too costly or can’t be bothered, a pop can or bottle with a half inch of water would do the trick, what is it going to take?
Maybe raise the price of the cigaret to $500 a pack to help pay for the cost a few idiots cause?
Since laws don’t seem make any difference on these morons,maybe pricing the cigaret out of reach is the only way?
And my reference to guns @johnpowell ,was a few idiots use them to hurt people and everyone all of a sudden wants tougher laws or even have them ,or certain ones banned.
While most firearm owners use them safely and responsibly.
The damage and devastation not to mention the cost these forest fire bring is staggering ,and to see careless,thoughtless, clueless ,people causing some of these fires by flicking their lit buts out a car window, brings the question should all smokers pay because of a few?
Too many people, I think, assume it’s only illegal if you get caught.
If you look at old Q’s about this, a lot of smokers admit that they didn’t think twice about it, they didn’t consider it littering. I use the past tense, because most of them had come around eventually, but had spent years smoking and not thinking anything was wrong with it.
When I see someone through a cig butt in the ground I say something. One time it happened in a Walgreens parking lot, and the guy said he didn’t want the butts in his car, and maybe stores should have a place to put out cigarettes outside the doors. Idiot.
Yeah, like he only does it in front of stores—bullshit.
He doesn’t want butts in his car, but it’s ok on our streets? Like I said—-idiot.
Anyway, call their attention to it by saying something, and police need to cite people, and eventually I think it will happen less and less.
Start a social media campaign. Photograph butts on the ground and post it in Facebook. Or, just write a status on Facebook saying “cigarette butts are litter when you throw them on the ground.” Or, make up a lie saying go heard simeonevwas fines $100 for littering.
When I was in high school the passenger in my boyfriend’s car was fined $100 when he threw a paper cup out of the car window, and that was a lot of money back then.
@SQUEEKY2 the problem is there are stupid, stupid people among us. Those that throw lit cigarettes out the widow are the same ones that would slam on their brakes and stop in the middle of a freeway because they missed their exit. There is just no getting through to some people.
But these stupid people have to start to realize the damage they cause because of their stupidity.
You could make a lottery, where you randomly select smokers and paradrop them into the middle of a forest fire.
Ya know I like that.^^
Think that might smarten up the stupid ones, or at least thin out the smoking herd?
And with each round, you double the amount of smokers getting toasted.
@SQUEEKY2 but they don’t have the ability to to understand. That’s why they’re stupid. If a person can’t understand how fucking DANGEROUS it is to stop in the middle of the interstate, how can they possibly equate a tiny, burning cigarette butt with hundreds of thousands of acres in flames?
I think you are right, but these stupid people still know how to breed like rabbits,making more stupid people.
Yes. Orgasms are a brainless thing.
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