Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Should I join Mensa?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) August 17th, 2018

What are the benefits? I’m lonely.

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65 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you have the IQ?

canidmajor's avatar

First, find out if there’s an active chapter in your area. It’s a good social connection if there active members and activities. If you’re pretty remote, there might not be anything to do without traveling a fair distance. Go to the website and research your local options.
Work from there.

canidmajor's avatar

If you peruse the site, then do the “contact”thing, they will tell you if there’s anything in your area.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You have to show that you have an IQ of above about 130.

Test scores for college admission or IQ tests are used as proof of having an IQ 130 or above.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

If you are lonely, then become a member. There is the chance that you might find a friend or two. P

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I was tested 20 years ago I scored in the top 98percentiles.

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Demosthenes's avatar

Many people try to defend nastiness by calling it “honesty”.

Anyway, if I qualified for Mensa, I think I would love to join, so yes, I think you should if you have the opportunity. :)

Tropical_Willie's avatar


I was offered a membership application while in college by my college advisor (he was member and knew my SAT test scores).

johnpowell's avatar

I would not be shocked if reddeer had a higher IQ than all of us.

IQ and how you interact with society aren’t related.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m going to be brutally honest here…. the average IQ of Mensa members is probably south of 130. The reason is they accept a ridiculous number of different test scores, like around 200. Only a small handful are reasonable predictors of IQ. If you want to mingle with smug, self righteous, insecure and shallow people be my guest. I want no part of it, you probably don’t either because you’re sensitive. @RedDeerGuy1 you’re probably too smart for mensa, sensitive, eccentric and aloof people usually are. Bored and lonely? May I suggest picking a few things you’re interested in like cooking and finding free meet ups, courses and resource groups centered around that.

chyna's avatar

^Two members of Fluther, that I know of, and probably more that I don’t know, are members of Mensa and are nothing like you portrayed. I’ve even met one of them in real life and found her to be funny, she got my jokes and we talked on the same level. She was not a self centered pompous ass.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@chyna I know there are many who don’t fit that mold but they’re probably not typical of the type going to the meetups.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I don’t want a repeat of the drama in university. Thanks for the heads up. I will ask a Fluther member about it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Speak with Yarnlady, I think she is in Mensa and nothing like I described.

Pinguidchance's avatar

I thought Fluther was Mensa.

You answer and you get points.


stanleybmanly's avatar

Sure join Mensa and the Justice League while you’re at it. The Postal Service is hiring in my town. I received a first class letter addressed to Future Postal Employee. They’re looking for “City Carrier Assistants” “starting at $16.78 an hour. Come on down from Red Deer. You can bunk in my house, carry the mail over hills that would kill a mountain goat, and live out the sort of adventure described in “Heart of Darkness.” But hurry. My niece is pressuring us for your bedroom over the Labor Day weekend.

JLeslie's avatar

The Mensa group that meets here doesn’t require a person to actually be Mensa tested or an actual membe. They have some very interesting speakers at their group meeting and then anyone who wants to go to dinner after the meeting is welcome.

I think you should go ahead and explore whatever groups or clubs you are interested in, and give it a try. Stay or drop out depending on how it goes.

Once you get associated with a couple of groups you might find out about others from group members.

canidmajor's avatar

Usually, on Fluther, any mention of Mensa brings out a bunch of people who have no clue at all what it’s like. None. @ARE_you_kidding_me, if you are in Mensa, and that’s what your chapter is like, you can opt to change your chapter. Really, the people in Mensa are no more or less jerky than anybody else. The “socially awkward” factor is slightly higher, yes, but the membership does not tend to be elitist, and in 28 years of active membership, living in three states, I am glad to still be a part of the organization.

Do go for it, @RedDeerGuy1, you will very likely enjoy it. I did some research last night and it looks like Calgary and Edmonton both have active and vital groups. If there are members in Red Deer, you could probably get rides to events.

LostInParadise's avatar

Why not? The application should not cost that much. If you find that you don’t like it, then don’t go to the meetings. What is your excuse for not applying?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie This the word from

“Membership of Mensa is open to persons who have attained a score within the upper two percent of the general population on an approved intelligence test that has been properly administered and supervised.”

