Meta Question

Yellowdog's avatar

Is Fluther getting just too ugly-spirited lately?

Asked by Yellowdog (12216points) August 23rd, 2018

I have been saying I’m leaving for two weeks now, but its hard to wrap up old business when people keep dredging it out.

In recent years I have seen SEVERAL Q&A and Social websites disappear, including Amazon’s Askville and the discussion boards of IMDb. usually preceded by out-of-control inflamed content logjamming the boards.

I hate to see FLUTHER degenerating to this level, even if it stays alive. I have established that I have better things I need to do with my time. But communities are communities, and I like to think they will always ‘be there.’

In recent weeks, I have been made fun of, ridiculed, and had offensive content directed at me. The political scene is especially hostile even when it is NOT directed at me.

I would just like to see my fellow jellies cease and desist. Whether or not I remain (albeit in the background) or leave, and even though as far as I know Fluther will always be here, I hate to see it become in the “not worth turning on’ category, If I were a new Jelly, would I want to participate in this morass? I think not.

I don’t want to see Fluther go the way of Askville or the IMDb discussion boards—or remain logjammed with personal and political hate. When I returned to one thread I found the discussion nothing but belittling content like fourth graders behave when the teacher left the classroom,

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114 Answers

Irukandji's avatar

“What’s with all this violence?” asks man while punching his neighbor.

Jaxk's avatar

It’s becoming obvious that this site is not worth the aggravation. You have to wade through miles of flaming conspiracy theories to see if there is a real point in there. I seldom find one.

Yellowdog's avatar

Ah! An Askville alumni

Askville was better than this before it went down. Askville went this way—but there were those who were there for you when you needed during a crises. Here, its all hate and adolescent-prank immaturity,

Jeruba's avatar

Is it? All of it? All of us? If that’s so, why, then, of course no one would want to be here, and it deserves to fail.

flo's avatar

@Yellowdog Please post threads of examples?

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. Fluther is just going the way of the world. Most people oppose the Trumpers. The Trumpers, are the only ones upset, because they are being called out. I don’t see debate forums shutting down because of this small amount of cowards, who can’t take criticism, for their actions.

Nope. Some jellies, need to understand that they are being called out, because they need help, or are wrong, not because of irrational hate. Not because they are victims, of anything but their own pathetic rhetoric, and the ramifications, of being a bigot.

I find it extra pathetic, that these jellies judge minorities, and non-Christians, and work against them, but can’t take even remote criticism of themselves, and their diseased minds… Pathetic.

MrGrimm888's avatar

In other words, Trumpers, are “too ugly spirited,“to be allowed to exist, without being rightfully shamed… Get used to it. You will be shamed throughout the world, as you deserve. Trump himself can’t go ANYWHERE , without protesters. The world is pushing back, against the scumbags of our society. Trump, and his supporters, being the worst of humanity…

Disagree? What other type of human faces such criticism? That’s right. Trumpers are viewed, rightfully so, as the worst people on the planet… It’s time for them to change, or die out. It’s just that simple. I for one, don’t care which… And I’m NOT alone…

Hate, greed, intolerance, racism, bigotry, stupidity, xenophobia, white (or any) nationalism etc. have no place in modern America, or really the world at all…

Yellowdog's avatar

Uh … you do realize that Muslims are imprisoned in China just for being Muslim, don’t you?

Or that dark-skinned South Africans are killing white South African farm families to steal their land, under direction of their President, don’t you?

Or, that over 41 countries are under REAL dictatorships?

Or, that none of these traits can be seen in Donald Trump,

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Sometimes I think you must be kidding. ALL of those traits, are exhibited by Trump. If not. He has openly declared the desire for such power, and control, from AGAIN his own mouth…

Bringing up black people “stealing” land from white people, is about the most absurd point I’ve ever heard you make….

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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Really what you have to remember is that this is an “anonymous” internet forum, most of us don’t know each other’s identities. It’s super easy to get wrapped up in this site as if half the stuff talked about really matters (as in the offensive content, rude comments, what have you) the fact that it’s anonymous should make it easier to forget them but for some reason it isn’t (and that applies to many communities/sites with an “anon” feature.
If you are getting this caught up in an online community that it is wearing you down, leave. I’m not telling you to leave permanently, but at least until you are ready to come back with a thicker skin.

