Do we have any jellies in the path of Hurricane Florence?
Asked by
Mariah (
September 11th, 2018
Just want to extend best wishes to anyone affected by this storm. I was actually on vacation in Virginia Beach this week, so my friends and I evacuated today.
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56 Answers
Yupper Doodles,
Forecast is for Hurricane 1 or 2. We are about 120 miles inland from the coast. The wind forecast is 74 MPH to about 100 MPH.
This is not going to be a parade with pretty hats. I don’t ear pretty hats.
Rainfall up to 3 and half feet.
Charleston SC in the house…
I ain’t going anywhere. It’s a waiting game now. I’ll be sleeping, or swimming Thursday night…
Fuck it…...............
I’m worried about my fluther friends in the path.
@Mariah Thanks for starting this thread! I’ll be checking on this page.
(I am nowhere near the path – Western NY.)
Just moved all outdoor furniture to the screen porch, put trash cans in garage, BBQ equipment up against house, moved house plants from screen porch last night, lawn decorations laid down or in screen porch.
My brother and his family are in Raleigh, NC. I’m keeping in contact with him.
@tropical willie Good luck. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Same to you Mrgrimm888. Stay safe and report back here as you can.
My brother lives in Durham. Not sure how bad they’re likely to be hit, but he’s already on his way to Baltimore to stay with some friends. Wish he were coming here though. Nothing ever happens in northern Nevada.
Fucking thing is turning south! They never do that. Goddammit…
^Sorry, what does that mean exactly?
It means that I could be in DEEP shit Thursday night. Worst case scenario, the damn thing is going to stall too. That could put wherever it hits under cataclysmic storm conditions, for over 24 hrs. Usually, you just have to ride out the worst for like 5–10 hrs. There’s a possibility of a cat 5 sitting on one of the Carolinas’ coasts from Thursday night, until Saturday. The storm surge, and flooding from rains and changing tides will be catastrophic. People are going to die in this storm. That’s a fact…
I’m in the sad position of hoping it hits NC, and not me. I hate that…
The coast along the Carolinas, is shallow. A storm like this will push a lot of water in with it. They’ve been seeing waves over 80 feet tall around the storm, according to an article I read this morning. It won’t be just a certain height of storm surge. The surge will be alive, with swells and crashing waves. Floating debris will make swimming, or any traveling a deadly idea. Not to mention the debris flying around in the wind. A 2×4 traveling at 150 mph, can punch through siding on a house, like butter…
Oh. And there will likely be countless tornadoes…
This storm is the finger of God. If anyone knows anyone in it’s path, you can assume they will have a bad few months…
Another jelly I know is in the path and said he’d be offline a few days. He’s staying through it, too.
@MrGrimm888 Hey, you have a kayak, just make sure you and your dog are safe please! We may argue but wouldn’t want to lose you.
^I know. Things don’t look so good. I’m getting prepared for a battle. I’m talking to my friends and we’re formulating a plan.
You could liken us to a special forces group. We have a lot of experience, and although the storm will be a powerful foe, so will we. I am trying to get myself ready mentally, for what is possible…
This may be very challenging.
@MrGrimm888 My family in Florida just boards up and gets drunk, and frankly when I was in Mexico for Ivan, I did the same thing. :) If it goes bad, I wouldn’t have minded I guess…lol Good luck!
Oh. I’ve been steady drunk, since this storm has been coming. I had a bad feeling about this one. I usually get smashed during the storm. Especially when I had floods. I typically walk around during the storms, and drink. I spent one storm on a golf course, with a friend and a case of Icehouse.
Don’t think I’ll have the luxury with this storm. I’m in a new place . It’s higher than my old place. But I’m like 400 yards from a major river, and not really much further from the coast. I don’t have my canoe right now. I left it at a friend’s house a few months ago. I do have a life jacket, and a decent bug out bag . The rest is left to fate…......
@MrGrimm888 Is there not any way you can evacuate to somewhere safe?
I hope you’ll be okay.
@MrGrimm888 You could still just get the hell out of there.
^No. I can’t. I was late on my power bill, so I paid every last cent to them on the 10th. Because of the evacuation, I couldn’t get work. So. I spent my last on some food, and couldn’t find any gas. Just a victim of circumstances. I have enough gas to get maybe 35 miles. That’s a last ditch plan. I know it sounds stupid. But that’s how it is down here. There’s still a chance we get no weather. I couldn’t leave town for a week, and then have no money for bills. It’s just the way it is…
@MrGrimm888 Not trying to be a dick but in the future you need to work on having some resources set aside on reserve. Be it people, money, stored commodities…anything.
@MrGrimm You just take care of yourself bud.
AYKM . I have just recovered from the last storm, in October. It took all my resources to get security deposits, power, water. etc. I just got caught late on my power bill, and paid that Monday. I just didn’t have the way to earn money after the evacuation was ordered…
I’m not crying. Just explaining the circumstances.
I guess I should have moved further away, or to even higher ground. It’s definitely my fault….
I notice that we all have different approaches to storms.
In my case when a storm is coming I am 100% sober, fully dressed, with the car and truck filled with gasoline. I want to be firing on all cylinders if the need arises.
I wouldn’t think of drinking.
Heck, I even get up and dressed if there is a lightning storm at night. I want to be ready, just in case.
^This is why we call you McGyver.
@Lucky Living in tornado alley, I’m more of a fatalist. If God wants me, He can have me. Most people here don’t get too panicked, it always surprises me when people ask how we can live with the threat half the year. To me, its better chances than hurricanes, sharks and wildfires, not to mention landslides.
