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Dutchess_III's avatar

What will Manafort's guilty verdict mean for Trump?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 21st, 2018

And is it just the first in a looooong line?


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52 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

This is my take; Manafort is an agent for a foreign country (Russia and others) and working for Trump campaign !

Duh, the money pipeline from Russia was through Manafort and the NRA (New Russian Agency).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is trump going to jail Y…. N. Circle one.

johnpowell's avatar

Trump > Pence…

Two more years to deal with. Mueller needs to wait until Trump is out of office to drop charges. Drop the bomb once he can not be pardoned (Assuming a Democrat wins in 2020).

Normally I wouldn’t feel that way.. But a campaign slogan was “Lock Her UP”...

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ohhhh. So, in the meantime, disable him, and that’s the plan for November….

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes, Manafort is guilty. Yes, he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Yes, he was targeted because he helped Donald Trump.

And yes, this is not a good day for Donald Trump.

It has NOTHING to do with Russia or Russian Collusion.

As a Trump supporter I am in the Wait and See mode, if that satisfies any legitimate curiosity. I don’t think he will go to prison but I do think it will cost him some support, though most will dig their heels in deeper IN support.

Much of what you hear about Trump is fake or exaggerated, but this isn’t. Its a very SERIOUS matter, Don’t personally classify it as a crises, but very serious.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Much of what I hear about Trump comes straight from his own stupid mouth.

So, we’re not quite to the point, as far as you’re concerned @Yellowdog, for us libtards to say to you, and all Trump supporters, “Told you so.”
OK. I’ll wait.

Yellowdog's avatar

A lot of conservative talk show hosts including Sean Hannity and Ben Ferguson were saying very early that Manafort was NOT who you wanted close to you in your political campaign,

You have “bragging rights” to say “Told you so” but how much this will actually hurt Trump remains to be seen. I DO affirm your bragging rights, however, And I never called you a libtard. I have struggled to coexist and understand and learn from all that is good about your political position. How it will work out is out of my hands, and yours too, for that matter.

Lets just hope that whatever is right, will prevail.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As I said, I’ll wait.

I never said you called me a libtard.

And it’s not completely out of my hands. I, and everyone I know, will be out in force this November. We can at least cut the head off of the hydra and get the beast under control.

Yellowdog's avatar


Manafort did really stupid things like hide 60 million to avoid paying ONE million in taxes, Insane greed. I’ll bet he would gladly give over that one million to avoid life in prison NOW. If this truly is how he worked with the Trump campaign, you’ll have your Hydra,

Go out and vote, I will vote too, of course, but in America whatever is right for America will ultimately prevail.

chyna's avatar

He is currently in WV. I had a hell of a time getting out of town to come home from work. Grr.

Yellowdog's avatar

We will eventually emerge a better nation. Even if Trump is all that, we do have a healthier economy and things are being purged in the justice department—but we’ve definitely hit a turning point or new plateau today.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

And that will be a Non-Republican Dictatorship ?


stanleybmanly's avatar

He won’t go to jail. If it comes to it, he will be pardoned. But Trump’s problems are piling up. Cohen has now testified that Trump ordered him to utilize stolen (hacked) materials to influence the election. The fact that Trump on camera asked the Russians to obtain dirt on Clinton doesn’t help his chances either. And this doesn’t even address the money laundering aspect of Trump’s real estate empire which is just chockablock with Kleptocrat Russian “investors”.

Yellowdog's avatar

The ‘testimony’ of Cohen that Trump ordered him to utilize hacked materials to influence the election. was part of a plea bargain to avoid a much longer prison term. It has no legal bearing and was part of a ‘squeeze’ to get Cohen to say what they wanted. Thuggish, police state tactics to get pundits to sing or make up something to avoid more prison.

As for what you said about Trump on camera asking the Russians to obtain dirt on Clinton—actually this was said during a Presidential debate and was a joke. Recently The Democrats had had damning materials / information (about the Democratic primaries being rigged against Bernie Sanders) hacked in a phishing scam and turned over to Wikileaks. The Democrats were blaming the Russians.

Hillary had whitewashed her harddrives with bleachbit to avoid turning over subpoenaed emails in a separate scandal so Trump was saying, in an international broadcast, that he hoped Russia (who the Dems were saying were the hackers) would dump Hillary’s deleted emails.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She whitewashed her hard drive with bleach?? ROFLOLL!!!

Yellowdog's avatar


She turned over phones without SIMS cards, bashed hard drives, and used bleachbit on subpoenaed equipment

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right. And they couldn’t discover this in the 12 hours they questioned her?

Yellowdog's avatar

She was never even under oath, and was exonerated in a statement by Comey two months before the interview.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is wrong with you?

chyna's avatar

If Trump was on camera stabbing his wife, you would come up with a reason or you would deflect it @yellowdog.
The question was about Manafort and Trump, and as usual, you deflect by saying Hillary did worse things.
So did Hitler, but he is not part of this question either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why is it always Hillary and her imaginary crimes that is brought up?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

People that is all die hard right wingers do when confronted with questions they don’t like,it’s deflect, deflect,deflect.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Dutchess III Hillary is brought up because they have NOTHING else. She’s thrown out there to conveniently change the subject from Trump’s machinations to some supposed double standard. Hillary is also useful because of the relentless 30 year investment in investigations, rumors and innuendos piled onto her and her husband. 30 years and not a single indictment, but the investment paid off by virtue of the very fact that I’m ambivalent about her, yet can provide no rational explanation why.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is so great! ”Manafort may be hoping for a presidential pardon, given that Mr Trump has said his prosecution was politically motivated and that he was a “good man”. The president can only pardon for federal crimes, however, and Manafort’s conviction on tax fraud opens him up to future state-level charges, which Mr Trump has no power to forgive.

