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Pandora's avatar

Who do you believe in Trump's cabinet wrote the article to the New York Times anonymously?

Asked by Pandora (32601points) September 6th, 2018

I think Trump wrote it via Kelly Ann Conway.
So who do you predict it was and why?

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15 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

It probably wasn’t a Cabinet member.

My nominee is Sen. Lindsey Graham, a dear and valued friend of John McCain who has shifted positions and become a defender of Trump. I can’t think of anyone more likely, right now, to be horrified at what is going on and yet feel powerless to fight it openly; to be suffering pangs of remorse and yet afraid to speak out under his own name.

Of course, I know nothing more than what I read, which includes McCain’s own recent book. But I’d say that any reasonably intelligent person who doesn’t wish to be identified would have the sense to try to cast off suspicion by the use of language and other suggestive details. Therefore I would tend to think that anyone the article seems to point to is most likely not the author.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

“Senior official in the Trump administration”

That field is much, much wider than the household names. For example, there are 15 cabinet secretaries. I think any deputy cabinet secretary could be “senior”.

So that’s thirty. Not including White House staff.

My bet is that it’s somebody mostly unknown to the public.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I think that its was a group of people not just one.
Maybe the Butler did it?( like Lady Diana’s Butler wrote a tell all book.)
Clue anyone?

Pandora's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I believe the NYT said it was a high cabinet member. It would have to be someone who was with him since the beginning and is still present. It could be a secretary but I doubt it. I think it’s Trump using Kelly Ann. In the past he would call reporters or stations pretending to be someone else but I guess he can’t get away with pretending to be Ronald Chump, because everyone in the White House is known. And Kelly Ann could write that well. So I think it’s Trump to drum up the Witch Hunt theory and deep state for his followers and trying to create a reason to get rid of Mueller or build a case for the 25th so he can get out of office before going to jail by having Congress and the Senate say he is mentally unfit and not responsible for any crimes he may have committed. He is the only one who has something to gain from this anonymous letter, other than Pence. Or maybe Mrs. Pence. She seems ready and eager to fill in the shoes of first lady.

JLeslie's avatar

Pence had me stuck in traffic yesterday—annoying! I think he was here to endorse Rick Scott for senate. It had me also thinking Pence is gearing up to run for President. I like the idea of his wife writing the letter, I hadn’t thought of that.

I don’t think it’s a group. Even if it is a group, there would be a ring leader. I’m pretty sure the republicans put out that group idea.

I don’t think it’s someone who has been very outspoken about disliking Trump. I think it’s more likely someone who has been quietly disliking him, and couldn’t take it anymore.

Reallly I have no idea. No real guess.

ragingloli's avatar

Or maybe it was actually a false flag article by a Drumpf supporter, to give the Orangutan an excuse to purge his cabinet of dissenters.

janbb's avatar

A statement I read said that it really says something about Trump that it could possibly be any one of about 100 people.

kritiper's avatar

Jeff Sessions.

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes, It was written by someone in the inner circle who is close to Trump.
Others close to Trump think so.

It was someone who favors a McCain-type leadership over a Donald Trump style.

The NYT does not like to publish anonymous editorials. But this was too big to ignore, It would go against the NYT “ethos” to write such an editorial and fake it. They may write stories with fake or anonymous sources but not entire stories or op-eds.

I like to think Jeff Sessions, too. He does not go along with the view that there is a “Deep State” of Obama holdovers or whatever, He has refused to appoint a Special Counselor to “investigate the investegaters”

But I also believe that there are probably others in the White House close to Trump who could have written this.

Demosthenes's avatar

I have no idea, but I think Trump needs to go on a good ol’ fashioned witch hunt. The hunted has now become the hunter!

Pandora's avatar

@Yellowdog I don’t think there are any Obama hold overs. Least of all Jeff Session. Jeff Sessions was Attorney General of Alabama and was appointed in 1994. He is and was a extreme conservative and Trump is only pissed off at him because Sessions won’t put his neck and career on the line for Trump. Sessions was not wanted by many Dems because of his record with mass incarceration, and siding with businesses in suits. He is hardly McCain like. No, I think he is the last person who would stretch his neck out. Why do you think he was onboard with jailing Mexicans coming across the border? No, he is totally Trumps boy.

Though I can see him planning this whole thing an accusing Sessions so he fire him. I think people aren’t looking at the story right. You have to look at who stands to benefit. Only two. Trump or Pence. The rest other would only make their job harder in the White House.

And only one of them has experience working in a fake reality show where they always need drama for ratings. Trump knows when he makes himself look like a victim, his supporters will be reved up. His supporters lately have been diminishing. He needs to make people mad.

Yellowdog's avatar

I don’t dispute strongly anything with that—but who wrote it?

I agree probably not Jeff Sessions. But I don’t think Sessions and Trump have been close since Sessions recused / disabled himself the day after his accepting the role

Pandora's avatar

@Yellowdog When I say Session is his boy, I mean his lap dog. He will do anything (short of putting his job in danger) for Trump to ease his anger.

I can see the inside person who wrote it for Trump was Kelly Ann Conway. It’s her job to write speeches and create controversies. I think Amarosa book was also a scam from the Trump White House to create a distraction. To help Kavanaugh be zipped through confirmations and by distracting the public. This whole administration has been about using lies to hide insidious actions taken. Like, I believe they knew the Woodward book would be coming out.

To convenient that 2 times Trump calls people and he happened to be recorded. With Woodward he was even told he was being recorded. He tries to say he wasn’t told that he wanted to talk to him and then when Graham was mentioned he says oh yeah, he briefly mention something and then when he said he told kelly ann she happened to be in the office and he says, oh, Kelly Ann why didn’t you tell me.Oh, I guess we can’t do nothing about it now. Reminds me of when I want to pretend I haven’t been told something when I have. It was such bad acting. He wanted to be recorded saying he was unaware that Woodward wanted to speak with him so he could try to convince his people that the book wasn’t fair because the author never bother to try to contact him.

I don’t believe anything coming out of this white house isn’t planned. Most is probably planned by Kelly Ann. It’s why the Crypt Keeper is still there.

ucme's avatar

Probably some inconsequential grunt desperate to make a name for themselves in the cesspit of reality tv, could be any one of a thousand arsewipe politicians then.

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