Why is Trump orange?
Asked by
chyna (
September 8th, 2018
Yes, I googled it. And some makeup artists have said they think it is either a self tanning lotion or spray tan due to the white around his eyes. But if this is true, and I believe it is, why is he still orange? Doesn’t he see what everyone else in the world can see? Why wouldn’t he change it? It looks awful.
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39 Answers
Maybe his a very early, decommissioned Data prototype, made by Dr Soong.
He was so disappointed by this fat blob of an orange failure, that he dumped it into a black hole, but unfortunately, it was transported back in time, and rematerialised right on Putins lap.
Alzheimer’s has been associated with cartenoderma.
@raum You must mean carotenemia or carotenoderma.
Probably because that’s how extraordinarily vain, cruel and despicable old men turn into. Especially when they get voted into power.
@2davidc8 Oops! Yes.
Thanks for catching that.
I have heard he has a tanning bed in the White House. Excessive tanning causes the orange color.
Treatment with the anti-cancer drug Adriamycin (doxorubicin) also causes orange skin. Do you suppose he’s being treated for cancer?
I think Adriamycin can darken your skin. But not necessarily make it orange. Maybe depending on your natural skin tone?
Maybe the guy just really loves his carrots.
^But that wouldn’t answer why he’s white around his eyes.
Maybe he uses an eye cream?
Bad make-up job done to his specs, I think I heard he had both a hairstylist (bad comb over) and a make-up specialist (fake suntan) on the White House staff.
@raum Your response made me giggle. Our oldest loved carrots as a baby and his chin would have an orange tint. That was a nice memory for me just now. :)
I’m assuming that he’s over using a tanning bed. That would explain the perfect white circles around his eyes from wearing these little goggles that protect his eyes from going blind from the UV. It might also explain the orange tint to his skin. And, NO he doesn’t see what the rest of us can see because it has occurred gradually over the years & he’s used to it. He has NO ONE in his life that’s HONEST with him & even IF they were, he wouldn’t listen because he KNOWS that he looks good!!!
I believe it’s because he wants to be gold. Same with the hair. It’s not enough to want everything gold around him: he wants to look as if he were made of gold. An auto-Midas effect, if you will.
Yes, I really do think he’s that nuts.
@Jeruba Good answer. Something I had never thought of, but I can see him thinking that, because I do feel his hair is gold toned and not blonde.
I see here a listing of who puts importance on skin color, and who doesn’t care.
It is not color of the skin but the FACT; IT IS A BIZARRE orange hue.
Not a skin tone for most non Space Aliens.
Does that mean he really is from outer space ? ?
Looks like a real problem, people being so suspicious of someone over their skin color.
It not his skin color; it is his BAD make-up job ! Repeat it is not about color but HIS BAD MAKE-UP JOB ! !
I didn’t liked him even before he turned orange!!! He’s NOT a good person!!!
It’s not his real skin color so there’s no real problem here.
Why is Trump president is what I’d like to know.
He had an orange tint for months but after all the hoopla about it HE IS NO LONGER ORANGE. It’s over; in the past. He could come on tv as white as a sheet and thousands of people would say , “Mr Orange” is speaking.”
It is just another silly way to insult him .
Aster probably has a legitimate point, but these days, any current image of Big Orange can be readily doctored to display the tint which put him on the map. The orange hue, like it or not is Trump’s trade mark — like McDonald’s golden arches.
Thanks for the effort to be agreeable but I still say the “orange tint ” is a thing of the past. A video from the last month or two (link) I might change my mind. But, then, people often see what they wish to see. It solidifies their opinion in their own mind.
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@Aster I hope from your comment that, a Faith Based government is what you want? I mean if you are not a proven and devote Baptist you may be hounded by government into joining. Pence is a Christian Zealot. Here is an example of Christian Zealot!
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@Tropical_Willie I will let you know if and when our government starts hounding me into becoming a Christian murderer. Would they do this by snail mail or email? Come to my door with weapons drawn?
I am not a Baptist ; never even considered becoming one . Not sure why; maybe because when I did attend a large Baptist church I could just “feel” that they were sure only they had the truth. I didn’t like that. But I adored the hymns.
@Aster I wouldn’t feel too sad for Trump, he is a billionaire and the most powerful man in the country. If I call him a man without decency who runs the country as if it were his own private company I am not “screeching like a hyena” but simply stating the truth as I, and many others, see it.
I’m sure you haven’t done the hyena thing @flutherother . And you’re right that I shouldn’t feel too sorry for him. Just a little bit. Thanks.
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Tanning beds that use light don’t make you orange, they make you tan or burnt.
Fake tan can make you orange, some drugs can make you orange, bad foundation color can make you orange. Some days he isn’t orange.
My guess is he uses a fake tan that is too orange, but I don’t know that for sure. Peach undertones in the skin are very common in very pale skin, I tend to be on the peachy side. Back in the day the make-up line Prescriptives would make foundation that matched your skin, and they classified people with orange, pink, yellow, there might have been other colors too, undertones.
My guess, and I’m just guessing, is Trump thinks he looks good, just like tanarexics think they look good with their really dark, leathered, aged, skin. That group I sometimes say something to, because they possibly are killling themselves. If someone uses bad self-tanner, I don’t really care.
Make-up artists can easily change his skin tone even if he is orange from medication or some sort of condition, but it doesn’t seem he opts to do that.
More recently he rarely looks orange to me.
He’s trying to turn gold.
@Jeruba Checking the controls on my time machine…
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