The chickens are smarter than the fox. This is the most fascinating legal battle I have ever watched.

“I’m ambivalent anout her, yet can provide no rational explanation why.” Same here @stanleybmanly, although I certainly voted for her. Her husband was one of the best presidents. I thought he would make a great advisor to her.

ScienceChick's avatar

Meanwhile key current staffers keep personal hubs for email outside of the white house… and with good reason. They get hacked. Hello Russia… yes, I’m looking at you.

Dutchess_III's avatar


SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^ Here I will help with their deflection, if that doesn’t work there is always Benghazi!^^
See I can help our freight wing friends.

In no way directed at you @ScienceChick .

ScienceChick's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I think we are trying to make the same point. Oh and yes… let’s add all the ‘B’ words… because we know that was a problem…... fucktards.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You don’t have to be so angry/defensive, all the time. I think you have everyone’s respect. I think if you relaxed a bit, and took your emotions from other threads out, in threads you are participating in, you would enjoy the pond more.

Each thread, is exactly that. A thread. A very small part, in a much bigger sweater. It doesn’t need to be unraveled, over little threads.
I might add, I would think that your thin skin, will get you attacked more often. No. That’s not fair. But that’s my perception.

You’re clearly an intelligent, worldly jelly. I would love for you to be part of our pond. Don’t take this stuff so personally.

With all due respect.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t find her to be angry or defensive in this thread.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Calling others “fucktards,” could be construed, as negative. Right?.....

Yellowdog's avatar

Not if they really ARE fucktards

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I don’t see why calling a fucktard, a fucktard, isn’t still considered negative…

Yellowdog's avatar

Good point! Just call them ‘tards. Its not as hateful soundin’

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. That’s true. Tards, doesn’t sound as bad…

ScienceChick's avatar

I’m sorry if you don’t like hearing an old lady swear. It’s truly for comedic effect. I guess you’d have to hear the accent. If you think I’m angry, you’re mostly wrong. I’m safe over here, laughing and making jokes and pointing West for the most part. This is a cartoon from Norway, so it should hold special interest to Yellowmutt, and shows what they think of his ‘very stable genius’.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I just thought you were getting a little heated. If you’re good, we good.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ScienceChick Can you translate from Norwegian and ‘splain-it to us?


Dutchess_III's avatar

I think she was calling the Clinton gossip mongers fuck tards.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Thanks @Dutchess_III I forgot you had Norwegians in your family. ;>0 !!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Probably dat too, ya ya.

Yellowdog's avatar

@ScienceChicken: We have plenty cartoons over here.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ya but they’re of the Stable Genius.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I think they say a lot about the (im)maturity level, perversion, and uncontrolled hatred and vitriol of the element that is trying to force a coupe or takeover.

The Trump you have created in the media and the college prank shops is a straw-man and has nothing to do with the actual President and what is really happening in the nation and world. I think you have fooled yourselves more than anyone else. The problem is, you will bring down the country because of your college fantasy about POTUS.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The newspapers didn’t (THE PRESS IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE) cause the loud mouth and uncouth guy in the White House to tweet and rant like a teenager with hormone problems.

@Yellowdog getta grip on reality, the whole rest of the world cannot be wrong just because a sixth grader President says they are wrong and “wa-wa-wa they are against me !! ”

MrGrimm888's avatar

Time to be mean, I guess. @Yellowdog . Any Trump, that ANY one hates, us ALL because of words straight from Trump’s mouth. I don’t care if you believe that. We are just judging your boy, BY HIS OWN RHETORIC. Are you incapable of reading Trump’s tweets, and attempted actions? Otherwise, you have no excuse. Dude. You should mad that you were manipulated, not supporting the people who did it! Have you no self respect?

Pandora's avatar

Means absolutely nothing. Republicans won’t do anything. Unless democrats rule the house and the senate and have the majority in both, nothing will happen. I think it’s why they won’t talk about impeachment. They can’t guarantee that justice will be done because they can’t guarantee that they will have the numbers to make it happen. Best they can do is promise to be a check on this administration until 2020.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I think that’s give or take where we’re at, now. It’s so convoluted, I don’t see anything happening before Trump’s first term is up. The damage is done. We can only hope to eventually repair what was a once great nation. It may be too late, after another 2 years. Oh well. At least I get to watch the Trumpers suffer from their idiocy… I guess that’s the only prize the world will get. Vengeance on those who brought this on us. As usual, the good people will have to suffer with the bad…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Fantasy about Trump being an Idiot??
His Tweets do that for us,or anyone that cares to view them.
Good grief he is turning the world against the us , by his stupid trade war, and alienating all your allies,and yet his blind believers still refuse to see this, hell they think the D.O.J and the FBI are corrupt for even attempting to investigate their beloved TRUMP.
As long as the wealthy get their huge tax breaks, the military gets it’s huge increases, and there are low paying jobs in abundance for the working slob all is well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And the us isn’t going to fall if and when they toss ole orange hair out on his head.
The world didn’t come to an end when they got rid of Nixon.
The US will be a far better place with out the Mad Tweeter at the wheel.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Not just that. The administration adds validity, to his base’s bigotry. That’s worth more than jobs, the environment, trade, peace, diplomacy, world affairs, civil rights, human rights, economic growth, health care, technology, national security, our intelligence community, wages, employment, and national harmony, to name a few issues.

Yes. Trump has made real mess. How Republican, of him! Time for a Democrat, to come clean it up, and only get credit for the strife involved in getting things back under control…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NO SHIT!!!^^

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