So it sounds like they non-members as guests. But to be a member you need to be in top 2%..

canidmajor's avatar

@Tropical_Willie and @JLeslie, every group I’ve been part of has a very inclusive attitude about letting non-members participate in events. The only real restrictions apply when the event is paid for by member dues. For example, in my area, there is a big Christmas party where the dues pay for food, liquid refreshment, venue rental, etc. Members can bring guests, but not groups of random folks. A number of married and/or partnered members in our group will share one membership for both. I’ve taken my daughter to things as my guest, she is welcome.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Red Deer you may certainly have the IQ to get in but you may tire fast and get bored. For you the issue seems to be sticking with something and NOT about intelligence which you obviously have tons of.

canidmajor's avatar

Here’s some contact info to get you started.

Mensa Canada
386 Broadway, Suite 503
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3R6
844–202-6761 phone

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie my only point was I’ve been around some of these Mensa people and I found the lectures and conversation very interesting. I’m not Mensa, I’ve never really tried to be, but I’ve taken practice tests, short versions, and I always fall short. I’ve taken IQ tests a few times over my lifetime, and I usually fall in the top 3–4%, so I don’t think I could make it in if I took one of their exams.

Where I live there are over 2,000 clubs. Clubs include anything from discussion groups to exercise to crafting. The Mensa group here I assume is not some sort of official chapter, but it’s one of the many clubs here. The people in charge of the group are Mensa, but I have no idea how many who attend actually are. The Science and Technology group here has some incredibly smart people too. I attend the clubs when I like the topic that is going to be discussed.

Patty_Melt's avatar

How much has it changed?
Thirty years ago my IQ tested over 140, and I was told that was not quite high enough.
Was I lied to?

canidmajor's avatar

No, @Patty_Melt, it was probably the test you took. There are a number of different tests (Stanford-Binet, Wechsler, Cattell, CTMM among others) and 30 years ago they all had different scoring and rating mechanisms. 140 on one might not have qualified you, where 135 on another might qualify you for Intertel (the 99th percentile group).

If you are interested, do a home test provided by Mensa, it will give you a better idea. If you want to join, do a proctored test, or look up the qualifiers on the website.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Patty_Melt The test that is used makes a difference to qualifying for MENSA.
@canidmajor you owe me a Coke!

Yellowdog's avatar

If you just didn’t make the cut for Mensa, you can hang out at their meetings as a guest, All of the bosses I had at the University of Memphis’ rare books and archives were Mensa members. You don’t have to be super-intelligent to be literate, or an intellectual, or well educated. But if you value these things you are probably at least near the superior zone (120), I DO enjoy the company of people with those way-up-there I,Q,s

Or, you can hang out in the mensa of a German (Deutsche) Universität—the mensa is a cafeteria or refectory. When I was in college I’d hang out at the refectory at Rhodes College—loved its collegiate Tudor Gothic atmosphere.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The time is past for me.
My attention is focused elsewhere now.
Thanks for clearing up the confusion for me @canidmajor, and @Tropical_Willie.

Patty_Melt's avatar

RDG1, I think it sounds like a good venture for you.

Yellowdog's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 You mentioned I think in earlier posts that you have or might have a learning disability. That means you likely have a depressed score—one area of the IQ test may be significantly lower than other areas, This is a perceptual disorder regarding the way the brain and senses processes information or it can mean interference between the senses and the brain. Since this is a disability and not an intellectual defect, it might be good to let whoever handles the tests or admissions know this.

LostInParadise's avatar

How many people here think that RDG is going to apply to Mensa, given his track record of inactivity? I will not even bring up the likelihood of having a 98th percentile IQ and not being able to pass a high school equivalency test.

canidmajor's avatar

@LostInParadise: Harsh. This is his question, not some poll to determine likelihood and/or competency.
Some of us gave him in-good-faith answers to an honest query.

Maybe the ones who are busy questioning his abilities and his determination (like yourself) are doing more to undermine him than anything else.

And please, save the “I’m just being honest” comment. It’s just mean.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@LostInParadise, As @johnpowell mentioned above, it would not surprise me either if RDG has the IQ to get in. I know a lot of very intelligent people who have the same sort of issues, it’s actually indicative of above average intelligence.

chyna's avatar

@lostinparadise. Really? You want to treat RDG like that?