Severe weather is rare where I live but it still happens. In 2011 lemon size hail pretty well destroyed my house. I have a “panic room” set up in my basement where my wife and I can hide out in relative comfort. If I need to leave town I can grab a tote full of supplies and be gone in five min either on my truck or a dual sport motorcycle if traffic is an issue. The whole “prepping” thing has left a stain on emergency preparedness. It always surprises me how little people think about that sort of thing or the extent that some go to.
Do you know of any communities where the residents live on small, oceanic boats or areas where land sharks are a problem?
Do you think sharkicanes pose potential problems for people living on the east coast or near the Gulf of Mexico?
@Brian1946 LOL, No, I mean people going to the beach all the time with the possibility of being bitten. (As a landlubber in middle America, I’m fascinated with sharks btw)
Now a sharkicane meme was posted on fb but got removed because apparently people believed it. Kinda funny!
@KNOWITALL Fatalistic? Does that mean you don’t prepare at all? Do you have a supply of food available, just in case? Do you keep your car filled with gasoline – and some water bottles in the trunk? And a couple of lights with batteries. Hope so.
@LuckyGuy For a tornado? Nah…a few jugs of water stay in the back of the house, and a hatchet to cut myself out of any debris. Odds are 1 in 4,513,000 that you’ll be hit by a tornado, not too worried.
^^ gets hit by tornado tomorrow, find some wood to knock on..
I keep hearing that the hurricane could bring 40 inches of rain. That’s just crazy. I can’t even fathom that much rain. 40 inches is how much rain we get here in five years. To get five years worth of rain in a couple days must be insane. Hope it does not end up bringing that much.
^Yeah…. We got like 22 inches, in 24 hrs once. The water just has nowhere to go….
@KNOWITALL Even if the disaster does not strike me, I figure water, fuel, and food supplies are useful to help other people. When we lost power in the area I passed my generator around to 5 other homes! Tornadoes are so specific. They can take out one home and leave the house next door standing. Having supplies make it easy to help your neighbors.
We all should be ready. It costs us nothing.
@LuckyGuy Hungry, my neighbor has cattle, let’s butcher a cow, or a goat, or a chicken. We have fresh water streams a block away so we don’t have to ‘store water’. We also have lots of caves everywhere we can go to anytime, and tornado’s don’t normally touch a cave, so we don’t need a basement.
I was one of the only homes with power after the ice storm and supplied free coffee and put out a sign to help anyone else. Trust me, we’re good.
I really think @KNOWITALL probably has a better handle on what the threat levels are in her area, and how to deal with them. Although we go at it sometimes, it doesn’t occur to me that she doesn’t know how to best care for herself and her loved ones.
Same with @MrGrimm888. Pretty sure he knows what to do if his finances permit.
We all have access to the internet on this site, we all know how to access information.
”@KNOWITALL haha, I don’t live in fear. :)”
Keep telling yourself that, I’m sure you’ll be just fine. ;-)
@canidmajor . I know what to do. But no. Finances don’t give me many options. I will be riding the storm out in my home. I have a few plans for last resort. I may end up in prison, but it will be safe there….
@Brian FYI I’m a 45 year old woman and certainly dont need a couple men telling me how to survive life.
@MrGrimm888 As you said about an hour ago. ” Game on…”
We’ll be looking for you on the other side.
Good Luck!
Yep. Game on. Let’s light the fires, and drop the tires! Lift off!
Damn. I guess it should have been kick the tires, and light the fires….
Anyways, high a bit after midnight. Obviously every 6 hrs after. If I can get through those, that’ll go a long way to winning this….
Stay as safe as you can, @MrGrimm888, Hope you come out of this ok.
What makes me nervous is Mrs Squeeky is on a tour in China with her sister and they plan on going to Hong Kong, and there is a huge Hurricane heading that way,.
But Mrs Squeeky reassured me Hong Kong is the last leg of the tour and it’s not for another two weeks,and should be way over by that time,and if it’s to bad they will skip it, but they don’t want to.
We got very lucky here in Durham, NC.
Tornadoes are very different than hurricanes. My preparation for a tornado siren was check the news, if the scare was within a few miles, go into my tornado shelter.
For hurricanes, 2–3 days before the storm I fill my cars with gas, get a few hundred in cash, make bags of ice, focus on eating up my frozen food, but some canned food and snack food and fruit and veg that doesnt ripen and spoil quickly, make sure I have a few gallons of drinking water, test my bathtub that it holds water, make sure I have a flashlight or two working, or fake candles, put up hurricane shutters when I lived closer to the coast. A day to several hours before the first rain bands come though I bring in everything on my patio, fill my bathtub, and basically get ready to be bored until things start banging around outside.
I would never recommend being drunk as the winds increase. If people want to have a hurricane party that’s fine, but that’s usually done during the waiting period as the hurricane approaches. During the storm you need to be alert if something happens. I don’t mean you can’t sleep during the storm, I mean if something starts going wrong you need your faculties working well. In my opinion.
Anyone know how @MrGrimm888 is doing?
^Made it. Just got my phone back on. My new place did well.
@syz . I got pretty here lucky too. I don’t get to say that often.
@SQUEEKY2 . Most South/Eastern Asian countries are used to typhoons. Well. As much as you can be. There should be lots of large structures to shelter in as well. I stayed in a big hospital for a hurricane once. You couldn’t even tell it was raining out. Good luck to Mrs. Squeeky just the same.
Glad to see your OK @MrGrimm888 I face timed with Mrs Squeeky today and both she and her sister are not worried about ,but will keep abreast of any bad new in Hong Kong,to make sure power is ok and all the roads are passable.
^Good news. I bet they’ll be fine. They deal with the storms, like the Carolinas, and Florida do.
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