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elbanditoroso's avatar

[Possibly NSFW] Do strippers who use stripper poles generally go clockwise, counter-clockwise, or is it about even?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33693points) August 30th, 2018

Inquiring minds want to know.

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12 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Depends on whether they are left handed or right handed.

kritiper's avatar

I’m usually to preoccupied too notice but I’ll try to take note next time. Or the next time. Or the next time.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m guessing it’s mostly up and down. Not left or right

2davidc8's avatar

What does it matter?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@2davidc8 – are strippers spinning against the rotation of the earth, or against the rotation of the earth, which takes slightly more energy and effort.

ScienceChick's avatar

They are spinning perpendicular so it is neither with or against the rotation of the Earth. A more accurate question would be ‘If enough strippers spin in the same direction, could it change the Coriolis Effect? ’ to which, I would answer, I don’t care.

Pinguidchance's avatar

In the Northern Hemisphere ecdysiasts gyrate around the pole in a clockwise direction.

In the Southern Hemisphere they tend to twist anti-clockwise and upside down.

The Coriolis effect is commonly observed in the way water goes down the drain hole.

It was discovered by Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, the French mathematician, engineer, philanthropist, incorrigible roué and dissolute wastrel who spent countless hours in wonderment studying the effect.

rebbel's avatar

Also, do the poles get thinner through wear?
And could that be dangerous?

Patty_Melt's avatar

The girls I’ve seen tend to go clockwise, but they are working a crowd, and sometimes it changes by who they have their attention focused on. Maintaining eye contact sometimes affects the direction they approach the pole.

In my cabbie days, I picked up a lot of drunks from skin joints, and they never waited for me outside. I was stunned walking into a small, tumble down joint and there was a beautiful, young blonde working the crowd. Her appearance was the least startling, as she really had some talent. She was not scrawny and bones. There was a lot of curve to her.
I guess the bartender told her I commented, because the next time I came in she gave me a little wave.
It was cool that she did because I started getting calls from there a lot.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree with @zenvelo. The dominate hand is also the stronger arm. That’s the one the strippers would automatically use to manipulate themselves on the pole.

Brian1946's avatar

A right-handed pole dancer will usually go clockwise, because the primary (outside) centrifugal force will be opposed by the 4 fingers of their right hand, instead of a solitary thumb.

Conversely, a lefty will usually go counterclockwise.

Pinguidchance's avatar

In the Gentlemen’s Club where I work the stage is on the ground floor and has a one way mirrored floor and ceiling. Guys like to observe the pole dancing which is clockwise viewed from above, on the first floor at the start of the act, then run downstairs to the basement for the finale which when viewed from below is counterclockwise.

It gives guys a sense of perspective and raison d’être.

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