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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In the future , can an autopsy by a pathologist determine ones the intelligence of a cadaver?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25070points) August 20th, 2018

What other ways can someone determine I.Q. without a I.Q. test?

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11 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. Intelligence cannot be gauged post mortem.
Nor could you scan the retina to find out the last thing they saw before death.

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LadyMarissa's avatar

Since you’ve qualified “In the future”…who knows?!?!? I have seen soooo many unbelievably different things become a reality in my short lifetime that I NO longer use the word “never”!!! Still I have serious doubts that it will ever become a reality although I have NO doubt that they won’t try to convince us that it’s being done!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LadyMarissa Not that far off. Is any research into the science being explored in brain science for determining i.q. after death? Or without a person knowing.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I just searched, and there were some who believed certain portions of Einstein’s brain were larger than others, but nothing was decided as fact. The whereabouts of his brain were misplaced for about twenty years, but eventually recovered. It was dissected, and preserved in pieces. It is now in a museum.

I think any notable signs from the brain would be more likely to determine the person’s strongest interests, or whether their work was more artistic, or more mathematics.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 You might want to do some research on the subject of “chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)” which is a football related brain injury that causes affected players to commit suicide. They are performing autopsies on the player’s brain in order to determine which ones are CTE related & which ones aren’t. I can imagine that from this knowledge that it could possibly flow into studying our intelligence!!! Just saying…

flutherother's avatar

You might get some indication of intelligence by analysing the DNA, in theory at least, I’ve never heard of it being done.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. We can determine that certain areas of the brain are larger, due to certain talents/developed skills. I believe Einstein played the violin. If I’m not mistaken, there was a larger, more developed part of his brain that dealt with music/creativity… Similar brain anomalies have been appreciated, in brains where the former owner played instruments.

rojo's avatar

I would say that a cadaver would not do well on an IQ test. It might beat out certain politicians but not score very highly.

One of my favorite poems:

The vegetable in general
Does little to admire.
It often enters politics
But seldom rises higher

kritiper's avatar

I suppose this would be something done in addition to a normal autopsy? What price would be worth paying to find out?

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