I would not put up with this kind of treatment. I would be headed for the door and the divorce court in a hot second.
@MooCows your husband is a bully. You’ve described his awful behavior many times. I know you are scared, but you have to do something to get away from this man, even if you have to beg friends, relatives, or strangers for money and help to get you out of this situation. Maybe he hasn’t yet hit you (or maybe he has) but what he has done to you, and is continuing to do, is abusive. This is the number for the National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1–800-799–7233 Call them (preferably when he is not home, or from someplace other than your house) and let them know your situation. They can help you make a plan to leave.
@MooCows, think about if this situation was being done to a dear friend of yours, and you have heard all the ugly details, what would you say to that woman? Would you tell her to just stick it out, because she’s not worth much? Be your own best friend and advocate and be proactive, now, and get the hell out of there.
Here is more information from their website: https://www.thehotline.org/
@JLeslie I think your situation is somewhat more typical, but you don’t have to put up with it either. You need to do some research ahead of time, regarding marital counseling, or counseling just for you. Set up an appointment. Then sit your husband down, when he is calm, and explain to him exactly what you’ve said to us, that his belittling behavior, and inability to see you as an equal (or someone who is possibly superior in some ways, because you are giving him correct information that he doesn’t want to be true) is damaging to you, and you aren’t going to put up with it anymore. I would also recommend that you also contact some of your friends or relatives and put at least a few close friends on alert to let them know that you might need a place to stay temporarily. I’m betting that like with @MooCow’s husband, no one knows how hubby treats you. People like this are never assholes in front of the company, or their own friends, so your friends probably don’t know, am I correct? You should make the appointment, explain to him how you feel, and what you plan to do, then invite him to go along to the appointment, or tell him that you will go alone if he refuses, and that you need to make a temporary (not necessarily legal) separation from him because you are now, going forth, not going to put up with this kind of treatment from him anymore. I would also suggest that you see if there are any assertiveness training classes that you could take to help you better deal with these other schmucks that are not taking your seriously, when the facts are on your side (and make sure you always have the hard cold facts in your hand when you are talking to these people). You are a nice woman, but being nice, and being assertive do not have to be mutually exclusive. I know you love your husband, and you have a long history with him, but he is taking advantage of your kindness, and you should not have to look forward to an entire lifetime of being treated this way, just because it’s easy for him to take things out on you, and that’s the way it’s always been (or at least it has been for a while now).
No one should have to put up with this kind of shitty treatment, but YOU ladies (or some of you fellows) have to be the one to stand up and say NO MORE!!! and then make a plan to leave, or get help for the jerky person and yourself. Sometimes the hardest part is having to confess to your close friends and relatives that your spouse or partner is not as nice of a person as they have been lead to believe. Don’t let that stop you from telling them, and letting them help you.
Also, please, please, please, do not be one of those women who after sharing this type of information about their jerky spouses, then backtracks and says that he is not so bad, after people give you advice about how to get out of the situation. You need to make changes and not make excuses for these men anymore. We are here to help you.