Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is something you like that most other people don't?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 12th, 2018

Or vise versa. Something you don’t like that most other people do.

The last three mornings I’ve been lulled back to sleep by chainsaws. I love the sound of chain saws.

Something I don’t like is the smell of coffee. It smells like skunk to me. I commented about that on Facebook once, and someone said there are chemicals that coffee and skunks have in common. So I looked it up.. The differences are subtle, but I picked up on them (after I quit smoking.)

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33 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I like flip phones, most people are in love with their smart phones.
I like manual transmissions in vehicles, most people love their automatics.
I like crank up windows in vehicles most people do not.

For the other side..

I hate texting, most people are absolutely nuts about it.
I can’t stand Facebook or Twitter most people just love them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like flip phones too.
I prefer manual transmissions too.
Crank up windows are OK, but I still prefer electric.

I like texting. I like any form of writing.
For that same reason I like Facebook.
I rarely check in with Twitter though.

gondwanalon's avatar

I love hard manual labor. I love to push my physical body beyond exhaustion.

I hate cilantro.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I like weird food combinations, or anything unusual I will definately try. And I adore kimchi and enjoy it all by itself.

I love going home at night and getting to spend the evening with only my animals, alone time. Many people hate being alone at night or alone too much, I have a recluse heart and enjoy my own company immensely.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why don’t you like snow @notsoblondanymore? Do you know that you’re heading to a place that has A FREAKING BLIZZARD 11 MONTHS OUT OF THE YEAR!! LOL!

I love manual labor too. @gondwanalon. I get frustrated because I can’t do what I used to be able to do.

Oh, I really hate trying new foods @KNOWITALL! But I like being alone too.

YARNLADY's avatar

I like “fake” flowers, because they don’t die. I have them all over my house.
I like nearly every kind of vegetable, including brussel sprouts.

I hate shopping.
I don’t like to wear shoes. I never wear, and don’t own high heels.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@YARNLADY Fake flowers=dust collectors….lol

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Hot, humid weather. I thrive when the temperature’s 95F/35C, and when the air is muggy.

chyna's avatar

@dutchess you asked what people like that others don’t. @notsoblindeanymore said snow. So she likes snow!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh! Good catch, @chyna! I actually asked two questions, didn’t I. Well it’s a good thing she likes snow!

stanleybmanly's avatar

I LOVE a good fruitcake.

chyna's avatar

I like chicken livers.

ragingloli's avatar

Furry Erotica.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Of Course! You would,would be shocked if you didn’t.^

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel Mmmm, me too!!! So do you enjoy Jaigermeister, too?

rebbel's avatar

@KNOWITALL I have tried it once, and liked the taste of it, but since that one time I haven’t drank it.

tinyfaery's avatar

I love really gory, violent horror movies. They gross me out and then make me laugh.

ragingloli's avatar

I like Ryona, too.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I like Wierd Al music. I don’t like oinions. I like Aaron Clearys advice on YouTube.

notsoblond's avatar

@Dutch No, I love snow! It seems everyone else hates it. oops, I see Chyna helped me out

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I take it you don’t have to work or drive in it @notsoblondanymore ??

notsoblond's avatar

@Squeek I drive my husband to work and back as well as take my son to school and back and run all the errands. I also enjoy shoveling snow.

notsoblond's avatar

@tinyfaery If you haven’t seen it yet you should watch Terrifier on Netflix.

kritiper's avatar


tinyfaery's avatar

@notsoblondanymore I’ll watch it this weekend.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like snow too! I love it when it kind of starts to melt and there is a little ice slush in water puddles. I love to stomp on the slushy water puddles!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I clicked on your IMBD link @notsoblondanymore . SCREAM!!!

Kardamom's avatar

I love spicy food. Most people around me won’t eat anything spicer than ketchup.

I love cruciferous veggies such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage. A lot of people seem to dislike these veggies, and prefer potatoes, and corn, and carrots much more. I like almost all vegetables except eggplant and okra.

I don’t like most sports, except for figure skating and gymnastics. I’d rather do laundry or clean the bathroom than to watch football, baseball, basketball, soccer, or golf.

I love going to thrift stores. I buy most of my clothes at thrift stores. Some people get wigged out by the idea of wearing previously worn clothing. Which is kind of funny, because even if I buy brand new clothes, once I have worn something once, it is previously worn clothing. I wash the clothes, so they are clean when I wear them.

I love Christmas music. Thankfully most people in my family love it too, but people outside of my family complain bitterly about Christmas music, especially when it’s played in stores. I love it.

I enjoy sorting and editing my photos. I think most people see that task as a chore.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Cruciferous” does not sound like a good kind of food!

Well, you and I just need to hang out @Kardamom! I love all those things too! Except not spicy curciferious foods.

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