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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do people really die violently with the same flair as they do in the movies?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) September 3rd, 2018

I was watching a couple of James Bond movies shown on cable this weekend. Lots of of people die from gunshot wounds (and various other causes).

In the Spy Who Loved Me there’s a gunfight just before they defuse the nuclear bomb – lots of shooting and such.

Several of the actors, once shot, wobble side to side and then finally drop dead. One of them clutches his chest and then falls forward. Another, after having been shot, throws his arms wide out to each side before collapsing.

How realistically depicted are these deaths? When you get shot, do you wobble and then fall? Or is this just acting?

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7 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How do you expect any normal joe to answer this?
Except for maybe a police officer who has been in a shoot out with people dyeing , or a soldier having been in combat, those people might be able to say.
As for realistically depicted, I would think the person would be screaming, scared out of their mind knowing their life was coming to a violent end but that is just a guess.

kritiper's avatar

Normally, when you get shot, the first thing that hits you is the urge to pass out from shock. In the old west, when a gunfighter/soldier got shot, he had to fight the urge to pass out and so he could walk through the cloud of gun smoke to make sure he killed the other guy lest the other guy walk through the cloud and finish him off. (These being the days before smokeless gun powder.)
It is possible that all sorts of animated antics could take place after being shot. I have shot many small animals that did all sorts of stuff, maybe because of nerves or shock.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Only in the movies !

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would vary wildly. Depending on the bullet, type of bullet, distance from the target, trajectory,location of the bullet wound, physical traits of the target, how fast their heart was beating when shot etc…

kritiper's avatar

Have you ever heard the expression “Run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off?” Have you ever seen a chicken running around with no head??? It is a sight to see!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

My. Father and his relatives, would sometimes butcher a chicken,or chickens, at certain events. They would draw a line in the dirt. Then. They “hypnotized” the chicken into starring at the line. Then. The chicken would stand perfectly still. And WAP! They would lop it’s head off with one swipe. The body then ran around terribly. The men mostly laughed at it. I thought it was sadistic. The laughing….

raum's avatar

You die the way you live.

Considering that the average joe probably isn’t living a violent life full of flair, I’m gonna guess the answer is going to be no.

Plus in the movies they don’t show stuff like how bowels lose their function as the body breaks down.

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