I’ve said things on here that have gotten people pissed off, and I’ve gotten caught up in things on here, but I take a short break, come back, and act like nothing happened. I don’t take it personally (even if at the moment I did)

I have my own views on things. We all do. And, (for the most part) we need to realize and accept that. I am not less of a person because of my views, and no one else on here is.
Learn to accept that politics nowadays is a very sensitive topic, and no matter what your views are people probably have a strong opposing view and may lash out or express them in a way you see as an attack.

I think the people on this site just show their views in a way you are seeing as a personal attack (and sometimes, based on things I’ve seen, it can actually be one) but, as I’ve said, you should have a thick skin and not let them get to you.

My main point is, maybe it isn’t that Fluther is “mean-spirited” it’s just you being sensitive over things you don’t need to be sensitive about… let things roll of you.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I was just wondering about you .

Hadn’tseen you, in a a while…

canidmajor's avatar

This kind of “why should I stay, fluther is so awful” question comes up from time to time. Leave or don’t, entirely your choice, but go back and count the political questions over the last week. They make up a small percentage of all the questions. Go ahead, count.

If those are the only topics you have any desire to weigh in on, then you very likely won’t find things going your way, as, politically, this has been shown to be a pretty blue place.

Avoid those, and you will probably enjoy it.

Yellowdog's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Murdering farm families is secondary, I think, to slaughtering the families and then sending them off. And racism is still involved in this situation, but not the kind you describe. Also, this kind or racism and killing is really happening, all over the world. Its not the ‘racism’ you perceive, the imaginary holocaust you think is happening in America because some people believe the U.S. needs to protect its borders or has immigration and customs enforcement.

BTW—did you know that ICE apprehends and deports REAL Nazis nd people attempting genocide?

canidmajor's avatar

So you asked the Q to continue to promote the negative political agenda that you so decry? Silly me, I thought you were asking a real question about the site.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, from the time I got here to now, it’s always had some people who like to be ugly to others on almost every subject.

And remember, not everyone’s going to like you wherever you go!

Winston Churchill opined, “My idea of it [democracy] is that the plain, humble, common man…goes to the poll at the appropriate time, [and] puts his cross on the ballot paper. [T]his man, or woman, should do this without fear, and without any form of intimidation or victimization. He marks his ballot paper in strict secrecy.”

If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Super wrong. We were at a decent point, in regards to race relations. But Trumpers, and racists are empowered by the obvious agenda of the current administration. The minorities in the US, are seeing things that used to be more rare. People are threatening to call ICE, if they have a problem with a Latino appearing person. It’s been recorded by bystanders, and it’s all over the net.

In short. I would opine that discrimination, must be battled by discrimination. I’m not just upset with these racists. I am discriminating against them. I will not allow them ANY comfort, in America.

If someone wants to help build this country, they have to use the same bricks, as us. You can’t build a great country, with bricks of hate. Only bricks of coexistence.

These idiots, who are afraid, and woefully ignorant of our brown Americans, have work to do. They need to make peace with whatever is making them a bad American.

So. I will discriminate, against Trumpers. Until they show a potential for coexistence. And this may not be news to Trumpers, but the amount of people who are starting to get involved in pushing back against them, is growing by the second.
Every moronic tweet. Every KKK member at Trump’s rallies. Every offensive “unite the right” rally, or sign. Every human rights violations done to our immigrants. Every new tarrif. Every WORD from Trump’s mouth, builds opposition.

Mr. Trump, can be thanked for whatever you perceive as false labels. I will never accept the white nationalist shit I hear. I will certainly not be “tolerant,” of them. In my mind, they don’t belong here. For the most important reason to judge someone; “content of character.”

These people wanting a white, Christian America. They can just go. That’s not what this country is about. Sorry. It will soon be majority brown people. Spanish, will likely be a language you wouldneed to know. Probably Mandarin, or multiple Chinese dialects in the Northwest. If you won’t allow proper/natural growth of a society, you SHOULD be facing discrimination.

flo's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I didn’t get a notification for your answer.

@KNOWITALL Should every one with a title be addressed by their title (professor etc.,)without them having to ask for it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@flo . I’m afraid I don’t know what you are asking me?

