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rojo's avatar

If Trump shot Michael Cohen in broad daylight, is this what Republicans would say?

Asked by rojo (24182points) August 24th, 2018

If Trump shot Michael Cohen in broad daylight, here’s what Republicans would say From the Guardian.

I think it is a pretty accurate assessment. What are your thoughts and suggestions?

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10 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sounds pretty spot on .

Dutchess_III's avatar

THAT was hilarious! Spot on, too @rojo. Thanks.

imrainmaker's avatar

lol..) No tweet from Hillary on this?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hillary knows when to keep her mouth shut.

Yellowdog's avatar

Has Trump even expressed animosity towards Cohen? I think Trump understands that Cohen had no choice. He did mention that Flipping (Law enforcement lying or bribing or putting the screws on a witness to get them to turn on someone) should be illegal. That’s all I heard,

Trump isn’t The Godfather. He isn’t Raymond Reddington. He doesn’t have a long body count like the Clintons. He isn’t even Archie Bunker from Queens. We are in a wait and see mode.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump doesn’t have an ounce of empathy in his body. Right now he’s actively denying that the felonies Cohen pled guilty to weren’t even cimes.
But when that final shoe drops you can bet trump will be blaming Cohen down to Melania. Probably Melania’s parents too.

Yellowdog's avatar

Giving money to a porn star to keep quiet is a crime because…

because it improves one’s image for a campaign .. and therefore .. because it makes you LOOK better for the campaign… then it is De Facto a Campaign expense. And, no matter where the money comes from it was a campaign expense.

High Crimes and Misdemeaners and treason and all that.

seawulf575's avatar

I guess it would depend on if it really happened or not. If there were news cameras capturing all the images and the police arrested him, then most likely the Repubs would not react like that. If, instead, there was someone looking for publicity stating they saw Trump shoot Cohen on 5th avenue, but no other evidence, then I would suggest the Repubs would rightly play the get-all-the-facts game.
But let’s flip it for a second…isn’t the reaction you are attributing to Repubs about Trump pretty much exactly the reaction you are getting from the Dems about Ellison? Don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying it is okay for anyone to commit a crime and yes, they should all be punished. But from a political coverage…you have a woman and her son with video tape showing Ellison physically and verbally abusing her. And yet the Dems are covering for him and playing the get-all-the-facts game. Is that really any different? Oh, the severity of the crime, sure, but the political reaction?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog The payment of Stormy was made with campaign money, which is illegal just like taking campaign money and buying a new car.

Duh iT was F$$%king illegal, oh I know your hero got elected so the end was justified by the means, BREAK THE LAW .is okay for TRUMP.

@seawulf575 “But let’s flip it for a second…” Deflect deflect deflect where is your “it was all Hillary’s fault” line.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I believe the issue was that Cohen paid for it. Now Cohen is claiming that Trump asked him to with a promise to pay him back. Where the money came from is the whole story. Trump would not have had to use campaign money…he has plenty of his own to pay $130,000.
And I am not deflecting, I’m staying with the conversation. The question was a hypothetical concerning what the media would be saying about Trump actually shooting someone. I was staying right with the conversation and brought up a real life example, just from Dems. But it is the same thing. I know…you just wanted Trump-bashing. Too bad.

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