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Dutchess_III's avatar

WHY would anyone become a Catholic?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 28th, 2018

The horrors that are unveiling almost daily are unbelieveable horrific. Nuns murdering and torturing children at an orphanage. Who ARE these animals and where did they come from? Is the Catholic church the pinnacle of an evil, twisted, sadistic, perverted religion?
The more that comes to light, the sicker I get at the thought that if my mom had her way my son would have gone into the priesthood. Then I just thought she was crazy. Now the idea makes me want to vomit.

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23 Answers

chyna's avatar

Is this a good source? I’ve never heard this before.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, that’s a good question. I’ll do some deeper checking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, here is this. I found it by googling one of the names of the victims.

MrGrimm888's avatar

But the nuns are female. They never do anything bad…

Dutchess_III's avatar

What? If they’re the victims as children they can turn into abusers as adults/

filmfann's avatar

I have been attending a Catholic church for the last 2 years.
Don’t write off the entire religion due to some assholes and sociopaths.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s too prevalent @filmfann to be ignored. I would bet you don’t really know the inner workings of the church you’ve been attending.

kritiper's avatar

Why would anyone join any religion? No need to just pick on Catholics…
One bad apple (or even several bad apples) don’t spoil the whole bunch. But I suppose one outsider might think all Catholics are rotten if that one outsider was prejudiced, or wanted to be.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m starting to wonder how many millions of Catholics are hiding secrets. The religion has turned into a freaking haven for abuse and sexual abuse. Doesn’t anyone else remember the stories of nuns at Catholic schools whacking on kids painfully with rulers?

kritiper's avatar

I remember kids in public schools getting whacked with paddles…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I heard stories that the nun would use the metal side of the ruler and slap in on their knuckles. I heard of them slamming kids hands in desks.
Yeah, I remember paddles too, in the principals office. They were on the butt and they did not hurt. I wouldn’t know I never got paddled. That’s just what I heard from kids who had.

kritiper's avatar

Well, some nuns (not all!) are antisocial types. Probably/Possibly why they became nuns . And they may not have had a choice about teaching. I think my 2nd grade teacher (a nun) was that way…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

To belong to a community. Like why I joined Fluther. Fluther is my religion, my home, and my family.

Inspired_2write's avatar

A lot are pulling away from organized Religion as it is not updating to Society presently.
A Catholic had to agree as a Catholic to raise their children as Catholics to be accepted into the Church ( Baptized).
Re: orphanages
I was in one for five months when age 10 yrs of age a experienced mistreatment from the odd Nun, as not all were mean. She was replaced with a much nicer Nun when my sister and I complained .
Also Nuns and Priests are Females & males first before being a Nun or Priest and these needs surface in the order when using the system to get these needs met, although not ethical nor legal.
I saw as a 10 year old a young Nun & priest in the hallway kissing and carrying on and that point lost respect for the entire order. Obviously the pair were far to young to be taken seriously into their orders.

JLeslie's avatar

My FIL sort of became Catholic 60 years ago when he got married. He was raised in country not very nice to Jews, then his mom died when he was 13. Then he fell in love with a Catholic girl when he was 17 and they got married two years later in the Catholic Church. I think at the time he was happy to shed being Jewish. He goes to church most Sundays with his wife still to this day. He has told me it’s so different in the US. His first language was Hebrew of all things.

A friend of mine became Catholic when she married her husband, this was 30 years ago. She had been raised Methodist I think? Maybe it was Baptist. She liked Catholicism, she didn’t mind converting.

I’m sure people still convert to Catholicism, just like people convert to other religions. The Catholic Church does a lot of charity work, many of their schools are very good, it is a Christian faith that doesn’t reject science, the current Pope speaks to everyone (in my opinion) not just Catholics.

Pandora's avatar

Because most of us don’t have that experience. I had a very happy childhood and life experience in the Catholic Church. A few nasty church goers and a few mean priest or nuns with a high and mighty attitude, but I met mostly good and caring people.
Religions are composed of flawed human beings. Not everyone in a church is like Jesus.
I remember my aunt use to go to confession every week. Confessed the same thing every week. One day she got mad because the Priest asked her to stop coming to confession because it’s not meant to clean the slate so she can do the same thing over and over.
She got mad that we all agreed with him. Human race is composed of idiots and mean people and cruel people. Like my dad use to say. Saints don’t need to go to church. It’s the sinners that need to be there. Now he thought we were all sinners and rightly so, but I get the point. No religion is perfect because it is made up of sinners.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It’s simple. The rest of their family are members of a religious group. Sometimes, it is there whole community. Most children do not realize that there are options in which they are allowed to choose for themself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My Mom was raised Catholic but my Dad wasn’t particularly religious. The Church pissed my Mom off in the 60’s so she turned her back on them. We weren’t raised on any particular religion, or particularly religious.
However, my sister had to convert to Catholicism before she could marry her husband. This was back in the 80s and her kids were raised Catholic. I wonder how she feels about that now.
After Mom started getting dementia she “regressed” back into the comfort of the Catholic rituals of her youth and started using her rosary again, saying her Hail Marys and stuff. I actually have a lot of “Catholic” kinds of stuff around the house that I wound up with over the years.
I’ve been to a couple of Catholic services. I found them agonizingly boring!

Dutchess_III's avatar

When Mom died my sister set up a Catholic service for her. It was in Washington state and we’re from Kansas. The service had all the warmth and emotion of a dead fish. The priest just walked around talking in Latin and swinging a bell thing of incense. The whole thing upset me a great deal. Mom’s name was hardly even mentioned. It was a cookie cutter kind of thing.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t waste a lot of time defending the Church, but even I hesitate to declare that the bad apples define the barrel. I came up in a parish free from any hint of sexual impropriety on the part of the priests or nuns.

chyna's avatar

I work in a catholic hospital. I’m not catholic but the nuns here are the nicest people I’ve ever met. They don’t wear habits, they dress like regular people.

filmfann's avatar

Just as most policemen are good people, but the acts of the few bad eggs blight them all, so are the priests and nuns of the Catholic Church.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know you guys. But it is just so insane.

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