Brian1946's avatar


If you’re following this thread, then you should have received a notification; the OP should have appeared in your New Activity section, after @MrGrimm888 responded.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@flo You may have to “Hit” refresh to see your new “Activity for You”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog You take negativity as hostile,but you seldom answer any question, that makes you question yourself or your beliefs,it’s just deflect,deflect,deflect.
You did it 14 posts above this one regarding Muslims,China is imprisoning Muslims.
Classic! When confronted on how the Don Father treats Muslims, you shift to China.
Yet you and quite a few others get all up set when someone says (ALL) when describing something people are doing or believing.
You refuse to see any wrong the Don Father says or has done, and go into instant deflect mode when confronted.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And by the way I DO NOT HAVE TO SHOW ANY RESPECT for Trump,he isn’t my President and he got me right mad when he declared Canada a National security threat to your country so he could impose unjust tariffs on Canada,CANADA your oldest ally ,one of your biggest trading partners.
Your Don Father is turning the world against the states, and right wingers refuse to see it,but that is OK Putin sees it just fine ,and it is exactly what he wants.

Demosthenes's avatar

Forums are dying in general; Discord chats have replaced most of the forums I used to post on, and they consist of just a few members who’ve known each other for a long time and discuss personal things together. (One such site was a discussion forum for a certain TV show; the forum got shut down and now a small number of us talk on Discord about our lives and the TV show that brought us together almost never gets mentioned anymore).

Either way, I think Fluther is reflective of society in general. Everyone hates each other because of political differences (I’m exaggerating, but it does seem like it’s worse than ever). You see it in the country at large, so you see it here. Of course in real life at least you have more choice of the people you surround yourself with (and that tends to form an echo chamber).

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Couldn’t be more true @Demosthenes , nice answer.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would be less of an echo chamber, if jellies followed the rules/advice of the Mods, and/or not delete their account because they get called out, for positions they can’t/won’t defend…

flutherother's avatar

Fluther remains one of the more civilized corners of the Internet with minor exceptions. As far as ugly-spirited goes why not be the change you want to see?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would just like to see my fellow jellies cease and desist.
Really? You can spout how much you think Trump is doing a bang up job, or how great trickle down economics is,and when some one disagrees or points out trickle down does NOTHING for the lower in come earner, you bring up 30 years ago and say look ,look at this point in time it did great.
NOW 2018 it does NOTHING for the lower income brackets, the wealthy will invest where it brings them the highest returns where ever that may be.
And lie,after lie,after lie coming from the Don Father and yet all is well?
While I think you are probably a pretty good fellow,but like I said before let’s not discuss politics if you come for dinner OK?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Inhale the pollution from coal fired furnaces and automobile exhaust you’ll enjoy it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh – - Donnie Jr and Eric have bought large blocks of stock with coal companies and automobile companies. Yes Trumps and boo humans.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The last thing Trump has an interest in is middle and lower income families I just wish they would see this as well.
But they do not.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I really hope you get as many people as you can,and they get as many as they can to get out and VOTE in this mid term, if you can decimate the Rep/cons this fall,it will put a lid on Trump, and hopefully you guys will impeach him as well,but Pence truly scares me, but if the democrats become the GOP that will put Pence in place as well.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Pence is scary. I feel like in some ways, he’d be worse than Trump, if the dems don’t win big in the midterms.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have the same feeling @MrGrimm888 , get everybody that can vote out to vote this time.
Because the rep/cons know they need everybody that will vote for them out as well.
This is critical, vote,vote,vote.
Everybody has to be out this time around.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t play that game. I have radical opinions about our government, and do not participate, when possible.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well you will make the right wingers very happy by not participating.
I think this time around it’s going to take everybody to send a message that the middle class aint going to put up with the Don Fathers lies any longer.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I’m not middle class. I wager multiple jellies, would call me class*less.*...

Nope. I’m not playing the game. I have ZERO trust/faith, in even one politician.

I was really planning on voting for Obama, in his first run. Then, he bailed out the banks. I’ve never been so mad.

When we had the voting issues in Florida, during GW’s election, they just threw a lot of votes away. Last election, Trump lost by millions of votes, and won. I think the government is truly controlled by a small amount of wealthy elites. It doesn’t matter who wins office, the country will run as those wealthy elite like it. Period. Our democracy is a scam. It is to give the population, an illusion of control.

