General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Are there any computer mice, that are shaped like actual mice?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) August 28th, 2018

If so, link please.
Also, it is preferable if it had actual fur, and was squishy.
Maybe make squeaking sounds when you press a button.

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10 Answers

raum's avatar

Couldn’t find one you could purchase in a retail store.

But did find an instructables for one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Knock your socks off Mouse-Mouce

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Jinks @raum I owe you a Coca-Cola.

ragingloli's avatar

I think it would be better to dismantle a plush mouse for that.

ragingloli's avatar

Can anyone recommend a glue that works on both textiles and plastic?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I don’t see why you could catch one (or a small rat), take it to a taxidermist, and have that person stuff it and leave room for the electronics.

Patty_Melt's avatar

There is some kind of pose your own mouse taxidermy classes.
I can’t do links from my phone, but I bet somebody could do a successful search.

DarknessWithin's avatar

My Google search is in concurrence with @raum.
It came up with nothing in retail, just the instructables.

Perhaps the simplest thing to try is to cut a plush mouse on all fours in half (avocado style “in half”), remove the stuffing and glue the top half over a regular mouse, somewhat like a car seat cover.

raum's avatar

@ragingloli I’ve had good luck with the E6000 adhesives. It’s a pretty extensive line. I’d imagine there’s one that would work for fabric and plastic.

If you actually end up making this, you have to post an update!

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