LostInParadise's avatar

This being filed under social, I am entitled to express my frustration at RDG’s failure to follow through on previous advice. Why does he even need our opinion on this? To quote the old Nike ad, just freaking DO IT! How difficult is it to submit an application? What is the worst that could happen? As to whether he has a genius IQ, based on his performance here, I have serious doubts, but I will allow for the possibility.

@chyna , I am sympathetic toward RDG, given the rough life he has had, but that does not require me to indulge his fantasies.

canidmajor's avatar

@LostInParadise, Ah, the old “it’s in social, I can say what I want” defense.
And so the fuck what if you’re frustrated? Then walk away. This is a different issue from career choices or degree plans.

And really, what qualifies you to assess IQ from posts on fluther? I find his language skills more than adequate and his ability to reasonably extrapolate conclusions from data given to be pretty good.

Yellowdog's avatar

You can’t judge a person’s intelligence by their posts on Fluther.

There ARE intelligent people who have cognitive disabilities, mental issues, etc (NOT @RedDeerGuy1 ) or who have, for factors unknown, reached a different conclusion—have a different education plan, or might make a decision that leads to failure.

Some in the genius range have misled hundreds of thousands in cults and genocide. Its their ability to connect information and reason,’

I want to make it clear that @canidmajor is correct (aside even anyone’s opinion) @RedDeerGuy’s language skills are more than adequate and his ability to reasonably extrapolate conclusions from data given—are pretty good. I’ve always thought his questions are the ponderings of a deep-thinking person who wants outside input on ideas,

You don’t have to BELIEVE Bigfoot is an alien to be interested in the topic. And even if you do, it doesn’t mean you aren’t a genius.

Yellowdog's avatar

Immanuel Velikovsky who wrote Worlds in Collision is probably in the top thousandth’s percentile even though he was wrong on a lot of things. Read his works, Extreme intelligence even though, in his particular case, wrong on many things about the solar system In fact I have my doubts that Velikovsky even believed many of them. But he developed an entire cosmology that at least follows and is well coordinated, cross referenced, and intricately detailed.

Whoever wrote The Urantia Book is also clearly a genius. Intricately detailed and weaves a lot of ideas, facts and mythologies and even the Bible—into a great cosmology and religion. I don’t buy most of it—but clearly a great work,,

LostInParadise's avatar

Like I said, I am sympathetic to RDG. He has had a difficult life. Nor do I wish to disparage the quality of his questions and answers. They are certainly adequate, but I have not found any of them to be particularly profound, as I have found to be the case with some other jellies.

I do find it frustrating that RDG spends a lot of time blaming others for his current situation and engaging in fantasies. I guess I am a little annoyed with myself for having initially taken him seriously on this question.

If RDG wants to change his life, he needs to cut back on the ruminating and fantasizing and create a plan. It need not be grandiose. He just needs to take stock of his current situation and decide what steps it would take to get to where he wants to go.

I apologize to anyone who finds my attitude to be offensive.

Yellowdog's avatar

It wasn’t offensive, Just don’t want to be misunderstood. Your comments were actually very good.

Demosthenes's avatar

This question’s kinda funny. It’s like some people interpreted it to mean “Based on my Fluther posts, am I smart enough to join Mensa?” and others interpreted it to mean “I’m a genius and you’re not”. Granted a question with so few details might get misinterpreted, but it doesn’t seem like most people actually answered the OP’s intentions. This is why I don’t ask questions about myself. I don’t want any of you evaluating me!

Yellowdog's avatar

I have no reason NOT to take him at his word. Joining Mensa is an option or possibility for him—should he do it?
. He may well be that intelligent. How would I know?

People should answer unknowable circumstances in Fluther questions as if they are true,
And if you know other circumstances this poster has mentioned about himself, by all means take that into account.

My I.Q. is about 120. Just don’t say it can’t be because of who I voted for.

canidmajor's avatar

Actually, the bald-faced premise of the question (with details) is spot on and quite simple. Mensa is primarily a social club with add ons. He stated that he’s lonely, he has intimated in the past that he has some problems with socializing in a normal environment, Mensa would likely provide a more comfortable environment for him.