Demosthenes's avatar

I thought this was pretty funny (and accurate):

kritiper's avatar

No! I think people here are realizing that always being politically correct is bullshit and real truth lies in being totally up-front, in-your-face, and brutally blunt.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If you are sensitive to a subject,and get offended by others views on it ,I know it’s hard but maybe one should steer clear of that subject?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yup. For me, it’s Pitt bulls. I simply cannot be objective, and will get really offended and mad. I’ve learned to just stay away, and let the ignorance go on out of my sight….

tinyfaery's avatar

You’ve been here long enough to know it’s not just lately.

And you contribute to this ugly-spirit.

Pot/kettle and all that.

ucme's avatar

Sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
My grandma said but now she’s dead so lah deedah dee dah dah

flo's avatar

@MrGrimm888 It wasn’t a question. I posted that before I read your whole post, in case your post had addressed something in my post which I want to respond to, even if there is no ”@flo…..
Like the following permalink if a post is long enough for me to come back to after I look at my other “Activity For You” s

flo's avatar

@Brian1946 From time to time I would just refresh and still not get a notification for one of my Activity For You s. The post from @MrGrimm888 was 8 minutes earlier than when I refreshed it. I happened to have gone to the thread for some reason, probably to reread a post or something, that’s how I found it.

Stache's avatar

Y’all need to eat some pot brownies.

kritiper's avatar

There are those who, possibly without realizing it, work to dominate/control questions/answers/opinions. I have come to see this and try to not let it get under my skin (too much.)
After all, it’s suppose to be for fun, isn’t it???
@Stache Could you please pass the brownies??

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog stay or go,I for one hope you do stay,BUT you have to expect people will show their beliefs,their ideals, what they stand for as much as you do.
Participate in what you want,and if a subject gets to you don’t participate in it.
You are a very devoted loyal conservative and I understand that,but understand all lot are not.
The wealth gap in your country has grown unbelievable between the wealthy and the lower class,and yet you still claim trickle down works?
Anyways the choice is yours.stay or go.

notsoblond's avatar

It’s always been ugly. It’s also always been awesome (sorry GailC.).

The secret is to take a break when you become irritated.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I am no Internet Marco Polo, but even the “ugliest” jelly, would be a very friendly voice elsewhere. I think all the offended jellies, should have participated in online gaming about 10 years ago. It has gotten way better. You can report people, or mute them. It was amazing, before. It’s by no means perfect now, but it’s come a long way.

SmashTheState's avatar

Fluther has always been liberal in the best and worst senses of the term. While people here are somewhat smarter and better educated than the mouth-breathing Trumplorables, they share the typically liberal assumption of priggishness, superiority, and firm conviction that a person simply being the proximate cause of someone feeling offended is cause enough to silence them.

The result is, again like liberalism in general, an increasingly toxic, hypocritical echo chamber of moral outrage built around the fallacy of the golden median, a Procrustean bed of mediocrity.

For years I warned people about the eventual fate of all authoritarian communities, where the need for feelings of superiority creates systemic othering, driving away divergent views in the name of decency or morality or courtesy until you have an ever-shrinking pool of like-minded people who lose interest in the bland wall of inoffensive chit-chat which results from lack of real conflict.

ScienceChick's avatar

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome Stalin 2.0.

Demosthenes's avatar

@SmashTheState Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. :)

But seriously, well said.

janbb's avatar

Good to see you @SmashTheState . We were feeling far too smug and superior here lately and needed your words of wisdom.

Brian1946's avatar


Thanks for the Wobble! ;) Thanks for the Wobble! ;) Thanks for the Wobble! ;-)

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, hey, @SmashTheState, there you are! The red squared fellow has been doing a good job parroting your disdain for us in your absence.

flutherother's avatar

@SmashTheState You will find divergent, contrary and even perverse views here but unlike in the real world sanity usually prevails.

SmashTheState's avatar

What you mean, @flutherother , is that you’ve reduced the Overton window here to the point where you are never forced to confront a view which makes you feel threatened. You have your tame reactionaries who can be relied upon not to actually challenge your axiomatic assumptions the same way Fox News has their tame liberals to act as punching bags.

