One SCOTUS pick was stolen. It really does not matter who the GOP puts in. It will be a conservative, and it will change the country in that direction. Whether the majority wants it, or not.
The end result will be a more divided nation. No SCOTUS nominee should be allowed to have religion. It’s a pathetic joke, to assume he won’t be morivated to make decisions based on it. It’s far more pathetic, to think he may be personally appointed to help Trump get out of the mess he’s in.
Yes indeed. Anyone claiming no bias, yet supporting the way this pick gets in, is a hypocrite. I’m sure that a smart conservative, could read thousands of pages in a couple of days.
For the woefully ignorant, if you are hiding something, there is ALWAYS a reason to. It’s beyond stupid, to try to deflect in this case.
Trump won’t release his tax records, nor will he be questioned by the team investigating him. Yeah. Just an old honest guy Trump. Well. When he’s not peeing on underage Russian girls, or having unprotected sex with over-the-hill porn stars, and using campaign funds to pay them not to speak of how pathetic he is.
Love the new book too BTW. Sounds 100% accurate. Almost funny, how terrible Don is. His entire staff, are either recording him in hopes of black mailing him, OR they are working to keep him as uninvolved as possible. Sounds like when Don said he’d surround himself with the best people, he meant baby sitters, and criminals.
Trumpers will just squeeze those old eyes shut, and eat Trump’s bullshit sandwiches at a rabid pace… Their arteries will soon clog with bullshit, and we won’t have to worry about them anymore!