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Caravanfan's avatar

It's almost a year and a half after the Brexit vote. How do you feel about it?

Asked by Caravanfan (14120points) August 14th, 2018

This question is mostly for the British on Fluther (of which there are a few). As an American who reads the Economist, I was mostly aligned with their POV that Brexit was a really bad idea from an economic standpoint, but I do not have a first hand opinion. How do you feel about it? Since the UK has its own currency, is it symbolic? Or is it going to lead to real economic changes?

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15 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

It’s over 2 years.

Brexit and tea -

ragingloli's avatar

Let them have it.
Looking forward to them begging Drumpf for a trade agreement that does not screw them 20 times over, with them having zero leverage and all.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m American so my thoughts are not really relevant but I agree with what President Trump said…...The English are not getting the Brexit they voted for. That’s how it looks to this American.

ragingloli's avatar

Not the one they wanted, but the one they deserved.
Messy, drawn out by their own stubborness, and with a good chance for a no deal scenario.

rojo's avatar

Not my monkeys, not my circus but I thought, and still think, it is a mistake and keep hoping someone will own up to it and put it to another vote.

And, not disagreeing with @MollyMcGuire but I think that is only partially true, that really they are not getting the Brexit those who wanted it said they would and that they voted for. So, put it to another vote now that the people can see what they are really going to get.

flutherother's avatar

It’s not only the English that are getting Brexit we are getting it up in Scotland as well though we had the good sense to vote against it. People voted Brexit to reduce immigration from Eastern Europe without giving a thought to the economic and other consequences. The negotiations with Europe are not going well and there is a sense of panic in the upper echelons of government. There has even been talk of another referendum now have better idea of what we are voting for.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The lesson here is that politicians are liars, and the more they open their collective mouths the larger the lies will be.

What is so surprising is that 50% of the electorate actually bought the codswallop that the Brexiteers were selling. I thought that the British, collectively, were smarter than that.

For that matter, David Cameron is tied with Teresa May as the two stupidest, most out-of-touch politicians that Britain has ever had. Are they the best that the Conservatives can offer?

On the other had, Britain’s idiotic foray into suicidal government has made it possible from the rest of Europe to destabilize as well. So Putin is happy.

ucme's avatar

1) Absolutely correct decision to leave EU
2) Democratic referendum already spoke
3) Current shambles wholly down to incompetent conservative government
4) All dissenting voices from ignorant, entitled europeans should be dimissed as white noise
5) Shame the bumbling scots didn’t have the “good sense” to vote for their independence eh?

flutherother's avatar

@ucme If we knew then what we know now!!

ucme's avatar

Lame excuse, scots hatred of all things english is legendary & yet, typically, you lot dropped the ball

Caravanfan's avatar

@ucme Can you explain to me why it was the correct decision? I’m trying to understand the point of view. LIke @rojo it’s not my monkey or my circus. I’m just trying to learn.

ucme's avatar

The european union is a money grabbing, bureaucratic, outdated old boy’s club.
Britain will be better off going our own way on trade deals, this is an indisputable fact.
Europeans can’t stand this & have always attacked us because we’re not part of the mainland, elitist morons that they are.

Caravanfan's avatar

How is it an indisputable fact? I am sure there are those who will dispute it.

ucme's avatar

Haha, no really, you don’t say?

Caravanfan's avatar

@ucme No, seriously. I’m not being sarcastic; I’m trying to learn here. Why would Britain be better off going your own way on trade deals?

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