While the handful of you who remain are content to circle the drain while Fluther dies by degrees—and by any rational measure, Andrew should have shut it down years ago—those who wanted more or whose views you found uncomfortable were frozen out or shouted down or driven away. Ask yourself why so few people who come here stay for any length of time, or why this site has lost so many people who had a huge investment in this place and should by rights be prevented from leaving by the time sink bias.

It takes an enormous amount of time and work to kill a place like this. There is a group of about a dozen people here who appointed themselves gatekeepers, and who have driven Fluther into the ground quite intentionally. The authoritarian bias of the mods here (which occurs through the self-selection of those who enjoy muzzling discussion) means they are fundamentally incapable of seeing the process by which they have assisted in the killing of Fluther.

Well, ye shall reap as ye have sown.

janbb's avatar

^^ Andrew has nothing to do with Fluther any more and hasn’t for years, O Holy Pontificater!

notsoblond's avatar

@SmashTheState You do realize that Fluther isn’t just for debate and dissenting views, right? In fact, correct me if I’m wrong @janbb, Fluther was created to help people get answers to their problems. Many people come here for help with an issue. They don’t come for debates and back patting. People come and people go. Many return. Some don’t. Ben keeps this site running for those who enjoy their time here. We have become a family.

This “fluther is going to suck and die without us” mantra is getting old. Fluther is fine without you.

janbb's avatar

Conspiracy theory stated. Don’t you have a revolution to run?

notsoblond's avatar

I love lamp.

ScienceChick's avatar

I think Smash the State must live somewhere like Portland. Am I right? Idolising French Anarchists isn’t easy. I bet it’s his full time job.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ScienceChick I think he lives in Canada.

ScienceChick's avatar

then maybe it is Vancover.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SmashTheState I like you already. :)

canidmajor's avatar

I think @SmashTheState has touted his vast importance as a major anarchist of international note in Ontario. I find it surprising (and Oh! so so gratifying!) that he deigns to come down from his lofty heights to chastise us from time to time, although he has made it clear, time and again, that we are beneath his notice.

Mostly I think he’s just annoyed that we still exist.

And yet he never enlightens us as to the reason he still gives a rat’s ass.

chyna's avatar

So my answer to the original question “Is Fluther getting too ugly spirited lately”, it happens. Especially during times of trouble with the US and we don’t see the politicians helping. It will calm down eventually. There was a time that I could not wade in on a religious type question because certain people could not keep from calling Jesus the Easter Bunny, a lie, and much worse. It has not been that way for a while now and I can wade in on the religious questions without getting angry.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Canid It comes across as funny sarcasm a la @ucme
to me anyway. Makes me laugh!

notsoblond's avatar

^Stick around and get to know him, though he doesn’t stick around much anymore. He only comes to bitch about the remaining users. I used to really like him. He has a lot of helpful information when he answers questions that aren’t in meta. All he does anymore is complain about the site. (I know. Haha coming from me.)

Blondesjon's avatar

What ever happened to the good old days when we could all smoke a bunch of crack, freak the fuck out on each other, and then, when somebody would bring up pancakes, all join together in a sticky ass tentacle embrace that made all the aforementioned shit disappear?

ucme's avatar

Me, sarcastic…how very dare you ;-}

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blondes I’m just limiting my time a bit, this political climate is turning people pretty ugly here.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL I think you and an avowed anarchist would be very strange bedfellows but many of us are limiting our time here or at least avoiding some of the useless, contentious questions.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb I actually enjoy ‘odd’ or different people, always have. Takes guts to be your authentic self.

Ya, I got pretty mad, that’s not what I need in my life. Moms having some health issues and its hard on an only child. I sure miss some of our sweet jellies.

Like my Bosnian friend said, politics is a luxury in the US, we take it for granted anyone cares whatregular people think.

mazingerz88's avatar

People should call out racists, white nationalists, Nazis of all nationalities including Americans who support and vote for these sorry excuses for human beings.

There is nothing more to debate or intellectually discuss with these assholes so Fluther should push them all out and stop worrying whether things get too ugly spirited.

Talking to white supremacists and trump supporters is totally useless at this point. You need to get ugly to push out ugly.

ragingloli's avatar

Only in the eyes of special snowflakes.

Yellowdog's avatar

I have not seen any racist remarks on Fluther, nor on the right or centrists in mainstream society. There IS a lot of hate speech and namecalling from the left—which @mazingerz88 is attempting to exemplify I think.