A few posters on this thread, whom I deduce have no e perience with Mensa, have indicated that they don’t think he’s a good candidate.
I have 28 years of experience in four different chapters and he sounds to me, from his posts here, that he would be a good fit.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m not asking could I , but should it. Would it be fun?

canidmajor's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Yes, I think you would enjoy it. There are probably quite a number of SIGs (Special Interest Groups) that would appeal to you, as well.

Yellowdog's avatar

@canidmajor thins so—trust that experienced advice.

The highly intelligent MIGHT NOT fit in other circles and be very lonely. You might find a crowd that is a better fit for you there.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

All I’m going to say is that when or if RDG gets out and socializes it will need to be with a group that won’t be competitive, condescending or otherwise unpleasant or it will put him off. I can see Mensa being a less than ideal environment for sensitive types but as mentioned I would not doubt that those experiences vary drastically.
RDG let me suggest a few things:
Ham radio, you can pass a simple test get a $30 radio and hold conversations with people in the comfort of your apartment. Then you can go to events and meet them in person.
Non-credit courses: inexpensive interest-oriented and short in duration. Cooking, and artistic type courses are regularly offered.
Volunteering, I highly recommend habitat for humanity you will socialize and also learn some handyman skills, it’s fun and supports a good cause.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I am in no rush. Will wait till my assesment gets delivered from the large pile of stuff in my moms apartment that I left in Jasper. I had a 98 percentile.

canidmajor's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me, your ignorance is staggering. Mensa is not ”competitive, condescending, or otherwise unpleasant”.

@RedDeerGuy1, talk to actual Mensans. Call the number above. Get in contact yourself with actual people who are involved with the organization. See if there are any events in your area you can go to to assess for yourself what the people are like. You will find we are all just folks. I get that lots of people have some weird ideas about the group, on fluther there is a pervasive negativity about it that has nothing to do with reality.

Yellowdog's avatar

I could be wrong but I don’t think the highly intelligent of MENSA will be competitive or condescending.

I attended a few meetings but would not likely fit the profile on ANY test. I would fit in OK but doubt it would be fair to others who MIGHT fit in. They have to draw the line somewhere and I think its 130 or 140

There would be greater understaning among MENSA members because they are intelligent enough to understand and empathize and connect with YOU,

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I will stick with Fluther. No rush. Fluther is my family.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am glad you are happy here, but joining Mensa would not mean leaving us.
In fact, I would be thrilled to hear about your experiences, if you did join.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@canidmajor I don’t think you are like that to be clear. Sorry if my tone is harsh but it’s no secret that I’m not a Mensa fan. The idea of a social group centered around high IQ gets under my skin. I do not know my IQ and I don’t care. The few mensans I have met in person certainly met the criteria stated above and that leads to my concern that RDG will be similarly put off.

canidmajor's avatar

Remember, too, @ARE_you_kidding_me, that pretty much anyone who brags about being a member of Mensa (or having a lot of money, or knowing famous people, etc etc) is obnoxious. And really I have found that most people who claim to be in Mensa in order to impress or intimidate someone else are not. I have access to the national membership directory, and I am petty enough to check when someone is being a jerk.
My close friends know, but I don’t tell, usually. This is the first time, in all my years on fluther, that I have mentioned it, and only now to support. RDG.
So be a little bit leery about such claims, they may be false. :-)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

“And really I have found that most people who claim to be in Mensa in order to impress or intimidate someone else are not. ”
LOL, does not surprise me.

canidmajor's avatar

Most of us joined for social reasons or simply to see if we could. We’re a pretty meek lot, as it turns out. ;-)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all Update most to all of my assessments burned in the Jasper fire. I have no rush to apply to Mensa at this time. I am focused on learning French free online through Duolingo, and saving money.

canidmajor's avatar

The “assessments” being burned doesn’t matter, you could still test and apply if you wanted to. I still maintain that you would benefit greatly, but whatever, people who have little to no experience like to diss us, and others believe them.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@canidmajor Actually I am scared that I would fail the application test.

canidmajor's avatar

Then things would be no different than they are now.

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