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Dutchess_III's avatar

As a kid, have you ever gotten away with yelling at an adult?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 11th, 2018

And survived? I did, twice.

I was responsible for getting my two little sisters safely on the school bus after school. One day they never got on the bus. I was utterly beside myself, scared shitless. I was in 4th grade. When I got home no one was home. I frantically called the school because I didn’t know who else to call.
Turns out Mom had picked the little kids up for a dentist appointment and didn’t bother to tell me. I’m pretty sure I yelled at my Mom when she got home and didn’t even get in trouble for it! I was SO scared.

The 2nd time our neighbor’s had a pen full of little white puppies in their front yard. I was about…10. My sister was 7. Suddenly one of the puppies was writhing grotesquely with a broken neck, and then it died.
My sister cried that she didn’t do it, she didn’t do it.
Just then the neighbor lady came out and accused my sister of hopping over the pen and landing on one of the puppies.
I became enraged and snarled, “If she said she didn’t do it, she didn’t do it!!” I was amazed that my neighbor lady didn’t respond to me or trying to hang me from the nearest tree.
I thought about that incident a lot over the years, and finally came to the realization that, in fact, my sister HAD done it, albeit accidentally. It was the only thing that made sense.
In 2006, at my wedding reception, out of the blue, my sister confessed that she had done it. She was pretending to high jump, and did a scissor kick into the pen.
I put my arms around her and said, “I know. I’ve known for a long, long time. How horrible that must have been for you.”

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15 Answers

longgone's avatar

Probably once a week, on average.

Poor puppy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, it was a horrifying accident. But it was decades ago.

Lord, I never DREAMED of yelling at an adult except for those two times. The would have hung me out on the drying rack.

tinyfaery's avatar

Not as a kid, but as a teenager. When I reached 14 I decided that my parents weren’t worth listening to, so I yelled at my mom a lot. She refused to protect us from my dad and I always had choice words for her. I yelled at my dad once and I got punched in the head.

I never yelled at other adults though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Jesus. I’m sorry @tinyfaery.
As a teenager I yelled at my Mom once, with very good reason (she had some mental problems.) Oh, my dad just went off because where he’s from (the south) you do NOT disrespect your parents and you especially don’t disrespect your mother! I was frustrated to the point of tears with them both. I cried out to him, “But can’t you see what she did? Can’t you hear what she said? She was so wrong!”
Didn’t matter.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Exactly, I knew what I’d get if I back-talked or sassed.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

That depends. Yelling on the patriachs will get you beaten to a pulp, while yelling on the matriachs will generally only get you scolded. That is why it’s always dangerous to be disrespectful to men even if you’re just a kid (except your father, a patient father, for that matter) but don’t worry, the matriachs (or any female adults) will always be there to protect you from the danger. If you mean gotten away as in not getting an repercussion then yes, usually only with women.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Unofficial_Member Oh no not here, the mama’s do a lot of the discipline and they’re mean! Dad’s and grandpa’s can’t bear to hurt their little princesses.

ucme's avatar

I shouted sour puss, grumpy face at mummy’s butler one time coz he spilt my milk.
Reckon I got away with it coz he got fired while I got a fresh glass of the white stuff.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

@KNOWITALL Princesses only? That means princes are treated differently. Whoa, what a sexism.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@KNOWITALL I know and generally I agree. It just left me feeling so unprotected from her mental abuse.
Hell my Dad finally divorced her because of it. But he didn’t stick up for us.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And FYI my mother would be far more likely to hit us in anger than my father. In fact Dad never, not once, laid a hand on us in anger. He was a pacifist. Mom was a raging, angry narcissist.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

^^ I would like to think that men generally think that managing the household and disciplining the child belong to their wives’ domain. So men that never seem to lay a hand on their kids could simply delegating the deed to their mother, unless their patient is so low that they will decide to discipline the kids in a grown man’s way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh no. No. No. We had to “wait till your dad gets home!” He was in charge of the spankings. Sometimes we’d have to wait the entire afternoon in our rooms. That was the worst part. At some point I realized those spankings didn’t hurt at all. His heart wasn’t in it. He never initiated the swats. And then we had to go back to our rooms for a while to “think about it.”
Mom, on the other hand, was quick to fly off the handle in a blind rage. I guess we’re fortunate we didn’t get hit more often than the handful of times that we did. Her thing was throwing things while screaming like an out of control banshee. Far more abusive and frightening than the mild swats my dad administered.
One time the little kids stuck books down their pants. Dad pretended not to notice and swatted them on their little books. Then they scampered to their room giggling, LOL!

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Haha. That’s hilarious. We often forget that sometimes children’s cuteness can make them bypass their punishment.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dad just did not want so spank us!

One time my kids were eating some french fries I’d gotten at McDonalds. Instead of settling down and eating they were goofing around. I finally told them they were gonna get time out of they didn’t knock it off, because we had to leave pretty quick.
Then I went into another room. When I came back a moment later they were still at it, so I sent them to time out and left the room again. However…..from their time out spot they were giggling helplessly! I’‘m like, “WHAT? Time out is not FUN!”
I checked on them and they’d loaded their clothes up with French fries against the time they would find themselves in time out! Silly children! I had to laugh too.
I said, “Well, as soon as you’re done with your fries go get ready!”

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