Are there any racist comments anyone can give examples of? Even if you cannot provide a link, just tell about them. I’ve read just about everything here.

mazingerz88's avatar

White supremacists, nationalists, Nazis and their symphatizers deserve hate speech. All they can get. These dangerous assholes should not be given any sort of platform to explain nor express their evil ideas and agendas.

They hide behind the illusion of having the right to free speech in order to legitimize their evil intentions and make it seem normal. They would annihilate people they deem inferior to them if they gain enough power and this would happen if good people continue to engage with them as if everything is normal.

Yellowdog's avatar

And where is all this actually happening?

notsoblond's avatar

Calling out racists is not hate speech.

Yellowdog's avatar

There is a VERY strong trend in the nation and on Fluther to call people in the center and right of center “racists” and “Fascists” and even “Nazis”

Are Racist and Nazi posts appearing on Fluther? I think not.

In this age, racist is about the worst thing you can call someone.
I have yet to see even a trace of racism in the people you incessantly call ‘racists’. Capitalists care about products and results. Covertly, the rising socialists are VERY obsessed with categorizing and labeling people according to skin color, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc etc.

About the only example they give that exists in reality is a proposal for a wall on the southern border of this nation. However, such a wall does not conflate to racism, racial profiling, etc. Everything else being said usually turns up scare tactics from the left during a political campaign—similar to saying Republicans will take away your Social Security (Trump hasn’t touched this, but Obama did). But again, when one looks for concrete examples of racism, it is not there,.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee I see a lot more hate and intimidation coming from the right,than I ever have from the left, I don’t see the left cozying up to white nationalists,the KKK,or gobbling up everything coming from Fox news like the right do.
Gee I see that Blond bimbo that used to be on the blaze,pretty much being a racist without saying the actual word,most of the Fox so called news team could be labeled so.

Yellowdog's avatar

I don’t see anyone cozinig up to the groups you mention.

There ARE groups headed by David Duke and White Nationalists. They are actually Democrat holdovers that sort of bottomed out when the Democrat party gave up its century-old tradition of racism, Jim Crow, the KKK—and began embracing Civil Rights. They did not “grow up” with Republicans but are a lost relic of the old Democratic party.

About the only thing these antisemitic, anti-black groups have in common with the Center and right-of center would be that they don’t want illegal immigration flooding the country.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Then look harder and stop blaming democrats.

Yellowdog's avatar

Stop blaming democrats for what? Hate speech?

The David Duke type groups are an anomaly in themselves, and certainly DO espouse a desire to preserve the white race, or Anglo-American culture. There ARE dangerous people in their ranks. In the 1950s and 1960s they were Democrats. I do NOT blame current day Democrats for their continued existence, as the Democrats moved away from these groups decades ago. However, I DO see constant (even within the last couple of posts) claims that these groups are Fox News or right center. Stop blaming Republicans,

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you not listened to Fox news??
Lot of hate type speech coming from them.

Yellowdog's avatar

Actually, all they do is pretty much follow the anti-Trump hysteria in the country, and follow the latest developments in the FISA abuse that lead to the Russia investigation. Trump will probably declassify everything soon. He needs to. But that’s pretty much all they are about. No hate speech

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hate speech and outright lies to support the “Orange Haired King Forever” in his mind anyway are the hallmark of Fox News .

notsoblond's avatar

You really don’t know the definition of hate speech. People saying rude things to conservatives on fluther is not hate speech.

Yellowdog's avatar

I don’t know of any hate speech on Fox.

There’s Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Sarah Beam (?) I think Laura Ingraham said something once controversial about transgenders. There’s also people like Mark Stein (sp?) and Mark Levin and even Rush Limbaugh (Rush Limbaugh said things in previous decades that might have been controversial).

But turn to Morning Joe and MSNBC and CNN and there are references to turds. Very hard to take scatalogical references, or Orangatans, to anything but hate speech.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

WOW,just wow, you really are blind to it .
Those people you just mentioned slam democrats, people of colour, and most everything else that isn’t pure Trump.
I guess as long as they say take care and God bless, that is all that matters?
Hey Trump was taking all the credit for the stock market and it’s glorious rise, how come he didn’t take any credit when it fell so hard a short time ago?
Republicans wanted to impeach Clinton for lying about a blowjob from an intern.
But Trump having an affair with a porn star, and paying her to keep quite about it during the campaign is just fine? why is that?

