You had me with you for a while until you started bringing racism into it.
I don’t make enough money to qualify or participate in Obama’s Health Insurance Marketplace. Just a letter saying I didn’t qualify—and would not face penalties for not buying their insurance, But I did eventually (2016) get on medicare and medicaid from when I was shot in a robbery in 2011,
Technically I owed more than $100,000 because the Tennessee Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund only pays $35,000. If I weren’t a victim of crime the bills would be closer to $140,000 Additionally, there were extremely high bills for the ambulance, labwork and further hospital bills for physical therapy, reconstructive surgery, etc etc. and regular healthcare when I was not able to work. The most difficult to work with was Labcorp. But other than that, even the people I owed eventually wrote it off and my credit was not affected.
The pair who shot me drove a BMW and although they had felony records (one a Juvenile the other a 20 year old) were living in HUD housing in my Parents’ neighborhood. You are not supposed to be able to do this as a felon. All those he was living with lost the home when the shooter went to prison. And I think, egad—no one gave ME free housing when I was twenty. In fact, it wasn’t until 2015 that I was able to get on Social Security Disability.
Some classes of people, even if they commit felons, know how to work the system. Had my parents not been alive I would have died on the street. So, I fail to see how I am someone donning a Klan hood and belong to some privileged class,
In the robbery, I only had missionary materials, I was going to one of those ‘brown’ places in the world you speak of, I had already been to Haiti after 2009, I also had a car that the shooters could not start because it had both alternater and ignition problems and is very tricky to start, Why they wanted a decrepit 1985 Toyota when they had a 2002 BMW is beyond me.
I was with you for a while in your post, and could have given you some tips on how most hospitals WILL pay for the uninsured—in fact that’s why so many uninsured go to ERs, Some hospitals are really zealous about collections but they cannot harrass you in mail or over the phone anymore, and they cannot come after you legally for medical purposes. My credit wasn’t even affected.
I really don’t know what this has to do with Trump. Obamacare was never rescinded, and the Democrats obstructed every bill Trump proposed shortly after he came in office—at least three. What we have now is clearly NOT working, however.
My response in this thread was not because of any “crying to other jellies” but because ScienceChik was insinuating that I was who Knowitall was talking about, and knowitall had never even seen the posts ScienceChik was referring to.
You keep referring to racists and ‘brown people’, There were only 22 KKK members at this national protest last Sunday—but thousands of Antifa members and sympathizers inciting a riot, not against the klan members, but against Trump. Some vowing to kill him as a group effort ‘like Muammar Gaddafi” Black unemployment is the lowest ever in the history of the nation. That wasn’t the case in 2014. So don’t blame Trump,
The PMs referred to, I think, were PMs that were made to me and for my eyes only, But they were pretty vile. I was not the one making PMs to anyone, or grandstanding exists, I have said why I was leaving, I have exposed you without namecalling or category mistakes, I think you just enjoy pretending that you have the moral high ground here, and I reallycant leave this hate infested website without pointing it out.
Health care in this country is expensive and no one can afford it. But several viable solutions were proposed and none of them passed the democrats. I don’t see where ‘brown people’ (a racist term, I might add) are the victims—I used to care for a disabled woman who had little gov’t assistance except for medical—and EVERYONE in her building were African American, and ALL of them had all of their health needs met.