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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do motorcycle riders arms get sore from holding onto the bike?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25058points) August 22nd, 2018

Just wondering.

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22 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

From riding motorcycles for many years I can say some bikes sure make your arms sore, while others do not.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It depends on the handle bar design, seat height, and few other factors.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, like anything else, with practice you get stronger.

ucme's avatar

No, they’re used to that posture because they always want a hug.

janbb's avatar

Yes and their bums and their legs.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh yeah. My legs would pretty much fall asleep on long rides. I always had nice seats. But my ass still got sore on long rides.

I usually just keep my right hand up. As I have to to keep the throttle engaged. My left hand I would sit on my lap. I developed a sort of lean on my elbow technique, for extended rides.

Usually, I just drove crazy fast, because I love going fast, and it got me where I was going fast. I have no idea how many cops I have blown by doing over 130mph. They pulled out, and ran sirens, and blah blah. But only one every ran me down…

On crotch rockets, you almost have to speed. Otherwise, you lower back gets painful. On those bikes, you lay your chest on the gas tank, and haul ass. You can make a 2.5 hour trip, into a 35–45 minute trip. SO fun. SO dangerous, and stupid…

kritiper's avatar

I’ve only ridden bikes with standard handlebars. I can’t say what beach combers or ape hangers would be like.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ape hangers SUCK. They look cool. Having your arms high, makes your torso take major wind. It’s exhausting, to look so cool…

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I never noticed it. When I rode sport bikes my thighs would get super sore though.

rojo's avatar

In general, no. At least they shouldn’t. If they do then you need to look to change your setup to something more ergonomically correct for you. And this is just really on road trips of any length, putting around town with numerous stops and short stop and go’s won’t bother you even with Ape Hangers.
Now dirt bikes are a different matter. You can beat yourself up holding on, making sure the wheel points where you want to go, taking the impact from the jumps and bumps. Yeah, expect to be a little worn out by the end of the day.

Aster's avatar

Do their arms get sore? No; of course not. First of all , they’re usually young guys and/or muscle types. Exception: if they have those handlebars that are four feet above their heads? Then in that case it’s so hilarious to look at but pathetic to think of how their neck and shoulders will feel after a long ride.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

”... they’re usually young guys and/or muscle types.” That’s funny! No, they aren’t. Some are, most aren’t.
It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hold on to the bike when you’re riding. It’s not like it’s trying to fall over or anything. I would imagine your arms would get pretty stiff and sore after several hours frozen in one position, however.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The ape hanger style handle bars do make your arms tired if riding for any length of time, why?
The way you are on the bike makes your body a sail against the wind you really have to hang on, this is greatly reduced by a windscreen but thats not macho.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL! I am so glad I don’t have that macho burden to bear!

Our druggie neighbor down the block had some guy visiting her. He was a biker. One day Rick and I were outside doing something when they cruised by, thinking they were all hot and shit. You know, leather chaps, bandanas around their head, her in some low cut something that she was way too old to carry off. So they cruised by, just cool as hell, stopped at the corner, then turned right….and the bike fell over!! I had to go hide somewhere I was laughing so hard!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Lol. It’s not easy riding with a passenger. Especially if the bike might be too big for the rider, which is often the case.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Or they were both drugged to the gills, as they probably were.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I forgot to put my kickstand down once, at a gas station. Got up to walk away, and my bike grabbed my left leg, and pinned me between the gas pump, and it. The angle was just right, for my leg to have no strength. A surprised bystander, helped me pull it off of me. Just when I thought I couldn’t get more embarrassed, I walked in to the store, to pay, and the attendant asked me “thas you firss time on a bike?” .... Uuuggh…..

I dropped a bike in a friend’s driveway once too. Again, I forgot the kickstand…

rojo's avatar

^^^ There was a story going around my town once of a guy who was riding home after having a few drinks. A few blocks from his house he found himself approaching a red light with a cop car waiting in the left hand turn lane. Deciding to play it cool, he calmly pulled up to a stop next to the cops, looked at them and as they looked back at him he nodded his head in acknowledgement. As they looked on, he promptly fell sideways on his face. He had forgotten to put his foot down when he stopped and when he turned his head, he toppled over. After they got through laughing, the cops got out, gave him a warning and escorted him home with their lights flashing.
Probably an urban legend passed on in every town in America. Then again, it could have been @MrGrimm888.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Rick used to race professionally. He was always “Falling off,” as he put it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@rojo . I led a pretty wild life from 16–31 or so. If you saw a bike race by, at ridiculous, stupid, careless speed, it may have been me. If you saw a guy fall down, just randomly, that could have been me.

It’s interesting that the slower you go, on a bike, the harder it is to control. I must have driven over 130, like a gazillion times. But 90% of my lay downs, were when I was going less than 5mph.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I remember once, I was coming home, and thought I saw a friend drive by in the lane leaving my apartment complex. I popped my clutch, and spun my rear wheel, to make a quick turn. Well. It got away from me. I probably spun around 3 times, and I may have pulled off looking like I really knew how to ride like a stunt man….. Until the centrifical force threw me about 10 ft! Oh man. I was so embarrassed. I ran over, and picked my bike up(I was so mad I jerked that 1100 up with super human strength) and it wouldn’t crank, so I pushed it back home all pissrd off and embarrassed. I don’t think many people saw me, but it was embarrassing as fuck.

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