Yellowdog's avatar

Unlike Clinton, Trump was not in the Oval Office and did not force himself on the Porn Star. Paying someone off is a non-disclosure agreement. The Porn Star violated the agreement. For about nine weeks it was all the above-mentioned networks talked about once the Russia Collusion stories began to unravel.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Never heard anything such as force himself on her,that must be a Fox fact.
Oh and I see it’s the porn stars fault, I get it now.

Yellowdog's avatar

There are three women who testified nationally, and one who was voluntary

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog The NDA is bogus because it doesn’t Trump have as the co-signer !
Duh, Orange Wonder-boy ( Wonder why as a Wonder-boy he had to pay for SEX ? ? ? ) doesn’t have a legal leg to stand because he didn’t sign it.

Yellowdog's avatar

With all that’s going on in the world, I hardly think its even a newsworthy story, Yet it has obsessively been all that’s on your mind, and the mind of entire networks.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay why is old Orange got his shorts in a twist @YellowdogWith all that’s going on in the world, I hardly think its even a newsworthy story, Yet it has obsessively been all that’s on your mind, and the mind of entire networks.

DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT Too close to proof he’s a bozo ! ! DEFLECT again.

Truth hurts, he can’t hold her to a NDA he didn’t sign !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

HEY!!^^ Fox holds her as the bad guy, and FOX can’t be wrong.
Just like their extreme right wing nut jobs never trash talk democrats or people of colour.
They are just peace loving reporters trying to get a job done,ULLLP now excuse me I have to go vomit.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sorry the Fox News Network effects you that way @SQUEEKY2 !

Yellowdog's avatar

Some people are filled with such hate, vomit is about all they can do.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good grief,because someone disagrees with you doesn’t automatically mean hate, you hear turd on MSNBC and you think all they do is preach hate,but what they do on Fox is just A-OK.

You never did answer why didn’t your boy take credit for the stock market fall a short while ago he was bragging that the rise was all him, if you claim the rise you also own the fall.

I admire your devotion to the conservative cause, you are a true Republican ,deflection and all.
You absolutely refuse to see the damage the Don Father is causing, blame the porn star.
Claim Clinton forced himself on Monica, and oh yeah don’t forget about those pesky emails.
Collude with the Russians to get elected no crime, disagree with the Don Father now that is treason.
All I can say is November is going to be very interesting, VERY INTERESTING.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Republican will be squealing WEE WEE WEEE on 11/7/18 ! House to Democrats and Senate to come !

@Yellowdog can you stand a Democratic majority in the House ?

Or will you have to move to Russia?

Yellowdog's avatar

Clinton raped Jessica Flowers, and you brought it up so quit whining.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Was never talking about Flowers,and you know it so who is whining? Boy that sure sounded like hate careful don’t want to fall into a democrat style hate on do you?
And Trump sexually assaulted 12 women but we won’t go into that, that was probably all their fault anyways right?

Yellowdog's avatar

Funny how all of these came forward at the last minute when it looked like Trump had a chance of winning the election. There is so much fake about Trump I really have my doubts.

You are the one who brought up Clinton’s misconduct. You are saying it was me, but it has been you. You got me to comment on it and say I am the one who cares about it. I have very little interest in these things. But four women were involved in Clinton’s misconduct—one was concensual and three were raped (including I think it was Ginnifer Flowers not Jessica) and were bullied and threatened into silence and called sluts and bimbos by Hillary when they fearfully came forward.

I don’t approve of any sexual misconduct against anyone nor do I gloat over the sensationalism of it for political purposes, but Clinton is whom YOU brought up and with Clinton it happened in the oval office itself.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Being in the oval office at the time makes all the difference?
Both men are man sluts.
both used their position of power to get sex from these women.
And both were married at the time of these misconducts which is far worse than being in the oval office.

Yellowdog's avatar

Agreed. Thanks for a civil discussion even when results are less than comforting or satisfying, and in fact disturbing. There is good in what these men did, too. for the country. But your statement that they used their positions of power over women to get sex from them is spot on.

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