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MrGrimm888's avatar

Has anyone ever owned a super fish?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) August 21st, 2018

A large aquarium decoration, was tipped over this morning. I cannot think of a plausible explanation, for why. Most of my fish are just a few centimeters long. I have a larger cat fish, but he never comes out.

The item tipped over, has to weigh about a pound. It was twisted into the pebbles too.

One of my fish, may have super strength…

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30 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Any seismic activity going on?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t think so. This little statue, is about a foot tall, and like I said, probably weighs at least a pound. The aquarium is up high, on the top of a chest of drawers. I have a dog. But she couldn’t get that high up, and she doesn’t seem to understand what the aquarium even is.

The cat fish is the main suspect, but he never comes out of hiding in a different structure. He’s only a suspect, because he’s the biggest fish. But it would still be amazing/miraculous, if he managed to knock it over…

I’m really stumped…

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s the catfish of course. And he’s probably operating in the wee hours when the other folks are at rest. If I were you, I’d count my little fish daily.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Are any of the fish white Christian fish?

rebbel's avatar

Out of the water it weighs a pound.
Under water “it weighs less”.
Maybe all the fish joined in the demolition of the statue?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@rebbel – sort of like in George Orwell’s Animal Farm?

johnpowell's avatar

What substrate is in your tank?

rojo's avatar

^^ that is rather a personal question isn’t it @johnpowell ?

MrGrimm888's avatar

JP. Kind of large pebbles. They’re actually much larger than I’ve seen in an aquarium. I inherited it, from a friend, so I didn’t choose the rocks.

Stanley. The catfish lives in a constant state of fear. He’s the most skiddish fish I’ve ever had. He seems terrified of the other much smaller fish. Even though he has armor, and 5 sword like spines.
My latest hypothesis, is that the catfish must have plowed his way under the statue, and probably panicked, and with the surge in adrenaline, he somehow tipped it over. But that’s still not very realistic.

johnpowell's avatar

My goldfish are pebble-movers. It could be possible the others moved just enough to tip the statue. And like Rebbel said, a pound above water is much less under water.

My goldfish seem to be constantly moving enough substrate my plants float up.

That reminds me. I need to do a water change today.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s the catfish!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. Somebody is constantly uprooting my ferns. I am going to tie them to something soon. That’s a good point, about the pebble movers. It would be easier to dig out a section under the statue, and let it fall over. Again, it just had to be the catfish. I may need to add weight to the statue, or Mr. Catfish might crush some of his roommates…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just had a vision of your catfish digging in the gravel under the decoration….and the ferns. Why don’t you put a camera on it for 24 hours? Wait. Someone offered up that explanation already.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I don’t sleep well. Usually just a couple /few hours at a time. So. I’m up at all hours. I have not seen the catfish, we’ll his whole body, in days. I know he’s alive, because his whiskers stick out of his hiding spot, and I don’t think he notices.
I don’t have a camera, to put on them. At this point, I think JP hit it, on the head. I think ,probably my neurotic catfish dug out enough pebbles, to knock over the statue. Then, he probably pulled up my ferns, in a panic to get back to his hiding spot.

I sure was stumped though…

Dutchess_III's avatar

It may be that he is simply avoiding you personally! That’s why you don’t see him out.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s possible.

Yellowdog's avatar

I had a Royal Farlowella or “Helicopter Fish” that was probably that strong.

Once when it jumped out of the aquarium I tried to catch it and experienced how incredibly strong it was, It was hard to rescue because it was stronger than me and able to squeeze through my hands,

A similar wonder of nature is how some relatively small locusts,June bugs, July flies—can be so incredibly loud, Something half the size of my thumb can be so loud that your ears reach the threshold of pain.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. Dynamite can come in small packages. And yes, good lord, those insects are loud.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I had a Siamese’s fighting fish. It killed all the other fish in the tank and then attacked a mirror and killed itself.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. Some fish are serial killers. I had to remove two of my favorite fish, because they genocided my snails, and murdered two other fish…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Were your fish illegal aliens???

MrGrimm888's avatar

^They were. From a shithole coumtry. I was trying to be nice and give them shelter. BUT they were MS-13. Turns out Trump was right… Who knew…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have some tiny cameras I bought on eBay, super cheap. They record to a micro card, and can be viewed on computer. They work surprisingly well. They record for about one to two hours, depending on which style. They include a USB cord for charging.
I have one on my keychain which looks like a tiny 35mm camera. It is so small, it could almost pass for a bracelet charm, but records a large area of the room.
I have two others which look like the remote lock for cars.
They all record in color, and good audio too.
If you sleep only in naps, you could check, erase, and charge each time you are up.

ucme's avatar

By accident maybe, never on porpoise.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Patty. That’s a LOT of cameras… What are you up to?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Teenager with sneaky ways.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I wondered if that was why. I hope yall are getting along better.

My nephew was caught seeking out of the house a month ago. He’s almost 16. He’s VERY sexually active. And of course, he has friends, I don’t care for. Overall, he’s a good kid, but I worry about him.

rojo's avatar

@Patty_Melt same reason I had a security system installed on all the doors and windows….

Patty_Melt's avatar

^^ Your avatar fits so well with many of your posts, this being one.

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