Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever had a hard time disciplining your child because you were laughing too hard?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 8th, 2018

I mean, you’re laughing on the inside, trying not to let it out but there it is and you can hardly talk! I have more than one instance of my own, but I’ll share this one I just came across in my memories. It’s regarding Savannah, the precocious girl twin:

“Corrie and the twins were at the zoo, looking at the orangutans. The biggest one was just lounging in his hammock. Nothing much was happening so Savannah looked away for a moment. Then suddenly he got up and grabbed a swinging rope.
Corrie said to four year old Savannah, “Savannah! Look!”
Savannah turned her head just as the fat, 1000 pound, fat, blubby, obese orange guy (no not that guy. This was an actual orangutan) swung toward her and SLAMMED into the plate glass right in her face! It startled Savannah so bad she fell off of the seat thingy that runs in front of the enclosure and fell on the ground.
She laid there for a second, stunned, then yelled, “Oh SHIT!! THAT was unnecessary!!”
SHE’S 4!!!
Corrie TRIED to admonish her for her cuss word use but couldn’t seem to find find the words between her gasps for air!
Then Savannah stormed out of the exhibit darkly muttering things about “Stupid monkeys” under her breath. “I’m never going to visit them again, stupid monkeys.”
I have to ask you, my little one, is there a time when it is actually NECESSARY for a full grown, alpha male orangutan to body slam a plate glass window just to scare the crap out of a little kid??

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3 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Yeah. One of them, on a safari, jumped out of the car and started to harass the crocodiles with a stick. I probably should have said something, but I was too busy laughing when the little shit got ripped apart. HAHA!.
It is OK though, I made some new ones.

JLeslie's avatar

I have two friends that I know have this problem. I’m pretty sure if I had had kids I’d have had this problem. I don’t think I’d be great at disciplining my kids anyway. If my kid had been a holy terror I would have been in trouble. My parents mostly just told us why we were wrong in what we were doing, we weren’t punished very much.

Your story with the curse word is hysterical. Lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When Corrie was about 3 I had taught her to write her name, CORY. She didn’t know how to read, didn’t really know what letters were, she just knew these symbols had something to do with her.
I walked into the living room one day and there was “CORY” colored on the wall at her height. I hollered for her to come here. She came.
I said, “We don’t write or color on walls! We write and color on paper!”
She looked at her handiwork, then back at me, astonished, her big brown eyes wide, and said, “How did ju know it wuss me?” She was so dang cute and amazed that I had to leave the room, LOLL!!

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