@Yellowdog . There are no facts, in regards to Christianity. The only facts are, it was created by men, to control men.
Again, you crow about charity. It is NOT altruistic. I’m not going to give a religion credit, for doing what it does ; spread under false pretenses.
I have not sugar coated anything here. So. If you read it from my mouth, that’s what I believe. I have my beliefs, from observation, not a fantasy book.
Has it never occurred to you, you may be incorrect with your choice of God? Let’s seriously look deeply at this prospect. After all, I’m sure each religious person thinks they worship the correct deity. Somebody has to be wrong.
I would like for you to imagine that Trump is a hardcore Muslim. This Trump, is pandering to his base by changing the SCOTUS to majority Muslim, and will use this to change the country into what Muslims would prefer. He bans billions of Christian people from even visiting America. He makes it law that women have to cover their faces. He will try to make the most extreme parts of the religion law. Etc…
Now. How would you feel about that? Being as I suspect that you don’t believe in the Muslim deity, or the Muslim way. Well. This is how I feel. I am watching people guide their lives, and try to guide the country, in the direction of their false deity. I used to almost vomit, when I would hear GWB say things like “this is what God wants.” What if there is no God? Yeah. Well then, in that case, he was doing the bidding of an imaginary being, and real people were suffering.
I must concede, that I envy you. Your faith, must bring you much comfort. I personally believe that your God would be disappointed in your white nationalism, but that’s between you and “him.”..
While we’re pondering each other’s world views, I have to wonder why you insist that white people are so great. The “accomplishments” you tout, have been accomplished at the tip of a sword, or the barrel of a gun. Genocidal expansion of Europeans, is nothing to brag about. That colonialism, is responsible for much of the world’s plight today…
Yes. I am classified as a Caucasian. Forgive me if I don’t feel any pride for that. I would much rather claim the small percentage of me, that is Cherokee Indian. But. That’s kind of hard, when you look like a viking, as I do…
Now. You go read your fantasy book, and listen to Limbaugh, and keep up your dream of who you think you are, versus the person who spews divisiveness, while claiming superiority to everyone.
Feel free to judge me. Or hate me. I think I’ll manage to make it somehow…